

Read my warning to the Norwegian immigration Department about pro forma marriage. Pro forma marriage or marriage of convenience is a serious criminal offense in Norway.

Please help me translate the above sentence to Chinese



2015年1月 我的妻子现在已经被遣返回到中国!她的上诉被驳回,她被警察下令离开挪威。她试图欺骗警方拿到签证,在UDI女人的避难所称我虐待她。经过约6个月的个案工作,她被拒绝了,但她呼吁上诉挪威政府近一年。在这一年中我的妻子接到社会福利资金。这笔钱是5000支付一个房间,我的一个朋友的公寓。我的妻子并没有住在这个公寓。她与另一个区的男朋友住在一起,。挪威政府给了她5000每月支付一个房间里,她没有住!我的妻子的男友将前往中国和她结婚。

2014年2月 我妻子挪威长居的申请被否决了!警察并不相信她关于我虐待她的控诉。她会提出申诉以便继续留在挪威直到申诉也被驳回。她也会尝试尽快结婚以便于可以留在挪威。如果我妻子的申诉被驳回了她必须离开挪威,除非她能找到另一个人愿意同她结婚。现在我妻子正在绝望地寻找一个可以和她结婚的挪威男人,这样她可以继续留在挪威并挣钱。在2013年的六月到九月期间她同时有多个男友,

据我所知有5个,但是没有一个愿意和她结婚。 2013年的十月她终于找到一个男人愿意和她结婚,我妻子搬到这个男人的住处,在奥斯陆北部的Skedsmo,我妻子会和我离婚后马上和他结婚。据我所知我妻子觉得这个男人让她蒙羞,所以羞于向她的家人和朋友提起这个男人。因为他没有自己的公寓,也不会像我那样给她钱。(我之前每月给我妻子4000克朗零花钱)。她也因为我提出离婚并要求她返回中国而感到羞耻。我妻子用了一个在奥斯陆南面的位于奥斯的假的地址,以便于她在等待申诉结果期间能继续从政府那儿领到补助金。据我所知她每月从政府那儿领到12500克朗以维持她的生活开支,她一直在上挪威语课程直到2014九月20日。这是违背挪威的法律的。

2013年4月 我已经和我妻子离婚了!



Latest News!

Read my warning to the Norwegian immigration Department about pro forma marriage. Pro forma marriage or marriage of convenience is a serious criminal offense in Norway.

January 2015. My wife has now returned to China! Her appeal was denied and she was ordered by the police to leave Norway. She tried to get a visa by lying to the police, UDI and woman’s shelter claiming I had abused her. After about 6 months casework she was denied but she appealed. The appeal took the Norwegian government almost a year to decide. During this year my wife received social welfare money. I heard she was getting 12500 NOK. 5000 of this money was to pay for a room in an apartment of a friend of mine. My wife did not live in the apartment! She lived with her boyfriend in another district. The Norwegian government gave her 5000 a month to pay for a room where she did not live! My wife’s boyfriend will travel to China and marry her.


February 2014. My wife’s application for a Norwegian residence permit has been denied! The police did not believe her lies about me abusing her. She will appeal the denial and will be able to remain in Norway until the appeal is decided. She will also try to get married to someone as soon as possible so she can remain in Norway. If my wife’s appeal is denied she must leave Norway unless she can find another man to get married with. My wife is desperately trying to find a Norwegian man to get married to so she can remain in Norway and earn money.  Between June and September 2013 my wife had several boyfriends, according to my sources about 5, but none of these men would marry her.  In October 2013 my wife finally found a man who is willing to marry her. My wife moved in with this man in Skedsmo municipality north of Oslo. My wife will marry this man immediately after her divorce with me is final. According to my sources my wife is ashamed of this man and does not want to tell her family and friends about him because he does not own his apartment and he does not give her money like I did. (I gave my wife 4000 every month). She is also ashamed because I filed for divorce and asked her to return to China.

My wife is using a false address in Ås municipality south of Oslo so she can continue receiving government financial aid while her appeal is being decided. According to my sources my wife was receiving 12,500 Norwegian kroner a month to cover her living expenses. She has attended Norwegian language courses in Ås municipality until the 20th of June 2014. This is a violation of Norwegian law.


April 2013. I am divorcing my wife!

She has repeatedly lied to me and cheated on me. Her marriage to me had little to do with love. My wife’s reasons for marrying me was to gain a Norwegian residents permit, pay for her apartment that she could not all afford and to pay for her brothers gambling debts and car accidents.







一个俄罗斯女性Anna Medvedeva 被其丈夫谋杀的案例。很明显收留这个女性的收容所并不相信她关于家暴的控诉。她被告知她不能呆在妇女收容所,并且他们也不能帮助她。妇女收容所拒绝公开Anna的记录,因此我们不能了解到所有的真相。Anna和她两岁的儿子被她的丈夫绑架,手脚被捆绑,嘴被封住,她的丈夫把她放在车子的行李箱中,她打电话报警但是警察不能理解她的话。她 的丈夫把她带到了森林中一个偏远的地方,折磨了她两个小时。在这两个小时中,他用浸过酒精的抹布堵住她的嘴和鼻子,用瓶子打她的头部,用刀刺她的身体,最终把她杀死了。http://m.db.no/2014/05/06/nyheter/anna_medvedeva/drap/innenriks/krisesenter/33141497


Some people think it is quite acceptable for my wife to cheat and try to get a Norway residence permit by falsely accusing me of abusing her.


My goals with this page.

Misuse of the Immigration act Section 53b is of public interest!

The law needs to be changed! Immigration act Section 53 (abuse provision) is very easy to abuse. The processing time these cases are usually more than 6 months. During this time the woman becomes a social client and the Norwegian taxpayers must pay for housing, food, Norwegian language courses, job training, medical expenses, insurance, legal counseling, human translator etc.

Unfortunately there are some foreign women who are abused in horrific and disgusting ways by Norwegian men. Misuse of the abuse provision by lying and false accusations about abuse will almost certainly result in adjustments to the law. The results can be that the woman who really need and deserve the protection section 53 b provides will be rejected.

Here is a case about a Russian woman Anna Medvedeva who was murdered by her husband. Apparently the woman’s shelter did not believe everything that Anna told about abuse. She was told she could not stay at the woman’s shelter and they could not help her. The woman’s shelter refuses to release Anna’s Journal so we don’t know all the facts. Anna and her two-year-old son were kidnapped by her husband. Anna’s hands, feet and mouth were taped and he put her in the trunk of his car. She rang the police from the trunk of the car but the police could not understand her. He took her to a remote area in the forest and kept her captive for two hours. During these two hours he held a rag soaked in alcohol over her mouth and nose, hit her on the head with a bottle and stabbed her with a knife. Eventually he strangled Anna to death.


