Return to about my wife.

Anyone care to translate this to a Chinese? It



Notice - marriage of convenience (pro forma marriage)


The case concerns my ex-wife xxx Jing Ping xxxxxxxxxxxx, DUFNR xxxxxxxxxxxx. I married her 24 February 2011 in Guilin China. xxx Jing Ping came to Norway on a family reunification visa 07 July 2011. The visa must be renewed and signed by me every year. Already in autumn 2011 there occurred several incidences that indicated that the purpose of her marrying me was primarily economically motivated. A total of 6 meetings with the Family Counselling office with an interpreter were conducted on my initiative in an attempt to save the marriage. On the first meeting 29 November 2011, a bank loan from China of 250,000 yen (30.000 EUR) that I first became aware in October 2011 was the subject. This bank loan was allegedly to be repaid in full February 2012! Cf. 7 attached "Journal Notes from the Family Counselling office» and my comments regarding these journal notes."

In spring 2012 I gained knowledge of statements my wife had made to other Chinese persons in the direction that our marriage was something she had to "endure" and "persevere with" to get a permanent residence permit in Norway. I was warned that she would probably divorce as soon as she had obtained permanent residence in Norway.

April 2013 I told my ex-wife I would not sign for a new visa. I asked her to go back to China and try to correct some of the severe economic problems that were completely incompatible with continued marriage.

Shortly after I received information that my wife, in consultation with her brother and an unknown person in Norway, were considering fabricating accusations that I had abused my wife! This way she could apply for a residence permit under section 53b of the Norwegian Immigration Act (abuse provision). She could stay in Norway while the case was being processed, usually six months, and receive welfare assistance. If immigration authorities did not believe she has been abused and denied her application she can appeal. The appeal can take nearly a year to process

On the 25th of April 2013 xxx Jing Ping "fled" to the woman’s shelter.

I have discussed the matter several times with xxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxx tel. xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx address xxxxxxxxxxxx 1430 Ås municipality. xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx is Chinese and a close friend of both my ex-wife and me. My ex-wife lived with xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx shortly after her stay at the woman’s shelter. From autumn 2013, my ex-wife lived in xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, Skedsmo together with a boyfriend xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx. She did not report her change of address as required by law and used the address of xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 1430 Ås municipality, to retrieve mail. This way she could continue receiving social benefits from Ås municipality. According my ex-wife's statements on the internet and a letter to the county dated 17th of August 2014 (attached) she has received 5000 Norwegian kroner per month to rent a room in Ås municipality, while she in fact has lived in Skedsmo municipality.

I asked xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx why my wife chose to flee to the woman’s shelter and she replied:

"She does not think the money you would give here if she returned to China is enough."

"She would like to stay in Norway two earn money."

xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx explained that it would be very easy for my ex-wife to obtain a new man to marry in Norway as soon as the divorce with me was granted. xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx told me that in the short time my ex-wife lived with her, she was with a different man almost every weekend. xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx felt ashamed on her behalf. xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx told me that my ex-wife's lawyer told her that she could remain in Norway if she married even if her application cf. 53b was denied. I thought it was odd that a lawyer would not warn that a marriage entered into in close proximity to a rejected application for a residence permit would probably raise suspicions about pro forma. I would urge the UDI to contact xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My ex-wife's application for residence under the Immigration Act 53b was rejected probably early winter 2014. My wife appealed and got a final rejection probably in January 2015 and therefore had to return to China. My ex-wife has not been able to enter into a new marriage because I delayed the divorce process by complaining about her use of an address where she did not live and then I successfully avoided being served with the divorce documents. I did not want to contribute to something I believe will be a new pro forma marriage. Finally the divorce certificates were sent to me 19.03.2015 with effect from 01.07.2014.

The case concerning my ex-wife's false abuse allegations and her residence permit applications are described in detail in the following attached documents:

1. Letter to Immigration from Richard Norton "Ang. My wife xxx Jing Ping xxxxxxxxxxxx, DUFNR xxxxxxxxxxxx »dated 6 of May 2013

2. Supplementary information to my police interview 25 September 2013 with police Constable NN concerning temporary residence permit for a citizen of China xxx, Jing Ping cf. §53b. Dated 4 October 2013.

3. Seven pages of "Journal Notes Family Counselling office»

4. Note "Some comments regarding the Journal Notes from Family Counselling office" written 05 of May 2013

5. Letter from Jing Ping xxx to the County of Akershus. Dated 17 August 2014

6. Divorce Licence 19th of March 2015


According to my sources, my ex-wife plans to marry in the near future, probably with NN.

I wish to inform about my ex-wife's marital history in hope it would be helpful for the Norwegian immigration in assessments of any future applications for family reunification from my ex-wife.

I have decided to include excerpts of the Skype chat log from before we got married. Also included are some excerpts of my ex-wife chat in Chinese with different people on a facebook-like program called, "QQ", which is used in China. The translation was performed with google translator and has been reviewed and corrected a bit by people with Chinese as their mother tongue. The chat log is dominated by financial crises mainly caused my ex-wife’s brother and a conspicuous preoccupation about obtaining a permanent residence permit in Norway. The translation is hardly optimal and should be evaluated by a competent person - perhaps along with my ex-wife.

My conclusion is that xxx Jing Ping has entered marriage with me mainly to get a residence permit in Norway to work and earn money for her family, especially her brother, who is a failed financial wizard and gambler. She has also apparently had plans to bring both her son and sister to Norway to work illegally.

All red text is mine, Richard Norton's commentary.



Advarsel om proforma ekteskap


Saken gjelder min ekskone xxxx Jing Ping xxxx xxxx xxxx, DUFNR xxxx xxxx xxxx. Jeg giftet meg med henne 24.02.11 i Guilin Kina. xxxx Jing Ping kom til Norge på familiegjenforeningsvisum 07.06.2011. Visumet må fornyes hvert år. Allerede høsten 2011 skjedde det flere forhold som indikert at hensikten med ekteskapet var hovedsakelig økonomisk motivert. Totalt 6 møter med Familievernkontoret i Follo med tolk ble gjennomført på mitt initiativ i forsøk på å redde ekteskapet. På første møtet 29.11.2011, et banklån fra Kina på 250.000 NOK som jeg først fikk kjennskap til i oktober 2011 var tema. Banklån skulle angivelig tilbakebetales i sin helhet februar 2012! Viser til 7 vedlagt «Journalnotater Familievernkontoret i Follo», samt min notat «Noen kommentar til vedlagt Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo.» Opplysninger i Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret som direkte gjelder min ekskone er overstrøket.

I vår 2012 fikk jeg kjennskap til ting min kone hadde utalt til andre kinesere i retning av at vårt ekteskap var noe hun måtte «tåle» og «holde ut med» for å få permanent oppholdstillatelse i Norge. Jeg ble advart om at hun trolig ville skilles så snart hun hadde skaffet permanent opphold i Norge.

April 2013 fortalte jeg henne at jeg kom ikke til å undertegne for et nytt visum. Jeg ba henne reise tilbake til Kina og forsøke å rette på noen av de alvorlige økonomiske forhold som er helt uforenelig med et fortsatt ekteskap.

Kort tid etter fikk jeg kjennskap til at min kone i samråd med sin bror og en ukjent person i Norge vurderte å fabrikkere beskyldninger om mishandling for å få oppholdstillatelse etter §53b i utlendingsloven (misshandlingsbestemmelsen). Da kan hun være i Norge undersaksbehandlings tid, vanligvis 6 måneder, og motta sosial hjelp. Hvis hun får avslag kan hun anke. Saksbehandlingstid for anke er ca. et år!

Den 25.04.13 «flyktet» xxx Jing Ping til Krise- Og Incestsenteret i Follo.

Jeg har diskutert saken flere ganger med  xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 1430 Ås. xxxx xxxx er kinesere og en nær venn av både min ekskone og meg. Min ekskone bodde hos xxxx xxxx en kort tid etter opphold på krisesenteret. Fra høsten 2013 har min ekskone bodde i xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 2007 Kjeller, Skedsmo kommune sammen med en man xxxx xx xxxx xxx. Hun lot være å melde flytting og brukte adressen til xxxxxxx xxxx 1430 Ås, for å hente post. Da kunne hun fortsatt gå på voksenopplæring i regi av Ås kommune og motta ytelse fra NAV i Ås kommune. I følge min ekskones uttalelser på internett og et brev til fylkesmannen datert 17.08.2014 (vedlagt) har hun mottatt 5000 nok pr måned for a leie et rom i Ås, tilsynelatende hos xxxx xxxx x, mens hun egentlig har bodd i Skedsmo kommune.

Jeg spurte xxxx xxxx hvorfor min kone har valgte å flykte til krisesenteret og hun svarte:

«She does not think the money you would give her if she returned to China is enough.»

«She would like to stay in Norway to earn money.»

xxxx xxxx forklarte videre at det ville være veldig lett for min ekskone å skaffe en ny mann å gifte seg med i Norge så snart skilsmisse var innvilget. xxxx xxxx fortalte meg at i den korte tid min ekskone bodde hos henne var hun sammen med en forskjellig mann nesten hver helg. xxxx xxxx følte seg skamfull på hennes vegne. xxxx xxxx fortalte meg at min ekskones advokat fortalte min ekskone at hun kunne forbli i Norge hvis hun giftet seg selv om søknad jf 53b var avslått. Jeg syntes det var merkelig at en advokat ville la være å advare at en ekteskap inngått i nær tilknytning til en avslått søknad om oppholdstillatelse etter misshandlingsbestemmelsen ville trolig vare uheldig. Jeg vil oppfordre UDI å ta kontakt med xxxx xxxx.

