Reply to brother’s letter 6 of October 2013





首先你发(xx)和别人的聊天记录恰恰证明你侵犯了隐私权,也足够表明你对(xx)实施了监控行为。我不认为这在挪威是被允许的。我和别人的债务问题很简单,当事人最能说明一切问题。你恶意曲解这些过程在事件定性上是站不住脚的。你说你每个月给(my sister)多少钱?4800?说你可笑你还不承认。你问问在中国的朋友(my sister)在国内实际收入多少?她放弃了在中国优厚的收入跟随你去了挪威。你居然还好意思说每个月给她多少钱好象还是恩赐对吧,看来你并没有好好看看我以前给你的回信,总觉得我们需要你的帮助,那你简直太滑稽了,中国有句成语叫井底之蛙明白是什么意思吗?等你能明白的时候你就不会再对(my sister)房产的问题有疑惑了。她在中国完全有能力解决自己的债务问题,但是为了跟随你去挪威可以更好的照顾你生活在一起。她放弃了自己应有的收入。理查你要知道,任何有良知的男人都明白该怎样去对待这样一个女人,而你却在这里好意思说你给了(my sister)多少钱。你口口声声说我有赌债,尊敬的理查先生。你这样信口开河你不觉得自己很幼稚吗?你说的所谓的车祸我又如何逃避责任,请问你有什么事实依据?又单凭你猥琐盗取的聊天记录吗?你认为这些文字在法律上有意义吗?而你在互联网上散布的文字恰恰可以足够证明你的愚蠢和无知。其实你小气不小气的跟我们没关系。要知道中国还有句俗话:人在做天在看!(my sister)至从在挪威被检查有糖尿病,你就想着法找出这么多理由让她回国。这不能不让人怀疑你的动机。你居然还好意思在网上说她有自己的钱可以自己支付费用,说实话,这也许是西方人的习惯方式。但在中国这实在算不上是个男人做的事情.最后我也真的不想去说你什么,因为对你这样一个人实在是无话可说。我会把我们以前的通信全部传给挪威警方,还有你在网上散布的这些恶意中伤名誉的事实。我们是不怕面对事实的,因为事实是虚假不了的。包括你在网上提出我所谓的债主,她也会同时发涵说明情况。最后注明不希望再有通信,一切让能解决问题的地方来证明吧


I don’t think you need to waste time to translate his letter to English. I think the Google translation is understandable enough. It’s mostly money money money. I am quite surprised he is now saying I want to send her back in China because she has diabetes!

Brothers letter 6 of October 2013



Ignorance of the law I can teach you !
First you send my sisters chats with others just to prove that you violated the right to privacy, but also enough to demonstrate that you my sister implemented a monitoring behavior . I do not think it is allowed in Norway . I and other people's debt problem is very simple , the parties can best explain all the problems . You misinterpret these procedures in the event of malicious qualitatively is untenable. You say you how much money a month to my sister ? 4800 ? Funny you say that you do not recognize . You ask friends in China my sister how much real income in the country ? She gave generous income in China follow you go to Norway. You actually have the nerve to say how much money each month to give her the gift if it were still on it, it seems that you did not give you a good look at my previous reply , always feel that we need your help , then you 're really funny , China there is a proverb called frogs understand what it means? And so you can understand when you will no longer have the problem on my sister listing doubts . She in China is fully capable of solving their debt problems , but to follow you to Norway you can better take care of your life together. She gave up their due income. Richard , you know, any man with a conscience to understand how to treat a woman like her , but you have the nerve to say here how much money you gave my sister . You kept saying that I had a gambling debt , Dear Sir Richard . Do not you feel like you own lip naive do ? You said that the so-called accident how can I avoid responsibility , do you have any basis in fact ? They alone wretched steal your chat history? Do you think these words in the legal sense? And you spread the word on the internet can be just enough to prove your stupidity and ignorance. In fact, you are not stingy stingy with us does not matter. To know there is a saying in China : people do day in perspective ! My sister to be checked from in Norway have diabetes , you're thinking method to find so many reasons to let her return home. This can not help but suspect your motives . You actually have the nerve to say that she has her own online money to pay their own expenses , to be honest , this may be Westerners customary manner . But in China this is not really a man thing to do. Finally, I also really do not want to say anything, because you are such a person is really nothing to say. I will pass all of our previous communication Norwegian police , as well as your online reputation spread by the fact that these malicious slander . We are not afraid to face the truth , because the truth can not be false . Include your online offer what I call the creditor , she will also explain the situation made ​​culvert . Finally do not want to specify a communication can solve all the problem areas so that to prove it













48,000+40,000+20,000+20,000=128,000克朗。这已经比我一半的年收入还要多了。这些钱都用于汇到中国偿还你的赌债和其他一些乱七八糟的事情。此外我支付在挪威生活的所有开支,这些所有费用足以支付超过6个人在桂林的年平均收入。为什么我要因为你车祸后弃伤者于不顾,肇事逃逸而降低我的生活水准?为什么我要降低我的生活水平,只是因为你从一个女人那儿借了钱,而且你知道我和我妻子肯定会帮你还债?为什么我和我妻子必须为你的 愚蠢的不负责任的财务状况付钱?我可没和你结婚!我很想问你,你认为你有权利支配多少我的钱?