Violence, threats and sexual abuse in a family is not a private affair! Why should false claims about violence, threats and sexual abuse be a private affair?

When my wife chooses to go to the women’s shelter, she is making a very public statement that I have abused her. Many people, who previously were very friendly to me, now avoid me. Should I not defend myself against this wicked and untrue accusation?

The vast majority of Chinese people have very high moral and ethical standards. A person’s moral standard is mainly a result of peer societal disapproval or approval. Very few Chinese people will approve of my wife’s or her brothers conduct. I appeal to my wife’s friends and colleagues to do what they can to influence my wife and her brother to stop the attempt to obtain a Norway residence permit by falsely accusing me of abuse.

我的妻子是来自中国桂林。My wife is from Guilin China.

  这个事件的简短版本。 A short version of the case.  
  这个事件的详细版本。 A longer detailed version of the case.  
    Til min fraseparerte kone, 21.12.14 - Underlig at denne svindel ikke reageres på.
Mitt skriv til Utlendingsdirektoratet "Ang. Min kone" datert  06.05.2013
Noen kommentar til vedlagt Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo.
Supplerende opplysning til politiforklaring 25.09.13 ved politibetjent NN
vedrørende midlertidige oppholdstillatelse for borger av Kina (min kone) jf §53b. (Norwegian)
  移民法第53条(虐待条款) Immigration act Section 53 (abuse provision).  
  另外一些人认为我应该宽容,原谅我的妻子,不要再说我妻子的坏话,并且把整件事情都忘记。 Some people think it is quite acceptable for my wife to cheat and try to get a Norway residence permit by falsely accusing me of abusing her.  
  是我的妻子我打算离开时,她获得永久居留证?这是一个讨论的英语我在2012年9月开始的伪名的使用。 Is my wife planning to leave me when she gets a permanent residence permit? This is a discussion in English I started in September 2012 using a pseudo name.  
  向警方撒谎对我你会吃亏的 Lie to the police about me you will suffer the consequences!  
  所以你认为你是一个很好的家庭主妇! So you think you are a good housewife!  
  我发现了一个手写的信,我的妻子给我写信。 I discovered a handwritten letter my wife wrote to me.  
  在2012年2月,我的妻子在QQ上并且开始放声大哭。我问他怎麽了?   他拷贝了一些对话讯息并且寄给我。$$$$$ February 2012 my wife was on QQ and started crying a lot. I asked her what was wrong. $$$$$  
  我的妻子威胁要动用警力来取得她认为属于她拥有的财产部分。 My wife threatens to get the police to help her recover property she alleges is hers.  
  我妻子的弟弟的信。 My letters to my wife's brother.  

Read the angry email my wife's brother sent me 04.10.13

  给静萍兄弟的答复2013年10月6 Reply to brother’s letter 6 of October 2013. He is now saying I want to send his sister back in China because she has diabetes!! Ridiculous.  
  我妻子的妹妹,我的QQ专区发布以下 07.10.13。 My wife’s sister posted the following on my QQ zone 07.10.13.  
  我妻子的一个年轻的亲戚给我写了这样一封信 My wife's a young relative wrote me this letter  




2012年2月10日,她的弟弟出了车祸。他没有驾驶证,从他的公司借了一辆车,那次事故中他造成几个人严重受伤,可他居然抛弃了伤者,逃离了事故现场!事故之后,对伤者的赔偿和汽车的维修费用达到了250000 !他希望我和我妻子来帮助他对这种犯罪行为进行赔偿!他的名字是刘静川,他的出生日期是1971年3月12日。




我从来没有以任何方式虐待我的妻子!  我会尽我所能,以防止我的妻子从获得在挪威居留许可通过使用谎言,欺骗和虚假的指控。




A short version.

I’m now separated from my wife. Soon we will be divorced.  My wife came to Norway on a family reunification visa in July 2011.  I must renew her visa every year.  After three consecutive years, she gets a permanent residence permit. 

There have been many problems. Secret meetings with boyfriends, lies and deception, refusal to cooperate with the family counseling office, nondisclosure of financial affairs, doing things behind my back, flirting with boyfriends online are some examples.  She is no longer interested in building a future with me.  She is entirely focused on exploiting me to get a permanent Norwegian residence permit and making as much money is she can.

My wife’s brother, Liu Jing Chun born March 12, 1971, had a car accident around the 10th of February 2012. He borrowed a car from his company. He does not have a driver license.  He got in an accident and seriously injured several people.  He fled the scene of the accident abandoning the injured!  The compensation to the injured and reparation of the cars came to 250,000 yuan! My wife and I are expected to help pay for this criminal behavior.

April 2013 I told my wife I would not renew her residence permit.  I wanted her to return to China and fix her problematic financial affairs related to her apartment she cannot afford and her brother’s debts.  I also told my wife that while in China she should seriously consider if she really loved me and wanted to continue the marriage. When her financial affairs were satisfactorily under control we could apply for a new visa if we were to continue our marriage. She did not like this.  I told her I would continue paying her 4000 CNY a month and pay for her return to China. 

She asked me to buy a plane ticket to Guilin 4th of May 2013.  A friend of hers was also returning to Guilin on that day.  I bought the round trip ticket for 7.446 CNY.  Unfortunately someone has advised my wife to not to return to China. They advised her to move to the woman’s shelter and make false allegations that I had abused her!  Her brother is also encouraging her and giving advice about these false allegations. In Norway, a foreigner on a family reunification visa that has been abused in the relationship can get a lawyer to apply for a visa renewal.  The purpose of this law is to protect foreigners from sexual exploitation, physical or psychological abuse. The foreigner can then remain in Norway and work or receive social welfare while their application is being processed. Processing time can take up to six months.

I have never abused my wife in any way!  I will do what I can to prevent my wife from obtaining in Norway residence permit through the use of lies, deception and false allegations.