Min ekskones søknad om opphold etter utlendingsloven 53b ble avslått antakeligvis tidlige vinter 2014. Min kone anket og fikk endelig avslag antakeligvis januar 2015 og har derfor returnert til Kina. Min ekskone er blitt forhindret i å inngå nytt ekteskap fordi jeg klaget på hennes bruk av en adresse hvor hun ikke bodde og jeg unnlot å hente og undertegne skilsmisse dokumentene. Jeg ønsket ikke å bidra til noe jeg mener vil være et nytt proforma ekteskap. Endelig skilsmissebevilling ble sendt til meg 19.03.2015 med virkning fra 01.07.2014. Saken vedrørende min ekskones påstander og mishandling og hennes søknader om oppholdstillatelse etter §53b er belyste i følgende vedlagt dokumenter:

1.   Brev til Utlendingsdirektoratet fra Richard Norton «Ang. Min kone xxxx Jing Ping  xxxx xxxx xxxx, DUFNR xxxx xxxx xxxx» datert 06.05.13

2.   Supplerende opplysning til politiforklaring 25.09.13 ved xxxx xxxx xxxx vedrørende midlertidige oppholdstillatelse for borger av Kina xxxx, Jing Ping jf §53b. datert 04.10.13

3.   Syv sider med «Journalnotater Familievernkontoret i Follo»

4.   Notat «Noen kommentar til vedlagt Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo» skrevet 05.05.2013

5.   Brev fra Jing Ping xxxx til Fylkesmannen i Akershus.

6.  Skilsmissebevilling 19.03.2015


I følge mine opplysninger har min ekskone planer om å gifte seg i nær fremtid, sannsynligvis med xxxx xxxx xxxx.

Jeg ønsker å informere om min ekskones ekteskapelig historie og håper det ville være til hjelp for UDI i vurderinger av eventuelle fremtidige søknader om familiegjenforening fra min ekskones side.

Jeg har besluttet å vedlegge noe av den Skype chatt log fra før vi giftet oss. I tillegg vedlegger jeg noen utdrag av min ekskones chatt på kinesisk med ulike personer på et facebook-liknende program, «QQ», som brukes i Kina. Oversettelsen er foretatt med google translatør og gjennomgått og korrigert litt av personer med kinesiske som morsmål. Chatt logen er dominert av finansielle kriser hovedsakelig forårsaket av sin bror og en påfallende opptatthet av å holde ut til hun får permanent oppholdstillatelse i Norge. Oversettelsen er neppe optimal og bør vurderes av kyndige personer - kanskje sammen med min ekskone.

Min konklusjon er at xxxx Jing Ping har inngått ekteskapet med meg hovedsakelig for å få oppholdsgrunnlag i Norge for å tjene penger til sin familie, særlig broren, som er litt av en mislykket finansakrobat og gambler. Hun har i tillegg antakelig hatt planer om å bringe både hennes sønn og søster til Norge for å arbeide ulovlig.

All rød tekts er min, Richard Norton’s, kommenter.  















The following is from the Skype chat log before we got married. As you can see she seems to have no special interest or intention of working or earning any money.



[17.10.2010 00:41:17] jing: I also have a good husband, I need a love me, for me, money is not important, I want real love.


[17.10.2010 01:34:54 | Edited 01:35:34] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery:. It would be important for you to make new friends here in Norway.

[17.10.2010 01:36:40] jing: No, I do not want in Norway have new friends, your friends are my friends.

[17.10.2010 01:38:25] jing: I play the piano, I sing, I like to do manual labor, you have the garden, as well as kittens, the most important thing is the love you gave me, I will not feel lonely

[17.10.2010 01:38:33] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery: it is important for you to get a social network. There are many Chinese here that would be good friends for you, and could later get to know my friends also

[17.10.2010 01:40:16] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery: I worry that you may feel lonely. If I love you I would worry about that and try to make sure you were not lonely

[17.10.2010 01:41:05] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery: you could maybe sing together with others in Norway

 [17.10.2010 01:43:01] jing: No, I really do not need new friends, but also the Internet, as well as novels, do not know if you understand Chinese calligraphy? I liked it, my father is also an amateur painter, he painted the landscape of Guilin well, but also sell to our home revenue



[17.10.2010 18:48:45] jing: Please tell me, I went to Norway, I need to work? Perhaps take care of you and the cat, garden, and our home? I listen to your arrangement.

[17.10.2010 18:49:41] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery: you probably would not need to work because i get over 20000 cny a month and also sell cats

[17.10.2010 18:50:40] Richard Norton @ (N)Ridanos cattery: however it is important that you meet other people in Norway so maybe you could teach music

[17.10.2010 18:51:55] jing: No matter where to go, first of all, our bodies to health, family maintain good, stable, and can go out and play



[17.10.2010 18:55:17] jing: I think that if you do not affect my care of you, does not affect the care of our families, do not affect our emotional life, the opportunity, I will consider playing to teach children to sing, for our families to increase income.










The following is from the Skype chat log between me and Liu Jing Ping’s younger sister. Apparently my wife’s sister is under the impression she can somehow immigrate to Norway!




如花笑 (Flowery laugh dust is the alias for my ex-wife’s sister xxxx Jing Lin ) sis 03:00:48


Richard 10:49:39

yes, my birthday is 22.03.50 which is your email? or ?



如花笑 sis 03:26:21

The place you live, the scenery outside the house is beautiful, I like it very much, you have to help me stay in the house, that I went to live in the future


Richard 09:42:09

I do not understand the last part of what you write "you have to help me stay in the house, that I went to live in the future" which house are you referring to? your house in China? My house in Norway?


Richard 09:42:33

My house in Norway?

如花笑 sis 09:55:11

Yes.Because I yo go to Norway to live with, and you, as well as sister

Richard 09:56:09

you want to come to norway and live in my house?

如花笑 sis 09:56:59


I can go to learn the language, find a stable job and other sister

Richard 09:58:38

you need to study the letter i sent very carefully. Get help from someone that understands english


如花笑 sis 09:58:57

Are you glad I went, and you live with?

Richard 10:01:16

your sister is not happy here in Norway

如花笑 sis 10:02:40

My sister told me to accompany her, she certainly pleased

Richard 10:03:01

she is NOT happy! i am not happy


如花笑 sis 10:04:44

She is not happy because she was not making money, not the debt slowly will be good


Richard 10:04:53

please study the letter i sent you. get help from some one who understands english.

You can only come on a tourist visa for 90 days and live here. You are NOT allowed to work on a tourist visa. You are very welcome to visit on a tourist visa for 90 days. After 90 days you must return to china.

You do not understand the seriousness of the situation. This marriage is a sinking ship!


Richard 02:09:03

Please try to convince Jing Ping to return to china. She is very hurt and desperate. She is doing foolish things that can make problems for her returning to Norway. I am very sorry and I feel terrible about hurting her but I have no choice. I cannot have her here making false complaints. I cannot have a wife that does secret things behind my back. Her brother has a strong influence on your sister. This is a bad influence. I believe you are much more intelligent that your brother and Jing Ping. You are much better suited to advise your sister.




下面是从QQ聊天记录. 我的妻子使用别名琴之韵

The following is from the QQ chat log. My wife uses the alias name琴之韵 Qin Yun. Liu Jing Ping’s comments are in blue text.




18.04.2012 18:46:19 琴之韵



18.04.2012 18:53:18 肖



18.04.2012 18:56:30 琴之韵



18.04.2012 18:57:28 肖



*The 18.04.2012 18:46:19 Qin Yun
Yes, in fact I have been back to China two times. I have to do a lot of things, mainly do bank loans, repayment, also the bank loan. In fact, the economic situation is very bad. I just did not speak out, two back, are confused I was exhausted, I have been a long time, to pay for my brother, the total but not received, the total in, forced to choose to go abroad this way is a word . Gamble.

18.04.2012 18:53:18 Shaw
Really not easy, you pay your brother, too! You now, who can also help you point! However, you can not carry your brother go, to rely on his own efforts!

The 18.04.2012 18:56:30 Qin Yun
I have no effective back.

18.04.2012 18:57:28 Shaw
You now, your husband should be able to help, ah, his powerful back to you!







19.11.2012 08:56:42 琴之韵


19.11.2012 08:56:42 Qin Yun

Norway three years can take a permanent residence permit, I still have a year and a half. I want to get a long sign to return to







08.01.2012 12:05:56 琴之韵


(Xin is her son   Huang Xin lei born 15.2.1993

The 08.01.2012 12:05:56 Qin Yun
(Xin is her son   Huang Xin lei born 15.2.1993) earners, you have to understand, mother abroad is to your future life. I had to give up taking care of my elderly mother.







17.02.2012 13:37:01 琴之韵


(*Jing Chuan is her younger brother)

17.02.2012 13:49:11 琴之韵


(*Xin Aberdeen is an alias for her son)

17.02.2012 13:53:45 琴之韵



17.02.2012 14:09:34 琴之韵



17.02.2012 14:21:01 琴之韵



17.02.2012 14:21:37 琴之韵



17.02.2012 14:24:49 琴之韵



17.02.2012 15:58:27 琴之韵



17.02.2012 15:58:48 琴之韵



The 17.02.2012 13:37:01 Qin Yun
Sell ​​this house, already I expected, more than a decade, Jing Chuan
(Jing Chuan is her younger brother) trouble constantly, only come from me. Did not have to come in every tens of thousands. The past ten years, I did not really enjoy the joy of life. As he enjoyed, I did not now think. In short, everything past it in the past. Eyes, as long as people still would like to continue to live in this world, you have strong, leave no stone unturned to make life continue to the next, not only live, but also to find ways to have a good. The present situation, talk about static Sichuan, since last year he seems to have improved, wanted to do this good thing, as long as the time for him, he will win the money, he also fully understood to him over the years wrong choice road, I drag. This year, was about to summon the King, but ran into the terrible things this month around the 10th, and when it rained, he opened a company car, pressure, people are still in the hospital, the company insured him out The result is 250,000. A lump sum, but also this settled. However, now the East by the West to borrow some money to pay to the injured. But not enough, it is my heart a long time, the injured person changed their mind, the prosecution of criminal responsibility even more trouble. Now received speaking.