说实话,我在这里要努力学习语言,找到好工作,可以 帮助弟弟。不跟说。

陆春 13:04:53



To be honest, I'm here to trying to learn the language, find a good job to help his brother. Do not tell anyone.
Lu Chun 13:04:53
I know you're tired of.
Brother and sister have to rely on you
























Reply to brother

You obviously have not understood my previous letter. The Google translator is not adequate for this type of communication. You need to have my letters explained to you by someone who understands English.

I will try to get help from a human translator.


Alleged monitoring.

Your sister used my computer to communicate with you. I did not spy on your sister. Sometimes she translated communication in the Google translator for me to read. One such example was in February 2012. She was crying and I asked her what was wrong. She showed me a document describing how you borrowed a car from your employer and drove it without a driver license. You had an accident and fled the scene of the accident like a coward leaving several injured people. The injured were still in the hospital and at that time the hospital bill was already 250,000.

In April 2013 your sister asked me to look at some files on my computer. Some of the files were correspondence with you. One of the files was the entire chat log! When your sister asks me to examine some files on my computer she is giving me permission. As for the chat log I do not like what I see, particularly the correspondence with you!



My income after-tax is about 20,000 a month or 240.000 Norwegian kroner per year. (Norwegian kroner is roughly the same as Chinese RMB). I gave my wife 4,000 a month = 48,000 per year. Gave her 40,000 for selling cats. I gave my wife 20,000 to pay debts. She earned about 20,000 working in a kindergarten. 48,000+40,000+20,000+20,000=128,000. More than half my yearly income sent to China to pay for your gambling debts and other bull shit! In addition I pay absolutely all costs of living here in Norway! This is more than the average yearly income in Guilin for more than 6 persons! Why should the quality of my life be degraded because you criminally left injured people at the scene of your car accident? Why should the quality of my life be degraded because you borrowed money from a woman you knew my wife and I would have to pay for? Why do we have to pay for your foolish irresponsible financial affairs? I did not marry you! I would like to ask you, exactly how much of our money did you think you were entitled to?


I was puzzled and astounded that you can think that I would send your sister back to China because she had diabetes. There is a saying in Norwegian “På seg selv kjenner man andre” which means basically that a person explains or understands other people’s behaviour by an understanding of their own behaviour. Is it because you are such a person that can leave seriously injured people at the scene of a car accident that you imagine I would send my wife back to China because she has diabetes?


Here are some of the reasons I wanted your sister to return to China:


More than half my yearly income was being sent to China


Your sister wanted to return to China. She was bored and homesick and she said our marriage was a failure. She was very concerned about her son. Her son had no job, did not go to school and refused to join the military. He was playing computer games all night until 5 or 6 in the morning. She was concerned about who he was associating with. She was not able to get him to come to Norway as she had hoped. She wanted to return to China and help her son. Your sister did not enjoy having sex with me. Sex for her is a necessary inconvenience and duty she must perform as a wife so she can remain in Norway and pay for your gambling debts, car accidents and other irresponsible high risk financial acrobatics. I do not function well sexually with someone who’s just doing sex as a duty or to get money like a prostitute. I tried to get professional help for us. Professional help could be simple suggestions for example advising your sister to not answer the mobile telephone when we are having sex. You have exploited your sister by insisting she remain in a relationship she doesn’t like that includes sex with a person she does not want to have sex with so that you can earn money. You are beginning to resemble a pimp or a human trafficker. Your exploitation of my wife may well be in violation of several Norwegian laws.


Lies, meetings with a man which your sister tried to keep secret from me.

Your sister was planning to divorce me as soon as she had been in Norway 3 years and obtained a permanent residence permit and a job.


说实话,我在这里要努力学习语言,找到好工作,可以 帮助弟弟。不跟说。

陆春 13:04:53



To be honest, I'm here to trying to learn the language, find a good job to help his brother. Do not tell anyone.
Lu Chun 13:04:53
I know you're tired of.
Brother and sister have to rely on you



Your sister refused to sign the agreement regarding the division of property because you advised her not to. Property acquired after marriage is therefore community property. This means if I use my income to for example buy a new car or a house your sister will be entitled to half when she divorced me. Your sister was planning to divorce me!


Your sister is refused to cooperate with the family counselling office.


My final decision to divorce your sister was a direct result of her contriving together with you to make false accusations about abuse so she could remain in Norway to pay your debts! When I learned about your plans I went immediately the next morning to the Norwegian directorate off of immigration and the police and informed them about your plans. Afterwards I went to my lawyer to start the divorce process.



I delivered the following warning to your sister in a meeting with the family counselling office:

I will not tolerate any lies, false information or false allegations about me to the police or any other public authority. I am willing to devote significant resources to dealing with people who make false allegations. False claims about abuse to public authorities with the intention of obtaining unlawful stay in Norway will lead to immediate petition for divorce.

Elimination of a false section 53 case as a parachute is a prerequisite for further constructive work with our relationship.


I keep my promises!


There is a tremendous difference between Norway and China regarding how the legal system and the police function.

In Norway there is almost no corruption. The police do not behave like thugs beating up people in harassing them in Norway like the Chengguan Urban Management Law Enforcement (城管执法). There are no secret detention centers () in Norway. There are no secret trials. The police and the courts are not controlled by any political party.

Compared to China the police are highly educated in Norway with a minimum three-year basic education. Many have additional education.

The police in Norway are very experienced in dealing with cases like your sisters and there is a good chance they will see through your sister’s lies.


Richard Norton