我们结婚后,她告诉我,到20122月,她需要偿还25万元!这对她来说是不可能的,因为她的月收入只有4000。 我以为这里面是不是有什么误会,因为这看起来不可能完成。有的时候谷歌翻译数字是错误的,也许应该是2.5万元而不是25万。而且她毕竟是在银行上班的,她应该知道自己有多少能力。然而随着时间的推移,我才知道了一些令人担忧的关于我妻子经济状况的问题。



我妻子在银行的月薪大约是3800元,她请的假期是不带薪的。我决定给她每个月4000元作为她不到工资的补偿。此外,我还包揽了她在挪威所有的开支——包括吃、电、出行等等。20117月和8月我们骑摩托车去了挪威、德国、瑞士、丹麦等地旅游。8月末,我妻子开始学习挪威语。9月的时候,我问我妻子她有没有像我之前强烈地、明确的要求的那样,停止在中国的炒股。她哭了,然后说她的股票被套牢了! 她又提到她还需要在20122月之前偿还25万元的银行贷款。


我向家庭咨询办公室作了咨询。在挪威,家庭咨询办公室是一个免费为遇到难题的家庭提供顾问和翻译的机构。最后,我和我妻子达成了一致,我借给她5万元,她将会在20125月的时候还给我。201112月,我们带着5万元从挪威来到了中国。 我给了她一半,不知道为什么她没有问我要剩下的25,她也没有偿还我.

我们结婚后,两性关系就像石头沉海一样跌入谷底。她说她每天都要在银行上班所以没兴趣做爱,她还说,等我们到挪威后,她不用工作了,我们的性生活应该会变好一些。事实上,20117月我们到挪威以后,性生活并没有任何改善。我觉得有部分原因是因为文化差异。虽然我63岁了,但是我曾经与前一个性伴侣有过非常和谐的性关系。我妻子的行为使我觉得她正与我背道而驰。我需要感觉到我妻子真正的愿意并乐意和我做爱。 在我看来,性爱并不只是一方为另一方服务,它不该是“给予”,也不该是成为倒垃圾或者扫地一样麻烦的事情或者任务和工作。我无法和充气娃娃做爱,也无法和一个正在打电话的人做爱,当然,也无法和把性爱当作是必须应付的任务的人做爱。











八月份的一个晚上,我妻子接到了玛莎打过来的一个电话。我不会说中文但是我听到他们的谈话里多次提及到附近一个游乐园的名字。随后电话就给了我,玛莎说她有一些游乐园的门票。一些中国朋友打算星期天19.08 2012.陪我妻子去游乐园。玛莎计划里没有邀请我一起去,即便是我在那里确实什么也不会玩。而且,他们到时候会在游乐园到处闲逛,说中文。玛莎问我行不行。我说没问题我不介意(难道我能说不吗?)。然后把电话给了我妻子。他们约定好周日去游乐场之后,就愉快的挂断了电话.





第二天早上我们两个去了她的医生那里,拿掉了她戴了24小时的血液压力计。 我让她自己付200克朗的医疗费用。



几天之后我和玛莎进行了一次长时间的谈话. 玛莎跟我说她怀疑我妻子最初嫁给我的动机。从我和玛莎的谈话中我了解到我妻子对我的态度一直都是消极和不信任的。我开始怀疑我妻子正在伪造我虐待她的证据。玛莎当时也在帮助其她的声称自己在家庭关系中被虐待的中国妇女。她帮她们逃至妇女收容所。





回复: 你好!

陈教师:您好!谢谢你的好意!星期天的活动我还是不参加了。今天早上,我去医院继续 测量我的血糖,现在我已经想好了,没什么大不了的事,从今后,我就象头一年这样过,自己最要紧做的事情就是学习语言。找到一份工作.

祝 好!代我向陈医生问好!

根据谷歌翻译: Chen teachers: Hello! Thank you for your kindness! Sunday I still do not participate in the activities. This morning, I went to the hospital to continue to measure my blood sugar, I've thought, no big deal from the future, and I like the head a year this way too, the most important thing to do is to learn the language. To find a job.

Best wishes! On behalf of Dr. Xiang Chen I say hello!

根本没有提到我!问题是上面的文字很显然被编辑过,因为大部分字体都是宋体的,但文本的末尾部分“找到一份工作.”的自己居然是Times New Roman! 而且我虽然不懂英语但是我相信这个标点应该是“。”而不是“.”?






祝 好!代我向陈医生问好!

根据谷歌翻译:Chen teachers: Hello! Thank you for your kindness! Sunday I still do not participate in the activities. Surface, he answered you, and my heart is very unhappy. You pass the phone on me angry, he said, why did not he votes? That you do not like him. And so on. . . .This morning, I went to the hospital to continue to measure my blood sugar, the cost of a few hundred dollars, he told me to pay. This is obviously upset. Things I've thought, no big deal, from the future, and I like the head a year so too, the most important thing to do is to learn the language. To find a job. With work everything themselves.

Best wishes! On behalf of Dr. Xiang Chen I say hello!












“我是不愿意去办公室的。我认为我们之间没有问题” (I do not want to go to the office. I think that there is no problem between us)”。










我的回答是: 这是因为她会用我的充值卡打电话给她在中国的兄弟!那会非常昂贵!我之所以不想让他按手机上的按键,是因为她不认识挪威语中的“删除”、“呼叫”、“呼叫转移”、“回复”等词语。她可能以为这里和中国一样用手机是非常便宜的,而误解我是在限制她。









1. 我和玛莎联系过几次,且有一次差不多跟她在电话中聊有2个小时之久;

2. 我妻子和玛莎之间的谈话已经被一些人用他们的母语中文讨论过了;

3. 我一直在与一些了解我妻子的人保持联系;

4. 我了解我妻子,并且经常试着去读懂她或者看穿她的一些行为;
































与第53章有关的虚假指控,包括通信、笔记、和其它信息,即便是你没有参与,也将会成为最直接的证据移交给警方,移民当局(UDI),妇女收容所 (Krisesentersekretariate og Krisesenteret i Follo),和所有相关的公共机构。而且,我还会尽我所能,将此事披露在独立媒体上面,比如博客、YouTube等等。





Haugenveien 37

1400 Ski




















A longer detailed version.

I was introduced to my future Chinese wife in 2010.  The person who introduced her to me told me she worked in a bank, was a well-known singer and had two houses.  She wanted to meet a foreigner and immigrate to the west.  I was interested in Chinese women.  I have some problems with Norwegian women.  Approximately 25% of the Norwegian women in my age group are smokers.  I believe that percentage is very much higher in the group of available (not married) women.  I hate smoking.  I will not be together with a woman that smokes.  Of the remaining nonsmoking women a large percentage are fat.  I do not find fat women sexually attractive.  (It is terribly unfair because I am a bit fat myself!) Of the remaining nonsmoking women that are not fat, many use alcohol excessively.  I don’t mind moderate alcohol use but I despise drunken people.  I grew up in the USA and I never have accepted the Norwegian drinking culture. I don't find social settings than include drunken brawls, arguing, fighting, and people drinking so much that they pass out vomiting and urinating on themselves any fun. Of the remaining nonsmoking women that are not fat and are not drunks a good percentage are mentally unstable.  I have worked as a nurse for nearly 40 years with retarded, psychotic, mentally unsound and crazy people.  I’m retired now and I do not wish to marry one. 