The 17.02.2012 13:49:11
Qin Yun
Whether he borrowed money or did not borrow money, the money always quest also. I have a sum of 150.000 credit loans, due April 21, Jing-Chuan promised do not need to worry about me. However, such a, I do not worry is impossible. So, I thought to sell my house now proceed with the operation, after the sale, certainly still have to buy a house, Xin Aberdeen must arrange his life. The re-buy, direct write his name. Mortgage from the bank, there is sufficient time, let me start all over again, buy a house,
Xin Aberdeen
(Xin Aberdeen is an alias for her son) temporarily to the grandfather who lives, etc. With the new house, renovated, and let him live in a new house. Of course, if I spoke easily implement many aspects have to solve them, including Xin Tsai thinking.

The 17.02.2012 13:53:45
Qin Yun
Jing Chuan, know that I want to sell, he insisted not agree. Want to reconsider his things resolved. He believes that, is these days the project can be implemented down, within the past two months, he can have as. But I can not do in advance to prepare.

The 17.02.2012 14:09:34
Qin Yun
It comes to the fate of Jing Chuan is my younger brother and him out of the things I could not have helped him out of things, and every time he simply does not allow me to consider how to help him deal with the immediate happening. Only one word, money. Help people talk about, I know the truth, but I did not have to give room for consideration. I know I Ching operator Jing Chuan's hit, which is more to help him, which will go bankrupt miserable. He is my brother, I think, I can not save him, even if it is to come this far to sell my property, and I do not regret it. Xin, Aberdeen, is my flesh, and I can not let him suffer. Xin Aberdeen, I will not speak. I am all done for him to live a good life in the future struggle.

The 17.02.2012 14:21:01
Qin Yun
Duokanjibian I wrote to help me make reference views. By the way, here everything Fortunately, the thought of his purpose, did not have anything bad.

The 17.02.2012 14:21:37
Qin Yun
I go abroad, the unit is to stop the payment of my salary. Just help me to pay a pension, provident fund and medical insurance. In other words, I did not have income. Fortunately, my husband gives me monthly 4000 g Lang, I can save to return home to take home. Processing lines is unfair. I have not the chance to go back to the level line on the fight, or to continue to exchange views with the line. I saw you on the line, to write this first. Static, etc. to hearing from you. Let you bother. Best wishes!

The 17.02.2012 14:24:49
Qin Yun
I received a prompt message is too long to send Slitting. I do not know that you received all. It does not matter, you receive a lot of optimistic about multi-and give me to make a reference to the decision!

The 17.02.2012 15:58:27
Qin Yun
It comes to the fate of Jing Chuan is my younger brother and him out of the things I could not have helped him out of things, and every time he simply does not allow me to consider how to help him deal with the immediate happening. Only one word, money. Help people talk about, I know the truth, but I did not have to give room for consideration.

The 17.02.2012 15:58:48
Qin Yun
I know I Ching operator Jing Chuan's hit, which is more to help him, which will go bankrupt miserable. He is my brother, I think, I can not save him, even if it is to come this far to sell my property, and I do not regret it. Xin, Aberdeen, is my flesh, and I can not let him suffer. Xin Aberdeen, I will not speak. I am all done for him to live a good life in the future struggle.









*25.09.2012 15:43:51 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:44:12 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:44:28 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:44:31 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:44:37 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:45:15 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:45:56 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:47:53 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:48:09 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:48:32 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:49:01 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:49:28 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:49:33 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:49:46 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:50:00 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:50:08 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:50:13 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:50:59 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:51:00 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:51:30 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:51:41 黄仲琼



 25.09.2012 15:52:03 琴之韵

其实什么爱不爱,我感觉我爱不起来,只是合作社而已。(co-op only - In other words pro forma?)



25.09.2012 15:53:34 琴之韵


25.09.2012 15:54:05 琴之韵


*25.09.2012 15:55:01 黄仲琼



*25.09.2012 15:55:25 黄仲琼



25.09.2012 15:55:45 琴之韵



25.09.2012 15:56:02 黄仲琼



* 25.09.2012 15:43:51 Qin Yun
After 1 year nine months, I  get a permanent presence permit, then I do not bother him so much

25.09.2012 15:44:12 Huang Zhongqiong
Oh, time flies

25.09.2012 15:44:28 Huang Zhongqiong
Really expecting you to quickly take permanent residence permit

The 25.09.2012 15:44:31 Qin Yun
I have a friend earlier than I to 3 months, and so she was free I would call her to help find

25.09.2012 15:44:37 Huang Zhongqiong

25.09.2012 15:45:15 Huang Zhongqiong
Several sisters in one, with the friendship, even better than the days,

25.09.2012 15:45:56 Huang Zhongqiong
I know what patience

25.09.2012 15:47:53 Huang Zhongqiong
Yes, you have to go out, be patient about it, bow is no turning back

The 25.09.2012 15:48:09 Qin Yun

25.09.2012 15:48:32 Huang Zhongqiong
Limit you too many contradictions caused this?

The 25.09.2012 15:49:01 Qin Yun
They say I married regarded fine. Do not point to bear,

25.09.2012 15:49:28 Huang Zhongqiong

The 25.09.2012 15:49:33 Qin Yun
Is not entirely

25.09.2012 15:49:46 Huang Zhongqiong
No one is perfect, what you should be angry about it?

The 25.09.2012 15:50:00 Qin Yun
But the general direction he loves me. Is also very good for me.

The 25.09.2012 15:50:08 Qin Yun
No problem

25.09.2012 15:50:13 Huang Zhongqiong
This line

The 25.09.2012 15:50:59 Qin Yun
I submitted the application to the line labor, do not know yet if available

25.09.2012 15:51:00 Huang Zhongqiong
Away from their native land, have taken the warmth of love, count your blessings you!

25.09.2012 15:51:30 Huang Zhongqiong
Now the domestic economy is not how the economy

25.09.2012 15:51:41 Huang Zhongqiong
Prices were high

25.09.2012 15:52:03 Qin Yun
I feel no love for my husband, my relationship to him is co-op only.
(co-op only - In other words pro forma?)
One you want me she think
The 25.09.2012 15:53:34 Qin Yun

The 25.09.2012 15:54:05 Qin Yun

*25.09.2012 15:55:01 Huang Zhongqiong
You are a smart woman ... or do not talk here, to prevent information leakage against you!

*25.09.2012 15:55:25 Huang Zhongqiong
Our hearts know that on the line

The 25.09.2012 15:55:45 Qin Yun
Thank you

25.09.2012 15:56:02 Huang Zhongqiong
Between us, no need to mention it.







*12.01.2012 15:42:58 琴之韵



12.01.2012 15:44:03 周春芳



12.01.2012 15:44:08 琴之韵



*12.01.2012 15:42:58 Qin Yun
I always wanted to go abroad, is looking for foreigners

12.01.2012 15:44:03 Zhou Chunfang
Want to change the environment you the rods than me, I have to refuel fishes!

The 12.01.2012 15:44:08 Qin Yun
Wait until the full 25 years, looking for, but my grandmother was not any to catch up, not to approve the I
















28.12.2012 16:38:38 黄仲琼



28.12.2012 16:38:48 黄仲琼



28.12.2012 16:39:21 黄仲琼



*28.12.2012 16:39:30 琴之韵



28.12.2012 16:39:43 琴之韵



*28.12.2012 16:42:47 琴之韵



28.12.2012 16:42:52 琴之韵



28.12.2012 16:43:07 黄仲琼



28.12.2012 16:43:46 黄仲琼



28.12.2012 16:43:44 琴之韵



28.12.2012 16:38:38 Huang Zhongqiong
Guilin winter cold and wet, uncomfortable family, extraordinarily quiet winter night ...

28.12.2012 16:38:48 Huang Zhongqiong

28.12.2012 16:39:21 Huang Zhongqiong
Back much longer time chanting

* 28.12.2012 16:39:30 Qin Yun
Yes, winter here longer homesick, want a friend, however, dared to think,

The 28.12.2012 16:39:43 Qin Yun
Not to think about it

* 28.12.2012 16:42:47 Qin Yun
Now, had to wait until get a permanent residence permit Rui said

The 28.12.2012 16:42:52 Qin Yun

28.12.2012 16:43:07 Huang Zhongqiong
Ah! Few years in order to get it?

28.12.2012 16:43:46 Huang Zhongqiong
Domestic conditions slightly better person, do not want to get married

The 28.12.2012 16:43:44 Qin Yun
There are one and a half
(one half years to get a permanent residence permit)
















24.11.2012 11:35:47 陈庆华



24.11.2012 11:36:02 琴之韵



24.11.2012 11:36:18 陈庆华



24.11.2012 11:37:20 陈庆华



24.11.2012 11:37:38 琴之韵



24.11.2012 11:38:02 琴之韵



24.11.2012 11:39:58 陈庆华



24.11.2012 11:40:46 琴之韵



24.11.2012 11:42:13 陈庆华



24.11.2012 11:42:15 琴之韵



24.11.2012 11:35:47 Chen Qinghua
Sister you really make you love his lifetime?