My wife spoke very little English so most communication was through the Google translator – for what it’s worth.  I spent a total of about eight months living with her and her mother and son in a large apartment in a guarded neighbourhood.  We got married February 2011.  I have always been well aware that her primary reason for marrying me was to immigrate to the west and perhaps have a better life.  However she was very nice and took good care of me.  I believe she loved me in the beginning.  Our sexual relationship was not very good.  Once she answered the telephone while we were having sex! Hopefully our sexual relationship would improve when we learned to communicate better. 

She mentioned she had monthly payments on a bank loan on her apartment. On Skype she wrote:

 “I have a plan, you need not worry.”

After we got married, she told me she had to pay 250,000 yuan by February 2012!  This is impossible to do because she only had a monthly income of 4000.  Because it seemed impossible I assumed there was some misunderstanding.  Sometimes the google translator translates numbers incorrectly.  Perhaps it was 25,000 and not 250,000.  And after all she works in a bank; certainly she knows what she’s doing.  As time went on I learned some disturbing facts about my wife’s financial situation. 

I found out she was gambling on the Chinese stock market! She had lost money.  I was extremely alarmed when she told me she was trying to “win lost money back” by continued gambling in the stock market!  I pleaded with my wife to stop all gambling in the stock market and sell all her stock – even if it meant a loss.  I found out my wife’s job in the People’s Bank of China was not at all related to financial affairs!  My wife’s job was to take photographs and video.

We came to Norway in the beginning of July 2011 on a family reunification visa.  The visa is for one year only and must be renewed every year.  After three years my wife can get a permanent residence permit.     

My wife’s income at the bank was about 3800.  She took a leave of absence without pay. I decided to give her 4000 every month to compensate for loss of income.  In addition I pay for all living costs here in Norway – food, electricity, travel etc. In August and July we took several trips with the motorcycle here in Norway and Germany, Sweden and Denmark.  At the end of August my wife started taking Norwegian language class.  In September I asked my wife if she had stopped gambling in the Chinese stock market as I had previously strongly recommended.  She began to cry and said her stocks were now untradeable!  She also said she must pay the bank 250,000 for the loan on her apartment by February 2012.

I was tempted to borrow 250,000 from my own bank and give to her.  I decided against it because it was apparent that she was incompetent and irresponsible regarding financial affairs.

I made an appointment with the family counselling office.  The family counselling office is a free service in Norway providing counsellors and translators for families that are experiencing difficulties.  At the meeting we reached an agreement that I would lend her 50,000.  I was to be paid back sometime in May 2012.  We went to China in December 2011 with 50,000.  I gave her 25,000.  For some unknown reason she never asked me for the other 25,000.  I have still not been paid back.

Our sexual relationship sunk like a stone shortly after we were married.  She said she was not interested in sex because she had to work in the bank every day.  She said our sex life would be much better when she got to Norway and did not need to work.

After arriving in Norway July 2011 our sexual relationship continued to decline.  I believe this to be partially a result of cultural differences. I am 63 but I have had fully satisfactory sexual relationships with previous woman.  My wife was doing things that turn me off.  I need to feel that the woman actually wants and enjoys sex with me.  Sex should not be something that one person does for another person. Sex should not be “given”. Sex should not be an inconvenience or a chore or job like taking out the garbage or sweeping the floor. I cannot have sex with a plastic doll.  I cannot have sex with somebody who is talking on the telephone. I cannot have sex with someone who considers it a chore for a duty they must endure.

Much of the problem had to do with communication and my wife was not learning to speak Norwegian as fast as expected.  We needed someone who spoke good Chinese and understood the cultural differences between the east and the west. Preferably a professional person with experience and training with couples that have such problems.  A doctor, therapist or psychologist.  A professional is legally bound to confidentiality.  This professional would need to get to know Jing and me.  Not all men in the west are the same.  Not all Chinese women are the same. This professional would eventually be able to give me valuable advice about my wife. Maybe I am doing things she does not like. Maybe I am not doing things she likes. This professional would eventually be able to give my wife valuable advice about me.

I searched on the Internet and found a Chinese doctor in Norway.  He was educated in China and worked at the Shanghai International Mother and Child Health Care Hospital where he did research on contraception and aspects related to IUD.  He had been practicing as doctor in Norway since 1984.  He would certainly be qualified to give advice about sexual matters.  He would be able to help by explaining to both my wife and I some of the cultural differences between the east and the west regarding sexual behaviour. 

My wife adamantly refused to have anything to do with this doctor.  She said it was too embarrassing.  Strangely she suffers no embarrassment at all discussing our sexual problems with her brother, sister, Chinese people she meets in Norway or Chinese people online.  Non-professional Chinese persons with no legally binding confidentiality agreement.  What kind of advice will my wife get from non-professional Chinese people with her biased presentation of the problem? Will she get good advice from people who have the same cultural background as she? It is like talking to a mirror. I do not believe my wife presented the problem to these people in a constructive way. If my wife presents the problem to others as a form of complaint she will certainly receive bad advice. They will of course agree with her and say it is your husband’s problem, not hers. Notice I write “our sexual problem”. It is not her problem alone. It is not my problem alone. It is our problem. A sexual relationship is what binds a man and a woman together.

The consequences of an unsatisfactory sexual relationship are often that a person eventually gets attracted to a person outside the relationship. This is certainly a problem for both of us. It can also result in suspicion and mistrust. I am annoyed by all her complaints to just about everyone my wife talks to about my alleged abusive control. For example claiming I do not allow her contact with male students. I have no objections against my wife’s contact with other men. I do have very strong objections if such contact is intentionally kept secret with deception and lies. More about that later in this letter.  My wife would certainly have objections if I had contact with a women that was intentionally kept secret from her.  Divorce is also a likely consequence and that is indeed a problem for both of us.

As mentioned before, my wife's visa must be renewed once a year.  During the winter of 2012 I had very serious doubts about renewing my wife’s visa.  Our sexual relationship was not satisfactory and my wife adamantly refused to take any steps to improve.  My wife refused to stop gambling in the stock market.  My wife refused to sell her large apartment in a guarded neighborhood near the seven star park and buy a cheaper one that she can afford.  More than half my income was being sent to China!  Her financial situation in China seemed a permanent crisis. I have heard many conversations between her and her brother and of the people regarding her financial situation.  I don’t understand Chinese but these conversations were definitely not happy conversations.  The conversations were characterized by arguing, desperation, resignation and depression.  My wife often had tears in her eyes.  My wife’s brother is involved in gambling and other high risk financial acrobatics.

My wife's brother Liu Jing Chuan QQ 1411397741

A new crisis regarding her brother occurred around the 10th of February 2012.  He borrowed a car from his company.  He does not have a driver license.  He got in an accident and seriously injured several people.  He fled the scene of the accident abandoning the injured!  The compensation to the injured and reparation of the cars came to 250,000!  In addition he faces criminal prosecution.

He also borrowed 30,000 from a woman at the beginning of 2013.  He cannot pay the money back and hid from the woman like a coward.  The woman contacted my wife.  My wife must pay the woman in installments.

Because of my wife’s reluctance to get help from the family counseling office or any other professionals I had pretty much decided I would not renew her visa in 2012.

Foreigners on a family reunification visa are required to take Norwegian language courses and social studies.  The teacher for social studies was a woman named Martha from Taiwan.  Martha was a nurse and had been in Norway since 1971.  Perhaps this Martha could help to save our marriage.  Because of Martha I decided to renew my wife visa in 2012.

We started visiting Martha quite often. I don’t think Martha liked me very much in the beginning. Many of the problems in our relationship were partly due to the language barrier.  We started using Martha as an interpreter and Martha gave us advice on some marital problems! In fact Martha persuaded my wife to cancel an appointment I had made with the Family counseling office with an interpreter and use her instead! Martha said the Family counseling office could not be trusted to keep matters confidential!

One evening in August my wife received a telephone call from Martha. I don’t speak much Chinese but I heard the name of a nearby amusement park several times. The phone was given to me. Martha says she has some tickets to the amusement park. The plan is that my wife and some other Chinese persons that we’re friends with shall accompany her to the amusement park on Sunday 19:08.12. Martha did not plan that I should come along. No point that I accompany if I do not do anything there (go on rides). Moreover, they will go around and speak Chinese.  Martha asks if this is ok. I said its ok I don’t mind. (Well, what else could I say?) I give the phone back to my wife. The conversation ends in a good tone with an agreement to go to the amusement park next Sunday.

I wrote the following in the Google translator: I do not think Martha likes that I always accompany you. One time Martha suggested to me that you should take the bus and train to her home instead of me driving you there and accompanying you. She said taking the bus would help you learn Norwegian!

My wife became immediately enraged and began to write down on a paper what was on the Google translator.  It was almost like she was collecting evidence for some sort of crime!  I asked her what she was doing. She refused to answer. I wrote that she must have totally misunderstood. She goes over to the telephone with the transcript and means to call Martha. I wrote that she should reconsider. She eventually puts down the phone. I wrote the following on the Google translator:

"I have absolutely nothing against you participating! I have no plans for Sunday.

I think it would be good for you to go. I think it is ok for you to be together with other people without me present.

If you decide not to go I do not want to hear in the future that I refused you! I do not want to hear in the future that it was my fault you did not go. I am not a bad person." 

My wife then said she will not go because of the sun. (She does not like too much sun) I say she can take an umbrella and that I really think she should go.

The next morning we went to her doctor to remove the blood pressure meter she has had for 24 hours. I asked her to pay the 200 kroner doctor bill.

The reason I asked her to pay is this.  A few weeks previous she insisted I drive to her doctor to obtain certification in English that she has diabetes Type 2. She believes this will help her pension issue with her employers – Peoples Bank of China. The certificate cost me 250 and 2 trips to her doctor. I do not believe this document will have any impact whatsoever on her pension issue. Consequently it is a waste of (MY) time and money. Also I was a bit fed up with her bickering about her desire to buy a mobile telephone for 6000 +, desire to spend money (15000) to bring her son to Norway for less than 2 weeks. She has worked in a kindergarten and received money. I pay for nearly everything. She has over 40.000 yuan in her account and can afford 200 for her own doctor!

When we got home from her doctor she was furious and went straight to the computer and wrote an email to Martha. Her computer is right next to mine. She seemed very angry while she wrote. After she sent the mail I asked her if she was writing about the amusement park and if she was writing anything about me. She refused to answer. Eventually she said she wrote to Martha to inform that she was not going to the amusement park because of the sun. She denied that she had written anything at all about me. She refused to translate the mail or send me a copy.

I had a long talk with Martha a few days later.  Martha told me she had doubts about my wife’s motive for marrying me.  From the conversation with Martha I understood that my wife had been talking in a very negative and untruthful way about me.  I began to wonder if my wife was fabricating false evidence of an abusive relationship.  Martha at that time was helping another Chinese woman who claimed she was an abusive relationship. Martha helped this woman flee to the woman’s shelter.

Martha said there was nothing in my wife’s letter about me and she would forward my wife's mail if I wanted!

I ignored her offer but I found it quite surprising and a bit unethical that Martha would forward, without my wife’s knowledge or permission, the letter my wife refused to let me read! Martha is a teacher and a Nurse and is acting, albeit unofficially, as an interpreter and to some extent as a marriage counselor!

Instead of having the mail forwarded behind my wife’s back I wrote a letter to my wife regarding this mail and other things that I wanted Martha to translate for my wife. Martha came to our home and we talked about my letter. Martha said, in front of my wife, that she would forward my wife’s mail tomorrow! My wife said nothing in protest. I thought – Wow! Martha is actually going to forward the mail that my wife refuses to show me!? Why doesn't my wife just show it to me? Next day I received a mail from Martha but with the text of my wife’s mail pasted in the mail. I replied “Can you forward the actual mail including headers to me. This mail appears much shorter than the one I saw her write.”

Martha replied “I deleted the mail she wrote. All I have is a copy from the reply I sent her.”

Subject: Re: 你好!

陈教师:您好!谢谢你的好意!星期天的活动我还是不参加了。今天早上,我去医院继续 测量我的血糖,现在我已经想好了,没什么大不了的事,从今后,我就象头一年这样过,自己最 要紧做的事情就是学习语言。找到一份工作.



According to the Google translator: Chen teachers: Hello! Thank you for your kindness! Sunday I still do not participate in the activities. This morning, I went to the hospital to continue to measure my blood sugar, I've thought, no big deal from the future, and I like the head a year this way too, the most important thing to do is to learn the language. To find a job.

Best wishes! On behalf of Dr. Xiang Chen I say hello!