The 24.11.2012 11:36:02 Qin Yun

24.11.2012 11:36:18 Chen Qinghua
I can not oh

24.11.2012 11:37:20 Chen Qinghua
201,314 pairs I have no sense at all

The 24.11.2012 11:37:38 Qin Yun
However, I have experienced a person, I have the heart to him, however, is impossible now.

The 24.11.2012 11:38:02 Qin Yun
201,314 is what does that mean? Year this?

24.11.2012 11:39:58 Chen Qinghua
Congratulations on your life also tasted the taste of love,

The 24.11.2012 11:40:46
Qin Yun
In fact, the standard of love this stuff each person is different.

24.11.2012 11:42:13 Chen Qinghua
If you sent me is January 14, 2013 issued 9 copies blessing, beautiful women who will be very happy.

The 24.11.2012 11:42:15
Qin Yun
Sometimes it is really used to have, not necessarily a long-term feeling good









琴之韵 13:46:34


静林 13:46:41

琴之韵 13:47:13


琴之韵 13:47:22


静林 13:47:29

琴之韵 13:48:25

*ST北生(行情 股吧 买卖点)在最近一次重组失败后,于1221日迅速重新确定了新的重组方德勤集团。在仅剩的两天内,拿出重组方案已不太现实。不过,为确保*ST北生保壳,第三方郡原地产已将其持有的杭州郡原物业公司100%股权无偿赠予上市公司,前11月郡原物业已实现营收1498万元,盈利387万元。




琴之韵 13:48:58


琴之韵 13:49:54


静林 13:52:22

琴之韵 13:54:32


琴之韵 13:56:43


琴之韵 13:59:38


静林 14:00:29


静林 14:01:00


静林 14:01:11


琴之韵 14:01:17


琴之韵 14:01:44


琴之韵 14:02:02


琴之韵 14:02:16


静林 14:02:19


琴之韵 14:02:22


静林 14:02:32


琴之韵 14:02:51


琴之韵 14:03:04


静林 14:03:09


静林 14:03:36


静林 14:03:45


静林 14:05:05


静林 14:06:05


琴之韵 14:06:40


琴之韵 14:07:30


琴之韵 14:09:32


Date: 28.12.2012
Qin Yun 13:46:34
I every day looking at
(looking at the stock market?)
Jing Lin 13:46:41
(Liu Jing ping’s younger sister)
Qin Yun 13:47:13
Today is the 28th
Qin Yun 13:47:22
You this or the 21st
Jing Lin 13:47:29
Qin Yun 13:48:25
* ST North Health (market share trading point) in the most recent reorganization fails, on December 21 rapid re-identified new restructuring Fang Deqin Group. In the remaining two days to come up with restructuring plan is not realistic. However, in order to ensure that the * ST North Health insurance shell, the original property company in Hangzhou County third-party county original estate has its held 100% equity interest in gratuitous gift of listed companies, before the November gun original has been achieved revenue of 14.98 million yuan, earnings 3.87 million yuan.

It is understood that the original county real estate vice president, responsible for the reorganization of Zhao Jie, recently has been busy in the North Sea restructurings. A * ST North Health anonymity insiders told reporters: "The company is currently actively cooperate with the Exchange for review, there are two working days, we will do everything possible to make efforts to promote, and will not give up until the last moment."

Qin Yun 13:48:58
This is the 28th
Qin Yun 13:49:54
Monday, the 31st, the 31st SSE does not agree. Have no play

Jing Lin 13:52:22
Qin Yun 13:54:32
Jing-Chuan, and I speak the truth, I'm so sorry. Ming know, sure makes me unaccountably anything done
Qin Yun 13:56:43
Put it bluntly point, my side serves him insistence, and should only know, why ah?
Qin Yun 13:59:38
He would not let me go back, the situation in the end how, if I can not stay here no less than go back to the situation is a mess, go back to death and death is the same here, I choose to die out, that will let me die eyesight ah

Jing Lin 14:00:29
You want for your own
Jing Lin 14:01:00
That you also said, to go out to an environment, out of sight of the net
Jing Lin 14:01:11
A result, you still can not
Qin Yun 14:01:17
If it is for my own, I have always been very good
Qin Yun 14:01:44
Here is not good, I wanted to go back
Qin Yun 14:02:02
I did not can not
Qin Yun 14:02:16
Bad I went back to

Jing Lin 14:02:19
I would have talked to you to help Sichuan own life will take into
Qin Yun 14:02:22
What can not be done

Jing Lin 14:02:32
Remember exhibition commutators said no
Qin Yun 14:02:51
You say these things useful?
Qin Yun 14:03:04
Do not tell you

Jing Lin 14:03:09
You can no longer help him no
Jing Lin 14:03:36
Who can not help him,
Jing Lin 14:03:45
He vulnerability is too big
Jing Lin 14:05:05
He will do a home break the bank
Jing Lin 14:06:05
It later will the Tiexi the two houses and your house and made all not g
Qin Yun 14:06:40
I feel now, you tell me, why do not expect me to tell him now, let him answer me
Qin Yun 14:07:30
I want the truth
Qin Yun 14:09:32
Seeing April loans expire again











琴之韵 23:15:34


琴之韵 23:16:31


静林 04:15:35


静林 04:15:51





琴之韵 21:39:06




静林 03:07:44


静林 03:21:30


静林 03:22:24


琴之韵 09:14:43



Qin Yun 23:15:34
Jing Lin, pay attention to the stock market,
more than ask someone else
Qin Yun 23:16:31
I estimate I will contact with you in your two points to get up date: 08.02.2013

Jing Lin 04:15:35
Friends say to get some performance since some sort of relief, a
Jing Lin 04:15:51
Should be seen








Qin Yun 21:39:06
I went to a friend's house before I came back. Okay, but still does not fit the mood. Sorry, Mom okay? Tomorrow go spotlessly clean home eat Nianfan?


Date: 09.02.2013
Jing Lin 03:07:44
Grace. Re sad or want to go on; speak like Sichuan, there must be what it already had. Hope that this, too. Although the people of our family life is not good, but short-lived compared to those with disabilities and much better. We can not let the harsh reality, harsh environment sent collapse, we have to take care of their own body
Jing Lin 03:21:30
Promised nothing, the body is our only capital, as long as there is a good body in, what we are not afraid, so that they will have to do it over again. You are what you do not think too much. To let Richard help you renew, be able to remain in a foreign country is trying to learn the language,
but three full you free, (Permanent oppholdstilatelse and free to divorce)
Jing Lin 03:22:24
The days are better than
Qin Yun
In ah?







我只有忍,一跟他发生冲突, 一联 想很多不愉快的事情我就想回国。 还有一年,个月 ,忍吧

I only put a conflict with my husband, a lot of unpleasant things Lenovo I wanted to return home. Another year, month, and tolerance of it







22:02:55 ( is xxxx Jing pings brother)








他如果坚持他的方案,我就坚持我 的方案




恩恩,,我就担心你的情绪吧,,其他的都还能 放心


Qin Yun 22:05:56

我的情绪最让我难的,就是没得 钱,要还还债。

但是,我也想开了 无非就是没得房子住。租房子。

不为脸面活,为自己活。(Pro forma! Does not even want to live in the same house! )


Chuan 22:02:55 (Chuan is xxxx Jing pings brother)

Even I was pregnant young enough cultural wealth

He wrote from the way I can see it


Qin Yun 22:03:27

My husbands culture is not very good, words are not written well.


Qin Yun 22:04:28

If my husband sticks to his plan, I’ll stick to my plan

keep in mind my husband is also an immigrant


Chuan 22:05:05

Blessings, and I would not worry about your emotions right,, others are also assured


Qin Yun 22:05:56
My emotions most difficult, that is, did not have the money to repay debt.
However, I would like nothing more than to not have to live in my husbands house. Rent an apartment.
Not face live, live for myself.
(Pro forma! Does not even want to live in the same house! )







Wife's brother 17:36:14

因为你只有想办法留下来。这样才能化解很多国内 的X尬。目前我们是很被动,,所以我坚持建议你 尽星的不要把心思放在国内、思放在国内,,就做一些他能接受 的基本事项

(Is xxxx Jing Ping’s brother insisting that she remain in a relationship which includes sex with someone she does not even want to live together with so that she can remain in Norway and pay his debts?)

Wife's brother 17:36:14

Because you only have to think of ways to stay. So as to resolve many of the domestic X embarrassed. Currently we are very passive,, so I suggest you do the star insists not to concentrate on the domestic, domestic,, do think on some basic things that he can accept  (Is xxxx Jing Ping’s brother insisting that she remain in a relationship which includes sex with someone she does not even want to live together with so that she can remain in Norway and pay his debts?)


















Qin Yun


Honestly, lived here for good. I have a year and a half, you can get long visa. When, if I do not want to live here, I return home, as long as two years over the visa on the line

Qin Yun


I now week four half-day on the Norwegian lesson to the rest of the time I embroidered the word embroidery.

Qin Yun


He just gave me the money to make up for the money I work. If my language is better, able to find a job, it is really very happy.








回复琴之韵 16:19:09


回复琴之韵 16:19:34

他给舅写了信,具体你可问舅。(The uncle is a relative living Guilin I have been corresponding with.) And

回复琴之韵 16:21:15



Reply Qin Yun 16:19:09

The problem I'm facing is that he may not help me to apply for the third visa. So I have to return home. However, I will be with his logic, why do not you help me to sign.

Reply Qin Yun 16:19:34

He wrote a letter to the uncle, specific, you can ask the uncle. (The uncle is a relative living Guilin I have been corresponding with.)

Reply Qin Yun 16:21:15

Mother actually left without leaving is not the most important thing I am most worried about your future, how are you? I think, if I really want to return home. I still have to find a re-or Norway. Now my language better.















































The following is Intent to invite her son (Xin) (Allen Huan) to Norway so he can work illegally, for example selling strawberries, on a tourist visa?

日期: 26/10/2011



鑫,我在德国看到了IPAD2 16GB47932GB57964GB679,欧元,你上网查询外汇牌价,就能算出多少人民币了,今晚在丹麦住一夜,明天回挪威。我还没有进手机店看,你看电脑价格跟国内比较,手机价格可能也差不多吧,祝好!






Date: 20.10.2012 21:05


To: Richard Norton

Subject: Hi,I want to visit to you and my mother.

 Nihao,Richard.How are you?Is Norway weather good?Guilin is start to cold.My mother and you should take care of yourself,please.I read English book everyday.I miss my mother a lot.I want to visit her and you.And,I want to find some work that I can do.Can you send the invitations to me?

                                                                                                                           From:Allen Huan       



Qin Yun 22:38:07

I think of you, I was in tears, heart pain, However, remember, my mother just tell you this time, I think the mother's heart is attached to his son's heart, mother pain, my son will be hurt . Therefore, I once again tell you, we must be strong and good life.








Qin Yun 22:49:30

Love, then I will not speak, I tell you my situation, and reason, I can get married and go abroad, which is good. Bad is to leave you, but this is temporary. I am now in Germany, on the 19th we are open motorcycle from Norway to Sweden, and then cross over to Denmark to Germany, in Germany, motorcycle repair, repair computer hard drive, so stay a long time. Shunpian Dai I come out to play.






Qin Yun 22:50:58

Now the school has not school, within a year, learning the language is not to tuition fees. I intend to find work in September. You





Qin Yun 22:55:07

How are you? Are you okay? There is money to be used? I intend to August 6, giving you $ 700, and the mother is much to want to tell you say, all of a sudden, say so many ideas also known chaos.







Qin Yun

I am okay, just want to quickly have the opportunity to make some money to you.

Qin Yun 18:52:30
Small truth to me, and in Guilin, very concerned about me, my ideal is the first year, the bank loans also, the second year, to buy a car on Guilin, Guilin time we do not, you can open .



Qin Yun 19:47:57
I go abroad is to earn money here. Back to China to spend
Qin Yun 19:48:33
You can also plan like this
Qin Yun 19:49:13
We do not live in Norway permantly but long enough to get a green card first





The following is Intent to invite her son (Xin) (Allen Huan) to Norway so he can work illegally, for example selling strawberries, on a tourist visa?

Date: 26/10/2011
Qin Yun 17:19:21
Xin, in Germany, I saw IPAD2 16GB 479,32 GB 579,64 GB679 euros, Internet queries convert can calculate how much the RMB tonight, spending a night in Denmark, tomorrow back to Norway. I have not entered the mobile phone shop look, you look at the computer price comparison with domestic phone prices may also be almost right, best wishes!

Qin Yun 17:23:45
Also, I know you're looking for things to do, I have a plan, you think about it, from tomorrow July to August, which is selling strawberry season, here is a day of selling strawberries wages 500 at this time, you can apply for relatives visa, and the mother with someone else to sell strawberries, how? You do not understand Norwegian, you now want to strengthen the English, where the second language is English. What do you think?


Date: 20.10.2012 21:05
To: Richard Norton

Subject: Hi,I want to visit to you and my mother.

 Nihao,Richard.How are you?Is Norway weather good?Guilin is start to cold.My mother and you should take care of yourself,please.I read English book everyday.I miss my mother a lot.I want to visit her and you.And,I want to find some work that I can do.Can you send the invitations to me?

                                                                                                                           From:Allen Huan       








琴之韵 05:32:01


87035304 05:32:26



琴之韵 05:33:25


87035304 05:33:27


琴之韵 05:33:43


87035304 05:34:15



87035304 05:35:28



如花笑尘 23:36:18


如花笑尘 23:37:26

已经是22 5:36:18

琴之韵 23:38:15


如花笑尘 23:41:04


如花笑尘 23:48:18


如花笑尘 23:57:47



日期: 22/07/2011

如花笑尘 00:06:32


琴之韵 12:21:59


如花笑尘 12:21:56


如花笑尘 12:29:15


琴之韵 12:30:26


琴之韵 13:36:52


如花笑尘 13:44:02


琴之韵 18:14:04


Qin Yun 05:32:01
Well, in a word, I do not to feel at ease going abroad. I'm so sad, I only insist on it, no other choice and I was no turning back.
87035304 05:32:26
Oh. . Good / / Mo so much. . Everything only hard to scalp stepped down from grams to talk
Home is not so complicated. . . I'll take care of
Qin Yun 05:33:25
I'm really uncomfortable, thought a birthday spent in Germany, who know that I burst into tears,
87035304 05:33:27
Jia really can not. . Over all is the re-start. . Take your time. . Haste makes waste historically been so
Qin Yun 05:33:43
But also in front of my husband pretended nothing
87035304 05:34:15
Wrong. . Birthday has not. . Uncomfortable also had finished birthday. Side has 22
Kade country
87035304 05:35:28
Nazi Finished?

Flowery laugh dust 23:36:18 (Flowery laugh dust is an alias for Liu Jing ping’s younger sister Jing Lin)
Flowery laugh dust 23:37:26
No. 22 5:36:18

Qin Yun 23:38:15
In this heart I was very uneasy in a bad mood, and I feel very bad things with my family back home in China also makes me sad. Goodbye
Flowery laugh dust 23:41:04
You sleep.
Flowery laugh dust 23:48:18
And you want to know, you promise in Guilin, and how can not that money strategy to solve the problem, we now sorely lacking is money, if the money what things are not things, what the problem so it is not a problem. So you have to get away from everything, all thoughts on how to get money from mortgage payments and external debt
Flowery laugh dust 23:57:47
Speak the truth of a sentence Xiao Li Guilin really is not the time with a baby at this time. First: our home is the most difficult and the most money when; second: she and her baby there mother is equal to the home to take care of with three personal physical. Xiaoli to be nursed back to health, one old and one small shouting disease disease, we now no one disease can not afford ah. Third: Xinxin,
(another alias for
xxxx Jing ping’s son) and Sichuan (alias for her brother) safety aspects have to worry about it. The Xinxin Fortunately, the number of a girlfriend to help see to be afraid of him squandering money, Sichuan will be difficult, I'm afraid Xiaoli and baby to Sichuan to bring greater pressure on Sichuan to do risky things. (Xiaoli is a woman Jing pings brother has a child with?)

Date: 22/07/2011
Flowery laugh dust 00:06:32
I listen Xiaoli talked to her husband in the countryside, there are thousands of acres of mountain country each year if you want to fill about seven thousand dollars to him, her husband took the money left Xiaoli as the cost of living, Xiaoli Although there is no any money on the body, but her passbook and bank card with. I do not believe she really is penniless, took the baby out.
Qin Yun 12:21:59

Home only to worry about you, I am here just how to make money!

Flowery laugh dust 12:21:56
[Auto-Reply] Hello, I am now not something one will contact you.
Flowery laugh dust 12:29:15

Qin Yun 12:30:26
7000 accounts on the cash, maybe you do not have overdraft take existing ICBC
Qin Yun 13:36:52
You what time it is?

Flowery laugh dust 13:44:02
Night 7:44
Qin Yun 18:14:04

In the family, you worry about the practical things I can help also help. I only have to think of ways to get the first here money







Flowery laugh dust 18:12:11


琴之韵 21:52:50






























日期: 04/08/2011























Flowery laugh dust 18:12:11 delete?

You and Richard how to get along at his side? Also, and just as good in Guilin no

Qin Yun 21:52:50

Telephone charges is to pay a year, if a month is super, and it will remind. Wireless broadband fool of me, I should be due in January. Due in a few months, I have forgotten, but I have been using the past maturity will stop afford to go to network. This year, but stop, because I work with, so do not ask, you immediately cancel. I do not know that this wireless card if I do not have to pay in advance. My one-time costs in the first half of the year did not go out and make. You ask the wireless card in the end is how is it.

Qin Yun 21:53:31

I'm still the same. He is just fine for me. Currently still in Germany.

Qin Yun 21:57:46

Tomorrow is the birthday party held steel, you help me a message, happy birthday! If he returned, asked me, you tell him your way

Qin Yun 22:03:31

Speak the truth of a sentence can affect my man to he affected me. That is because he really is a very talented person, and I just remember his benefits. Musicianship better than I, and he is also engaged in the art. Get along with him for three years, he really influenced me. May I also specialize in arranging a night there listening to his music, because I

Qin Yun 22:16:24

Want to tell him to hug, because I think every time he and I will be sad. Even cry. I do not know when I will go abroad, just want to go out before can hug him, but he refused. About a, I do not persecuting him, I was feeling that you can think and I never take the initiative to the man said. However, I am calm and to overcome inner discomfort. And the end of the day to meet with his very successful. I admire my strong and open-minded personality. This will give me in this exotic looking for a job, and lay the foundation for, and I'm not afraid of me on the spot, I will be strong out of another world.

Qin Yun 22:19:48

I always remember him good. We are driving a motorcycle all the way over, I do not like the car, my motion sickness, this brings I have been reminded of the old party. He helped me through the fatigue of the journey. Our speed is more than 140, sometimes reached 160, but I Block, sleeping in the back, this is very dangerous.