Nothing written about me at all! Problem is the above text appears to have been edited. Most of the text is the Chinese font SimSun. The period at the end of this text “找到一份工作. ” is Times New Roman! I don't know Chinese but I believe the period should be “ ” and not “ . ”?

I wrote the following to Martha


The mail you sent 15.09.12 was edited. All that was written about me was removed. You have involved my wife in a lie. Your unethical behavior has been harmful to our marriage and I still have not decided what to do about it. You can take that as a warning. It is my wish and hope that we never have anything to do with you ever again.”

Martha wrote a new reply stating again that she had deleted my wife’s mail but the reply was actually a forwarding of my wife’s original mail!! I think Martha made another mistake!


陈教师:您好!谢谢你的好意!星期天的活动我还是不参加了。他表面回答你,心里是很不高兴地。他与你通完电话,就对我生气了,他说,为什么没有他的票? 说你不喜欢他。等等。。。。今天早上,我去医院继续测量我的血糖,几百块钱的费用他叫我付了。这是很明显的不高兴。现在我已经想好了,没什么大不 了的事,从今后,我就象头一年这样过,自己最要紧做的事情就是学习语言。找到一份工作。有了工作一切自己做主。


According to the Google translator: Chen teachers: Hello! Thank you for your kindness! Sunday I still do not participate in the activities. Surface, he answered you, and my heart is very unhappy. You pass the phone on me angry, he said, why did not he votes? That you do not like him. And so on. . . .This morning, I went to the hospital to continue to measure my blood sugar, the cost of a few hundred dollars, he told me to pay. This is obviously upset. Things I've thought, no big deal, from the future, and I like the head a year so too, the most important thing to do is to learn the language. To find a job. With work everything themselves.

Best wishes! On behalf of Dr. Xiang Chen I say hello!

Martha has removed all the text referring to me. The first part of the mail could be just a normal misunderstanding. However I do not believe my wife actually believes I had objections to her going to an amusement park with friends.  I was not at all angry.  It seemed to be an attempt to create false evidence of an abusive and controlling relationship but I just could not believe it.  The letter does not give the impression she is interested in a family with me. The letter made me think that her primary goal was a permanent residence permit.

In any case it is beyond the shadow of a doubt that my wife several times lied to me and in cahoots with Martha attempted to deceive me.  This did great harm to our marriage. A marriage should be based on mutual love, trust and honesty.

The following event caused even greater damage.


My wife goes to Norwegian class in Ås a village 12 km south of our home here in Norway. I drive her every day. There is another village Ski 3.5 km to the east that has a school for foreigners but it is in another district. Sometimes these two schools have activities together. There are several Uyghur refugees. One is a doctor and is quite friendly. He has a wife and child back in China. Last spring he bought a used motorbike and came and visited my wife and I. The bike had, among other things, no lights and he did not have a license. He was unaware of the strict Norwegian laws. We put the bike in my van and drove to his home to avoid him getting a heavy fine. He lives alone in an apartment 1.3 km north east of Ski the village 3.5 km to the east of my home behind the hospital,. The other Uyghur refugees are not so friendly and one of the students told me that she was talking to him, the doctor, and she later heard the other Uyghurs criticizing him for talking to a woman. I believe they are Sunni Muslims.

Sunday, 02 September 2012 at approximately 10:30 my wife said she wanted to ride the bicycle to Ski the village that is 3.5 km to the east of us and back to exercise. She has occasionally bicycled in the neighborhood. I worry a little because the bike is old and the chain sometimes comes off. Also she is not at all familiar with traffic conventions in Norway.

She made a point of showing me a bottle of water she would take and a small purse she would use to carry the water bottle. I thought it was a little strange because there is a holder for a water bottle on the bike. Also it was not all that hot and 7 km on flat terrain is not all that much.

At approximately 12:00 I began to be uneasy. The village is small and like a ghost town on Sunday. All the shops are closed. Maybe the bike is punctured or damaged perhaps there has been an accident! Perhaps she is lost! She has been known to faint with strenuous exercise. I drove to the village with my motorbike but she was nowhere to be seen. I drove to the hospital. At the hospital I met her leaving the residence of the Uyghur refugee. She seemed quite embarrassed and surprised. She opened the small purse and took out the certificate from her doctor confirming that she has diabetes indicating that the purpose of her visit with the refugee was to get his help to translate the certificate. This is totally ridiculous. The certificate has only one (1) sentence in English "I confirm that this patient has the diagnosis Diabetes II" has been translated with Google translator and thoroughly explained to her by me, and Martha whom is a nurse! This is obviously just a pretext for contacting the refugee. If I saw her taking the certificate with her I would probably have asked her why she would take a certificate with her on a bicycle ride to exercise. This problem was solved by hiding the certificate in the purse and showing me the water bottle.

It is quite clear that my wife tried to keep her contact with this man hidden from me by the planned deception and lies. I did not want to talk too much about it or ask questions because that can just lead to more lies. I asked her to call Martha but she was not available.

The next day, Monday, 03 September 2012, I had a meeting in Oslo at 10:00 AM. I doubted that I was back in time to drive my wife to school in Ås, the village 12 km to the south. She figured it would take her 40-45 minutes to bicycle to school that started at 12:15. She must first bicycle 3.5 km to Ski, the village to the east and then 12 km to Ås the village to the south. We agreed that she would start to bicycle to school if I was not back at 11:15. I went to Oslo at 09:10. The meeting finished early and I was home again at 10:55. My Wife had already left! I drove to Ski the village to the east and met her on the EAST SIDE OF THE ROAD. She should have been on the WEST side! She claimed that she had left home 10 minutes earlier. This makes me wonder if she was visiting him again.


What should I do?  I have a wife that is a liar.  I have a wife that I cannot trust.  I have a wife that is not interested in a sexual relationship with me and is apparently trying to cheat on me with other men.  She seems to be trying to fabricate evidence of an abusive relationship in cahoots with Martha.  She will most likely leave the marriage as soon as she gets a permanent residence permit in Norway.

Actually this point I wanted to divorce my wife and get her to return to China.  I was 100% sure she was lying to me.  But I was not 100% sure about some of the other things above.  Also if she refused to return to China I could have a problem lasting possibly until next July 2013.  Therefore I decided to try to repair the relationship.

I established contact with people in her social network, including persons in China, to gain knowledge and advice.

With considerable resistance I convinced my wife to accompany me to the Family counseling office with an interpreter.  She wrote the following in the google translator:

我是不愿意去办公室的。我认为我们之间没有问题” (I do not want to go to the office. I think that there is no problem between us). 

We had had a total of six meetings with Family counseling office with an interpreter.