Qin Yun 22:22:31

Well, to tell you today if I do not speak. Do you know that on the line. I really wish him a happy day to greet the new day.

Qin Yun 22:28:03

In fact, I embrace, not trying to his back to me, or love me again, I only feel a friend, who so want to love you not give me a hug, however, which fully reflects his for others, this character is.

Qin Yun 22:31:33

I really do not know that he is not that I was an active people like gestures. If he is so, let him think it wrong themselves will not be a good thing to others. Do they want to do, not think about it.

Qin Yun 22:36:02

If my phone is 13907738004 cell phone as if did not have to ask Wang Liping

Date: 04/08/2011

Qin Yun 09:37:54

Some people go out and play, I need less than 4,000 round-trip ticket and accommodation votes

Qin Yun 09:43:49

Should be coordinated

Flowery laugh dust 18:40:46

Round-trip tickets and accommodations within 4000 votes, I can help you ask


Flowery laugh dust 19:12:01

Old party how to think your incomes for tax him, he does not accept you embrace others enough atmosphere, magnanimous, and belongs to the man in the street type, you should look down on him is

Flowery laugh dust 19:13:00

I am such a person will be dismissed

Flowery laugh dust 19:18:57

For his actions that day, to express once and two of his emotions, and his friendship, he can not understand, he has not reached the kind of realm, you are stronger than he, he now equipped not on you, although he affected you, but he is now Abstract outdated













壁灯 21:39:43


琴之韵 21:41:37


壁灯 21:43:38


琴之韵 21:43:56





琴之韵 21:45:27


琴之韵 21:46:22





Wall lamp 21:37:04

I originally registered melt to $ 6 million. . Condition with the original and the cousin to talk to him is that he was responsible for looking for 2 million out. . A result, he has gone back on its words. . Huh very embarrassed me in front of in Tan and construction company. . . But the bad guys always have bad luck. Now he wanted to do in Guilin guarantee business is difficult. . Is too dirty man. . So I do not need to find what Xiaoyang gas or pull things on what other benefits. . . Wait for change in this matter does not end
Qin Yun 21:38:37
Rely on someone Ministry is unreliable, but you did well, the only way little by little, come on, I do not know if you can really get a little.
Wall lamp 21:39:43
So hard, just hard to have to face the reality. . You want to kick prohibitively also that conditions and opportunities, do not speak. . In short, each of whom commands strong does not allow for
Qin Yun 21:41:37
Well, I was worried about you

Wall lamp 21:43:38
Worry about worry. . You thought about what would life abroad. . Our family who is less than is the case. . Now people are not over-grams. . How to on how to, and does not want to come. . Are a few years old fight also was in line with reality. . MOK you force yourself too much. Brother is really do not want you tired, but I know that not tired impossible is less tired point Well
Qin Yun 21:43:56
Baby's milk powder should be there!

Wall lamp 21:44:05
Yes, I bought back not eaten should
Qin Yun 21:45:27
Wrong, when my divorce, I think I must marry abroad
Qin Yun 21:46:22
Until two years ago, I went to the provisions of our line eligible for early retirement, I have stepped up









琴之韵 19:00:31


琴之韵 19:00:45


壁灯 19:01:06


琴之韵 19:01:22


琴之韵 19:02:06


壁灯 19:02:24


琴之韵 19:02:29


琴之韵 19:03:17





Qin Yun 19:00:31
Too, began to feel homesick
Qin Yun 19:00:45
So family and friends began to think

Wall lamp 19:01:06
Oh, I hope this transition period can settle down early
Qin Yun 19:01:22
I had to go abroad to earn money abroad, so soon adapt to the environment here
Qin Yun 19:02:06
Speak from the heart, if Ou, I did not get so upset, I have been all to be home

Wall lamp 19:02:24
Make money I always do not want you to first place, and life and death, wealth in the day, was not to insist on it. . Home situation is not very optimistic, but such is life has its own trajectory, we're going down it wants
Qin Yun 19:02:29
I did not want to leave my family in China
Qin Yun 19:03:17
I hope the path I have chosen will lead to success











保镖 19:24:08(bodyguard is another alias for her brother)


琴之韵  19:24:21




保镖  19:25:18


琴之韵  19:25:27




保镖  19:26:27


琴之韵  19:26:48



保镖  19:27:48


琴之韵  19:28:01


保镖  19:28:13


琴之韵  19:28:34


保镖  19:28:40


保镖  19:29:42


琴之韵  19:29:52



保镖  19:30:24


琴之韵  19:30:34

保镖  19:30:41


琴之韵  19:30:46


保镖  19:31:05


琴之韵  19:31:16


保镖  19:31:35


琴之韵  19:31:55


保镖  19:32:10


琴之韵  19:32:16


保镖  19:32:45



琴之韵  19:33:56


保镖  19:34:38


琴之韵  19:34:56



保镖  19:35:36


琴之韵  19:35:44


保镖  19:35:57


琴之韵  19:35:55


保镖  19:36:04

我2天没吃没喝了。。Her brother is in hiding from people he owes money?

琴之韵  19:36:11



保镖  19:36:45


琴之韵  19:36:41


保镖  19:36:49


琴之韵  19:38:05


保镖  19:38:09


琴之韵  19:38:18


琴之韵  19:39:35


保镖  19:39:45


琴之韵  19:40:46



保镖  19:41:10



琴之韵  19:42:13



保镖  19:43:30


保镖  19:44:52


琴之韵  19:45:01



保镖  19:46:24


琴之韵  19:47:00


保镖  19:47:27


琴之韵  19:48:08


保镖  19:48:32



琴之韵  19:49:36


保镖  19:50:09


琴之韵  19:50:14


保镖  19:50:53


琴之韵  19:51:04




保镖  19:51:45


琴之韵  19:52:35



琴之韵  19:53:37



保镖  19:53:58



琴之韵  19:55:50



保镖  19:56:31


我那是10来万啊 她就靠万把块钱过日子了。。


琴之韵  19:57:09


保镖  19:57:20


保镖  19:59:47




Bodyguard 19:24:08 (bodyguard is another alias for her brother)
Busy, a lot of things very urgent
Qin Yun 19:24:21
Things going well?
Where are you now?
Bodyguard 19:25:18
Very subtle little things do not go well. . I am now at the Three Mile place
Qin Yun 19:25:27
Not to go home ah
Oh, bother you, no?
I did not have anything else, just tell you the speech.
Bodyguard 19:26:27
Put it this way, Weida Group renovation. . This eye-catching fall on our
Qin Yun 19:26:48
His office main Renchen Bin Jiang,
Looking for something he can ask stuff did not
Bodyguard 19:27:48
This project has been tracking investment. . It is a critical time. . Is still a lot of money, is now desperate to have to win so that they will have real hope
Qin Yun 19:28:01
Never mind, I think about what it described as an honest?
Bodyguard 19:28:13
Asked no use, we are all done by the above work. .
Qin Yun 19:28:34
Oh, my you tomorrow Mo me
Bodyguard 19:28:40
Distribution plan early. .
Bodyguard 19:29:42
There are more important things I tell no one, I have a thing at this critical time, could not sleep all day I Chengye
Qin Yun 19:29:52
Oh, what's going on?
Is the ball?
Bodyguard 19:30:24
Have been even you do not want to say, but boring to be too bad. . Me for several days did not go home. . . I was at home, in fact I was not speaking with Chu
Qin Yun 19:30:34
Bodyguard 19:30:41
Ball long time to do. . The ball can not solve the big problem,
Qin Yun 19:30:46
To speak the language
Bodyguard 19:31:05
I pressure
Qin Yun 19:31:16
Oh, and died without
Bodyguard 19:31:35
. . Not
Qin Yun 19:31:55
You charge a person? Or?
Bodyguard 19:32:10
A pressure
Qin Yun 19:32:16
You drive?
Bodyguard 19:32:45
Yes. . Did not open for a long time to take the car a few days familiar start
Would have nothing to do. . Just rain at night. . Well, speak nothing with
Qin Yun 19:33:56
You ran?
Bodyguard 19:34:38
Guilin, a few days ago a a larger car accident. . . The Yangge Ping Deng Zhuang dead. . Of Yangge Ping Opera Association director Connaught return home programs
Qin Yun 19:34:56
I know
What is your situation?
Bodyguard 19:35:36
I ran? ? Run no place to run. . Would have to suffer into grams sat up. . . Paul out through the company's relationship. .
Qin Yun 19:35:44
Voice conversations?
Bodyguard 19:35:57
Can not. .
Qin Yun 19:35:55
Bodyguard 19:36:04
I was two days without food or drink. . Her brother is in hiding from people he owes money?
Qin Yun 19:36:11
You now?
Small Joan accommodation?
Bodyguard 19:36:45
So weak. . Things the company is compelled in Meiji. . . I was. .
Qin Yun 19:36:41
Neither eat nor drink nor ah
Bodyguard 19:36:49
Qin Yun 19:38:05
You do not want to give people know where you are?
Bodyguard 19:38:09
You do not understand. . Conditions in consultation with the injured home is a one-time payment. . Our company also means speaking not to engage in too long, once and not risk
Qin Yun 19:38:18
How much does it cost?
Qin Yun 19:39:35
Is not did not have to send something for you to eat them, this does not work, called Xin Chai send something for you to eat
Bodyguard 19:39:45
Nor do not want to give people know where. . . I'm all over the world to find the money, Chu where I was afraid to speak, the day before the emergency with Jing Lin asked under no usury know, I just talk about the company's funds
Qin Yun 19:40:46
I think that your things or keep quiet forest speaking, after all, is the people of their own home.
Together to find ways
Bodyguard 19:41:10
Eat is not a problem, I am not on foot. . I have here some people do. . . The problem is that the day tomorrow to pay. . I still have thousands of miles apart. . I tell you, not what you want, is to hold back too uncomfortable and even panic
Tell her no use ah. . She is not a solution
Qin Yun 19:42:13
However, more than one of their loved ones know, or quintal ah
To speak with Tutu
Bodyguard 19:43:30
To tell the truth I am not afraid to borrow be able to borrow. . The company will also say will help me. . This project is finalized this month down. . The introduction of the funds will acquire help me out also, even if it is not afraid of high interest rates. . .
Bodyguard 19:44:52
Share. . . Now this bitterness who will share ah. . . Now to borrow money must be secured. . We have nothing
Qin Yun 19:45:01
My real estate license has not been
Bodyguard 19:46:24
Tomorrow payment. . Even if others agree with me two give me 100,000 short
Qin Yun 19:47:00
If he could not pay models, you will go is not it?
Bodyguard 19:47:27
I do not want to think about the things behind. . Did not have time to think about.
Qin Yun 19:48:08
Or get something to eat, the body cross, nothing had
Bodyguard 19:48:32
I also endure because ah
What the fuck is life ah
Qin Yun 19:49:36
I think that this could be done immediately told Tutu
Bodyguard 19:50:09
I do this 50000 Li Mei back to her husband to show me
Qin Yun 19:50:14
She is your wife,
Bodyguard 19:50:53
Told her to no avail, although she is my wife. . I'm also aware of her home, and her dad these days too ill to powerful I did not go back to see
Qin Yun 19:51:04
She ran into this matter, let her accompany you,
The face of a beggar
You bitter
Bodyguard 19:51:45
She would accompany to me and I do not doubt. . . But now is not who accompany me will be able to solve the problem
Qin Yun 19:52:35
Told to listen to, you do not speak, I
You, I really trust
Qin Yun 19:53:37
If you think about she would know these things,
One more person
Bodyguard 19:53:58
Speak to no avail, and she vaguely know what I am bad money, but there is really not be able to get them. . If useful, I had said. . Why now you want her to worry about it more than a
It is to solve the problem first. No need to think about. . Useless things do not have time to waste
Qin Yun 19:55:50
I talk about Jing Lin, she may also be a little stock
I now call her
Bodyguard 19:56:31
To 100 thousand she rely on this money to live. .
I to 100 thousand she live rely on ten thousand dollars. .

Qin Yun 19:57:09
Give you first
Bodyguard 19:57:20
Also not solve the problem. .
Bodyguard 19:59:47
Borrow, borrow enough for me to think so. . 23 months time I can have a way to earn back. .
As long as I can take it out to the bitter point of up to 23 months forbearance and tolerance will accumulate









27.03.2013 13:04:28 琴之韵



27.03.2013 13:04:53 陆春



27.03.2013 13:05:07 陆春


27.03.2013 13:04:28 Qin Yun

To be honest, I am here should strive to learn the language, find a good job to help my brother. Not with others.


27.03.2013 13:04:53 Miss Spring

I know you're tired.


27.03.2013 13:05:07 Miss Spring

Brother and sister have to rely on you.







22.03.2012 18:27:07 琴之韵



22.03.2012 18:27:23 琴之韵



22.03.2012 18:28:34 琴之韵



22.03.2012 20:16:45 琴之韵



22.03.2012 20:16:57 琴之韵



14.04.2012 17:03:22 黄仲琼



14.04.2012 18:25:38 琴之韵



14.04.2012 18:26:30 琴之韵



22.03.2012 18:27:07 Qin Yun
Pei told me that you discuss with us to play Liu Jun loans, she does not credit the. My brother speaking Liu Jun loan interest floating number, or credit, if they can bring out better, my brother can use him now guarantee company platform, do it yourself, he can do to draw my interest.

The 22.03.2012 18:27:23 Qin Yun
Together to find

The 22.03.2012 18:28:34 Qin Yun
Do you see how? If I am to Liu Jun, loan 300,000 loan mentioned? How much do you prepare loan?

The 22.03.2012 20:16:45 Qin Yun
So I went back, we ask Liu Jun, out to eat, we do not have money, my brother's company to pay, do not let him know please. What do you think?

The 22.03.2012 20:16:57 Qin Yun
Who Please

14.04.2012 17:03:22 Huang Zhongqiong
Back in Norway it? The near future, all things are too crowded together, did not even empty a meal together, to say a few words, really sorry. Your things eventually completed yet? Do not adapt to the working environment? I wish you all the best!


The 14.04.2012 18:25:38 Qin Yun
Honestly, mentally exhausted. But the total still finishing my brother said, the past two days put the stuff I gave you gave you, sorry, could not personally give you, please understand, Pro out still accept bank inquiry .

The 14.04.2012 18:26:30 Qin Yun
Including three friends something you failed to personally deliver.








04.12.2012 15:44:14 琴之韵



04.12.2012 15:45:35 琴之韵



04.12.2012 15:46:39 琴之韵



The 04.12.2012 15:44:14 Qin Yun
Honestly, lived here for good. I have a year and a half remaining before I can get a permanent residence permit, then, if I do not want to live here, I return home, as long as two years over the visa on the line

The 04.12.2012 15:45:35 Qin Yun
I now week four half-day on the Norwegian lesson to the rest of the time I embroidered the word embroidery.

The 04.12.2012 15:46:39 Qin Yun
He just gave me the money to make up for the money I work. If my language is better, able to find a job, it is really very happy.












09.03.2013 10:23:38 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:23:58 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:24:17 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:24:31 小明



09.03.2013 10:24:40 小明



09.03.2013 10:24:46 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:24:53 小明



09.03.2013 10:25:00 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:25:04 小明



09.03.2013 10:25:21 小明



09.03.2013 10:25:33 小明



09.03.2013 10:25:43 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:26:18 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:27:31 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:28:44 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:33:43 小明



09.03.2013 10:33:57 小明



09.03.2013 10:34:11 小明



09.03.2013 10:34:37 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:35:03 小明



09.03.2013 10:35:45 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:36:37 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:40:33 小明



09.03.2013 10:40:43 小明



09.03.2013 10:40:51 小明



09.03.2013 10:40:51 琴之韵


09.03.2013 10:41:17 小明



09.03.2013 10:42:27 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:42:43 小明



09.03.2013 10:42:48 小明



09.03.2013 10:43:01 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:43:52 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:44:23 小明



09.03.2013 10:44:34 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:44:45 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:44:52 小明



09.03.2013 10:45:17 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:45:43 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:45:50 小明



09.03.2013 10:46:01 小明



09.03.2013 10:46:01 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:46:27 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:46:43 小明



09.03.2013 10:46:48 小明



09.03.2013 10:46:54 小明



09.03.2013 10:47:15 小明



09.03.2013 10:48:03 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:48:47 小明



09.03.2013 10:48:52 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:49:12 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:50:11 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:50:38 小明



09.03.2013 10:50:58 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:52:54 小明



09.03.2013 10:53:24 小明



09.03.2013 10:54:57 琴之韵



09.03.2013 10:55:29 小明



09.03.2013 10:56:51 琴之韵



27.03.2013 10:23:30 琴之韵



29.03.2013 15:20:39 小明


The 09.03.2013 10:23:38 Qin Yun
Just one thing, I want to take the Provident Fund from the end of January to begin the application has not been up to now, I just think Li Baolin too arrogant.

The 09.03.2013 10:23:58
Qin Yun
You have only to my salary is one point in cash.

The 09.03.2013 10:24:17
Qin Yun
Two years rely on to be able to take a provident fund to the family.

09.03.2013 10:24:31 Xiao Ming
Take the provident fund formalities are complex, one or two months is normal

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:24:40
I remind Pauline.

The 09.03.2013 10:30:20 Qin Yun
None. I have taken a few years

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:24:53
General two months can get very fast.

The 09.03.2013 10:25:00 Qin Yun
Go tea to cool ah!

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:25:04
Fund extraction policy last year.

09.03.2013 10:25:21 Xiao Ming
My provident fund last year in November to apply to get a New Year's

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:25:33
Li Baolin sometimes do things slowly, but will not go tea cool

The 09.03.2013 10:25:43
Qin Yun
Alright. I am speechless. I believe in you!

The 09.03.2013 10:26:18
Qin Yun
Our side is still cold. Minus 9 degrees.

The 09.03.2013 10:27:31
Qin Yun
I'm still learning the language in school. Fortunately, I found a government payment of wages internship.

The 09.03.2013 10:28:44
Qin Yun
Work or family child care homes in the last year, half a day, half a day learning.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:33:43
Ha ha!

09.03.2013 10:33:57 Xiao Ming
There is one thing, do not know someone to tell you not?

09.03.2013 10:34:11 Xiao Ming
You have a few credit cards overdrafts 80,000, you should pay attention to.

The 09.03.2013 10:34:37 ​​Qin Yun
Yes, I guess you have to tell me things certainly have

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:35:03
Now how about it?

The 09.03.2013 10:35:45 Qin Yun
My brother is the bank loan procedures.

The 09.03.2013 10:36:37
Qin Yun
Loan out into my credit card. Is this thing?

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:40:33

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:40:43
Your credit card, or tube better, do not let other people mess with.

09.03.2013 10:40:51 Xiao Ming
Even overdraft, do not exceed the time.