I wrote an account of one of the meetings, 12.12.2012 with my comments added.


Partial account of the meeting with the Family counseling office 21.11.12 – some clarifications and reflections.

Regarding legally bound confidentiality.

I informed about the reason for canceling the appointment with the Family counseling office 09.07.12.  Sunday evening 08.07.12 my wife and I had a visit from Martha and her husband.  Martha is the teacher for the two week social studies class that Chinese immigrants are obliged to participate in. After Martha and my wife had talked a lot together in Chinese, Martha told me that we could not trust the Family counseling office to adhere to the legally binding confidentiality agreement. This was particularly regarding the Chinese interpreter. Rumors could circulate in the Chinese environment in Norway. Martha suggested we used her as an interpreter and mediator instead of family counseling. I thought that it was almost inconceivable that family counseling or interpreter would not comply with their statutory duty of confidentiality.

The counselor and Chinese interpreter assured that they would comply with their statutory duty of confidentiality.

My wife said she really did not see any need for assistance from family counseling "whatsoever". She said we had no major problems in the marriage. Upon request, she mentioned a few problems.

1.    The cats and the house's condition when she arrived.

My answer: I have been 100% honest with my wife about my cattery from the very beginning. She has seen many pictures and videos of my cats. While I was in China, much of the period between October 2010 up July 2011 a homeless person stayed at my home and looked after the cats. He has not used the shower or washing machine during this period! He has not cleaned the house during this period.  I give my wife 4,000 each month as compensation for housework.  In addition she earned 40,000 from the sale of kittens.


2.    My wife said when she came to Norway I always asked her who she was calling on the telephone. She claims that I did not want her to touch my mobile phone.

My answer: This is because she would call her brother in China with my prepaid card!  That would be extremely expensive!  I did not want her to press the keys on the mobile phone because she did not know the Norwegian words for "delete", "call", “call forwarding”, “reply”, etc.  She may have misinterpreted me as being very restrictive for in China it is very cheap to use mobiles.


3.    I refused to buy her a Chinese computer when we were in China.

My answer: This is completely wrong. I certainly had some objections.  It is not significantly cheaper to buy a computer and China than in Norway. There is a problem with warranty. The Chinese version of Windows sold in China is missing some features because of Chinese censorship laws. Keyboard is identical to the western keyboard. Last but not least, she should learn Norwegian words like "delete", "save", "save as", "cancel" etc.


4.    I denied / prevented her from singing cf. email from Helene 18.05.12.

My answer: This is not correct. An obvious misunderstanding. She did not understand the Norwegian in the e-mail.  It had nothing to do with singing.


5.    My wife said she felt controlled.  She cannot go alone anywhere. She says she has no friends in Norway.

My answer: This is exactly as I experienced it in China! I could not speak or read Chinese. No one spoke English. I could not take public transportation or taxi alone. I could not go shopping alone. I was completely at the mercy and control of my wife!  It was actually worse for me! No free Chinese course for me. No help for me with work and integration like my wife gets from the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration.


I explained that there have been some incidents late summer and autumn, some involving Martha, which I found shocking and very disappointing.

In light of this I have made ​​some observations.


1. I have corresponded a bit with Martha and on one occasion spoke nearly two hours with her ​​on the phone.

2. My wife's correspondence with Martha is evaluated by several people with Chinese as their mother tongue.

3. I have been in contact with other sources who know my wife.

4. I know my wife and often manage to “read" her / see right through her.


My wife's correspondence with Martha contains text that can be interpreted to mean that my wife is planning to leave me as soon as she learned the language, got a job and a permanent residence permit in Norway. The correspondence between my wife and Martha describes me in a very negative way and contains statements that are not correct. I have heard that my wife has expressed dissatisfaction with the marriage to Martha and others.

I married my wife because I wanted a permanent marriage based on mutual love, trust, loyalty and honesty. I wanted to build a future with her. I said that at the last meeting and repeat it in writing. If my wife wants a divorce, I will not oppose it. I'll pay her return journey to China and will help to ensure that her property be sent back to China. I will not submit a claim for division of community property acquired after marriage.


Some of the negative comments and accusations have no basis in reality and this makes me wonder if this is a strategy in terms of the Immigration Act, Section 53 letter (b).


Section 53 Continuation of a residence permit on an independent basis

A foreign national who holds a residence permit pursuant to section 40 or section 41 shall upon application be granted a new residence permit on an independent basis if:

(b) cohabitation has ceased, and there is reason to assume that the foreign national or any children have been abused during the cohabitation relationship.

I know a Chinese woman who has been in the woman’s shelter with her son due to alleged psychological abuse cf.  Section 53 above.  Martha has been heavily involved in this case with advice and other assistance. Martha's involvement in this matter may well be honorable but her involving my wife in lies, and Martha’s falsification of e-mail is completely reprehensible.  Such behavior from a nurse and teacher of the social studies class immigrants are required to attend is disturbing. Martha said she was unsure about my wife's motives to marry me.


I dislike strongly making warnings or threats, particularly aimed at those who are close to me. This may have caused me to express myself in an unclear less understandable matter at the previous meeting so I repeat it in writing here.

I will not tolerate any lies, false information or false allegations about me to the police or any other public authority. I am willing to devote significant resources to dealing with people who make false allegations. False claims about abuse to public authorities with the intention of obtaining unlawful stay in Norway will lead to immediate petition for divorce.

Elimination of a false section 53 case as a parachute is a prerequisite for further constructive work with our relationship.

If my wife sincerely believes that she has experienced events that can be described as some form of abuse this must be taken seriously. I think it is appropriate with a professional evaluation of my wife to determine if she has been the victim of some form of abuse.

It was agreed upon at the meeting that it was desirable to continue with assistance from family counseling.


Richard Norton

Copy to: Martha Chan Tsai


In addition to the copy of the above account from the meeting I wrote the following email to Martha.


E-mail to Martha Tsai Chan

Subject; kindly refrain from any further involvement in this affair.


Martha Tsai Chan

As you can see from the report from the meeting my wife and I had at the family counseling office we are trying to save our marriage.

As you know my wife renews her visa each year. After three years she will be eligible for a permanent residence permit.

You are of course aware of section 53 in the Immigration Act (utlendingsloven) which gives a foreign national an opening to apply for a visa when “cohabitation has ceased, and there is reason to assume that the foreign national or any children have been abused during the cohabitation relationship.” 

Some of the communication between you and my wife appear to be a strategy to fabricate false evidence of psychological abuse on my part.  One concrete example is an e-mail my wife sent to you 16.08.12 which contained false allegations and very negative remarks about me which my wife refuses to let me read.

I sent you an e-mail 18.08.12 about her e-mail and the contrived conflict regarding your invitation to the Tusenfryd amusement park. You also mentioned in our telephone conversation 24.08.12 that you were unsure of my wife’s motives for marrying me. You claimed that there was nothing negative about me in the e-mail and quite to my surprise offered to forward the e-mail my wife refused to let me read! I overlooked your offer.

During a discussion 14.09.12 regarding, at least one, meeting with a man which my wife attempted to hide from me you again offered to forward her mail to me. You sent me a copy of my wife’s e-mail where all the negative remarks about me and her motives for coming to Norway were removed. You then lied to me when I asked you to send the entire e-mail including headers. 

Your behavior in connection with this affair is highly unethical. One of her remarks could be interpreted such that her primary intention is not family reunification but to gain a permanent residence permit. Are you knowingly aiding and abetting a foreigner to gain a residence permit under false pretenses?

I do not abuse my wife physically or psychologically.

Raising questions regarding problems that could occur in connection with her son coming to Norway is NOT abuse.

Raising questions about whether it is prudent to use over 7000 to buy her a mobile telephone is NOT abuse.

Asking that she accompany me to a doctor for the purpose of improving our sexual relationship is NOT abuse.

Asking that she follow the Confucius principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" i.e not telling the truth, secret meetings with men etc. is NOT abuse.

False allegations related to section 53, even if you are not involved, will result in immediate forwarding of all correspondence, notes and other information to the police, Directorate of Immigration (UDI), The Women's Shelter (Krisesentersekretariate og Krisesenteret i Follo) and all other relevant public authorities. In addition I will do everything in my power to expose the case in the media including independent media, blogs, YouTube and the like.

If there ever are any legal proceedings related to this affair you can expect to be summoned as a witness.

In my opinion it would be in the best interest of all parties that you refrain from any further involvement in this affair.


Richard Norton

Haugenveien 37

1400 Ski

Copy : Family counseling office


A total of six meetings with the Family counseling office had marginal effect.  This is almost entirely because of my wife’s unwillingness to participate.

A Chinese friend of ours was learning to drive a car so she could get her driver’s license.  She speaks fairly good English.  I agreed to teach her to drive a car if she could help my wife and I with our relationship.  My wife also agreed with this.  From December 2012 until March 2013 I spent many hours with this woman telling her about the problems in our relationship and discussing possible solutions.  She also spent a lot of time talking to my wife.  This had a somewhat better effect then the Family counseling office mostly because of the enormous amount of time involved.  Sometimes 15 or more hours a week!  However it was too little too late.

In March 2013 I was told that she was flirting online with a man and talking about meeting each other.  Another source told me she wanted to get a boyfriend.

It was almost impossible to communicate with my wife.  I started a correspondence with her brother March 2013.  I wanted to communicate to her brother and get him to understand the enormous financial burden he was placing on her.  I was not being understood.  I wrote several new letters strongly suggesting that my wife return to China to fix her financial affairs.

I received a reply from her brother stating that I should be ashamed that I only give my wife 4000 every month ”4000 is just a very basic life support” He writes “从现实情况看她不可能一到挪威就能工作,因此,你每个月给她的4000只不过是个很基本的生活保障,要知道,在中国每个人都有义务赡养自己的父母

I rest my case on this one and let the people of Guilin decide if 4000 every month is at a brink of the poverty level. (My wife’s father is deceased, her mother is well taking care of with a pension and her son is 21 years old.)

April 2013 I received information that my wife had been in contact with the woman’s shelter.  My wife actually wants to return to China but her brother insisted she remain in Norway to earn money to help pay his debts.  My wife, her brother and some other unknown persons were discussing going to the woman’s shelter.  According to my information false allegations about sexual abuse were being considered.  This way she could remain in a country and possibly get a visa for another year.

When I found out about this I went immediately to the police and the department of immigration and told them.  I filed for divorce and told my wife I wanted her to return to China as soon as possible.

My wife found out a friend of hers was also returning to Guilin 4th of May 2013. She asked me to buy a plane ticket to Guilin on that same day.  I bought the ticket for 7446. 

Unfortunately someone has advised my wife to not to return to China. They advised her to move to the woman’s shelter and make false allegations that I had abused her!  I do not get the money from the plane ticket refunded.

I have never abused my wife physically, sexually or psychologically.  These allegations are entirely false.  The purpose of these allegations is simply to gain a visa in Norway under false pretenses.

I will do everything in my power to prevent that she fraudulently gets a Norwegian visa through lies about me and deception.


所以你认为你是一个很好的家庭主妇!   So you think you are a good housewife!
我每个月给我的妻子4000元。在2011年12月的时候我还给了她25000元,用于帮她偿还她的银行贷款。 另外卖猫一共约40.000元,我都给了她。此外我支付一切生活开支!电力、食品、互联网、电话、Skype电话,这样她就可以打电话到中 国;电力、房屋保险约9000,车险(约30.000 /年)、汽油和摩托车开支,(约1300元,指为车子加油),有时我们去餐厅吃饭(在挪威两人开支约400 - 700元),她的医生和医生开的证明,往来中国和挪威4次的旅行开支、去德国



I gave my wife 4000 Yuan every month. I also gave her 25.000 in December 2011 to help with her bank loans. In addition I gave her all the money from selling cats – about 40.000. I pay for absolutely everything else! Electricity, food, internet, telephone, Skype telephone so she can ring to China, electricity, house insurance 9000, car reparations (about 30.000 per year), fuel for the car and motorbike, (about 1300 just to fill the tank of the car), sometime we go to a restaurant (in Norway 400-700 Yuan for two people), her doctor and doctor certificates, 4 trips between China and Norway, 6 trips to Germany, two trips to visit my wife’s Chinese friend in Denmark. Trips to Spain, Sweden, Shanghai etc.

My wife has been complaining that 4000 is not enough payment for the work she has done keeping the house tidy and clean! Here are some pictures and video of the quality of her work.

Click on the images to view a larger image.

A confusing pile of garbage and food stacked up helter-skelter against the wood stove in the kitchen.


Garbage mixed with food in a pile.


Untidy kitchen cupboard.


The kitchen table the day my wife left.


Junk and garbage piled up by my wife in the hallway.


Junk piled up by my wife in the hallway.


My wifes desk.


My wife's untidy bedroom in Guilin.


My wife's untidy bedroom in Guilin.


My wife's untidy bedroom in Guilin.


My wife's untidy bedroom in Guilin.