The 09.03.2013 10:40:51 Qin Yun

09.03.2013 10:41:17 Xiao Ming
Know your economy is somewhat difficult, but do not affect you personally. Some things, and brothers and sisters, or a son or you do not wholeheartedly to manage too busy

The 09.03.2013 10:42:27 Qin Yun
To be honest, I take care of my family too much, only to end up with me to go abroad this step.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:42:43
I also think that!

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:42:48
Really, I have always felt that you should not be so.

The 09.03.2013 10:43:01 Qin Yun
I have been the worst in the heart.

The 09.03.2013 10:43:52
Qin Yun
Is really not put me in the lake house to sell debt. I re-start.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:44:23
Your debts are brothers and sisters, right?

The 09.03.2013 10:44:34 Qin Yun
The son did not live in the house, to rent an apartment.

The 09.03.2013 10:44:45
Qin Yun
Mainly his brother

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:44:52
Son called his dad tube

The 09.03.2013 10:45:17 Qin Yun
His father tube.

The 09.03.2013 10:45:43
Qin Yun
The only thing of my home, I tried to do.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:45:50
Pedestrian work so many years, plus provident fund, and normally can not be that nervous. I also do not know, you in the end is how is it.

09.03.2013 10:46:01 Xiao Ming
Is not your brother, your sister, your burden?

The 09.03.2013 10:46:01 Qin Yun
To my brother

The 09.03.2013 10:46:27
Qin Yun
My brother was in the last few years embarked on the right path.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:46:43
But too much you can afford.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:46:48
That they have to bear

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:46:54
Sometimes within limits, right?

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:47:15
Find him a regular job, can not I? Less than a month to earn a 2000 feed themselves enough. How should you pay so much?

The 09.03.2013 10:48:03 Qin Yun
Alas, things have now to this step, the only way now.

09.03.2013 10:48:47 Xiao Ming
All right. Continue to do it!

The 09.03.2013 10:48:52 Qin Yun
Brother good care of the elderly at home,

The 09.03.2013 10:49:12
Qin Yun
I do big sister try to help him.

The 09.03.2013 10:50:11
Qin Yun
Yes, ah,

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:50:38
You is not easy. . . To take care of yourself!

The 09.03.2013 10:50:58 Qin Yun
Well, thank you!

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:52:54
What news, my message to you.

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:53:24
Now in line with 25 years of service and age 50 or older, Nanning charged is not granted early retirement. . .

The 09.03.2013 10:54:57 Qin Yun

Xiao Ming 09.03.2013 10:55:29
I went to dinner.

The 09.03.2013 10:56:51 Qin Yun
Well, thank you!

The 27.03.2013 10:23:30
Qin Yun
Off the line, thank you! Yesterday finally got the Provident Fund. Best wishes [expression]

Xiao Ming 29.03.2013 15:20:39
Oh, you must








03.11.2012 22:18:54 琴之韵



03.11.2012 22:19:02 琴之韵



The 03.11.2012 22:18:54 Qin Yun
Mother to adhere to get a permanent residence permit here

The 03.11.2012 22:19:02 Qin Yun
Need your strong







27.03.2013 13:14:41 琴之韵



27.03.2013 13:14:49 琴之韵



27.03.2013 13:15:45 陆春



27.03.2013 13:15:57 陆春



The 27.03.2013 13:14:41 Qin Yun
I hope not see anything, so I was able to adhere to stay.

The 27.03.2013 13:14:49 Qin Yun

27.03.2013 13:15:45 Miss Spring
Will not. Out must find ways to stay. And so do not have to worry about his son independent, came back late in life can also ah.

27.03.2013 13:15:57 Miss Spring
That should adhere to.








09.01.2012 13:06:51 琴之韵(bodyguards is an alias for her brother )



09.01.2012 13:07:58 保镖



09.01.2012 13:08:34 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:10:04 保镖



09.01.2012 13:11:15 保镖



09.01.2012 13:12:20 保镖



09.01.2012 13:13:42 保镖



09.01.2012 13:13:41 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:15:07 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:15:33 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:16:18 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:16:39 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:16:50 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:17:19 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:17:48 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:17:55 保镖



09.01.2012 13:17:56 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:18:53 保镖



09.01.2012 13:19:39 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:21:07 保镖



09.01.2012 13:22:03 保镖



09.01.2012 13:31:19 保镖



09.01.2012 13:32:28 保镖



09.01.2012 13:32:53 保镖



09.01.2012 13:37:55 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:38:10 保镖



09.01.2012 13:39:40 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:40:14 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:40:21 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:40:27 保镖



09.01.2012 13:40:54 保镖

他不担心钱收不回来。只要是你用他就不 担心


09.01.2012 13:42:02 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:42:17 保镖



09.01.2012 13:42:44 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:43:35 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:43:42 保镖



09.01.2012 13:44:30 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:44:50 保镖



09.01.2012 13:45:22 保镖



09.01.2012 13:46:04 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:46:19 保镖



09.01.2012 13:46:30 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:46:48 保镖



09.01.2012 13:46:53 保镖



09.01.2012 13:48:23 保镖



09.01.2012 13:48:34 琴之韵


09.01.2012 13:49:04 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:49:15 保镖



09.01.2012 13:49:36 保镖



09.01.2012 13:50:19 保镖



09.01.2012 13:50:27 保镖



09.01.2012 13:52:13 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:52:32 保镖



09.01.2012 13:53:10 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:53:27 保镖



09.01.2012 13:54:14 保镖



09.01.2012 13:54:41 保镖




09.01.2012 13:56:12 保镖



09.01.2012 13:56:23 保镖



09.01.2012 13:56:47 琴之韵



09.01.2012 13:57:18 保镖



09.01.2012 13:57:52 保镖



09.01.2012 14:00:36 琴之韵


The 09.01.2012 13:06:51 Qin Yun (bodyguards is an alias for her brother )
What happened?

09.01.2012 13:07:58 bodyguards
First, you call ahead to Weidong, your family can play international long distance not? I already hinted that it might give him a year ago to less than a paragraph under

The 09.01.2012 13:08:34 Qin Yun
The second?

09.01.2012 13:10:04 bodyguards
You told him the bank is no problem, just now the banks are busy last year's sum up. So lenders also point time. . Of course we will be on time to his friend's interest. Specific lender is years ago to get down after New Year certainly put the. Absolutely get in before the mid-February

09.01.2012 13:11:15 bodyguards
Today, I call to the the Guilin bank ask someone to loan things. Banks gave me the answer is now busy last year's sum up. Loan business, to postpone doing now, so I'm afraid you shall also have an impact down.

09.01.2012 13:12:20 bodyguards
Second. You contact small Yang. Asked now is not the banks to engage in the summary of loans will slow point estimate when you can put. . . Do not directly ask to get your money. .

09.01.2012 13:13:42 bodyguards
Jing Lin told me, I cried last week she called to ask to help you do the loan salesman. . The other raised under you is not there a loan did not also, I think what the problem is not so smooth

The 09.01.2012 13:13:41 Qin Yun
Hello, I am not something one will contact you.

The 09.01.2012 13:15:07
Qin Yun
I did not have the quiet forest a little way, and then I told her to tell you this thing. Until today, she tell you to listen to.

The 09.01.2012 13:15:33
Qin Yun
Weidong, IOU is not

The 09.01.2012 13:16:18
Qin Yun
The IOU is two months of interest when to?

The 09.01.2012 13:16:39
Qin Yun
Now give him a month,

The 09.01.2012 13:16:50
Qin Yun
Phone is less than a fight, you can no

The 09.01.2012 13:17:19
Qin Yun
To call me on the phone to a small positive, or Xiao Yang

The 09.01.2012 13:17:48
Qin Yun
Ask when loans Swiss told Weidong

09.01.2012 13:17:55 bodyguards
I shouted thanks you wrote two months. . . So IOU written on two months in Weidong here like, speak, speak with each other, but when we go to borrow money on the line is estimated a month. . So you call me and tell Weidong speak to the next like point. . Whatever you say interest plus point. . You say this is not to

The 09.01.2012 13:17:56 Qin Yun
Tell Weidong

09.01.2012 13:18:53 bodyguards
No, you still hit to Weidong. . Stay well give us the posterior. . To know the variables of the banks. . Even if the banks now give you an answer is not necessarily true day there, so I would prefer to give their own point of time

The 09.01.2012 13:19:39 Qin Yun

09.01.2012 13:21:07 bodyguards
Another is mastered speech with the the small Yang consulting the skills. Do not ask too urgent or something. . Is to tell you people in foreign countries under the care of it. Things your brother do. That time brother in the bank have a business need to know to call him point it wants to help. .

09.01.2012 13:22:03 bodyguards
18978365581 Weidong Phone

09.01.2012 13:31:19 bodyguards
Oh, and not stuffy. . Inconvenient to fight it does not matter. . I Weidong together when you speak with him using the video

09.01.2012 13:32:28 bodyguards
Encountered do not do anything on the air, the way to solve the problem or heart calm gas

09.01.2012 13:32:53 bodyguards
A child is that you spend all day with me explain the forbearance word

The 09.01.2012 13:37:55 Qin Yun
With Weidong through the phone

09.01.2012 13:38:10 bodyguards
How can he speak?

The 09.01.2012 13:39:40 Qin Yun
I listen to what he meant, and he told me his friends to get married, which means also may want to as soon as possible. 1, he stresses this money I use this? I replied.

The 09.01.2012 13:40:14
Qin Yun
He worried about the money not being paid

The 09.01.2012 13:40:21
Qin Yun

09.01.2012 13:40:27 bodyguards
Why they want you to personally call to be useful. . Can not be a light to me

09.01.2012 13:40:54 bodyguards
He does not worry about the money not being paid. As long as you are not worried with his

The 09.01.2012 13:42:02 Qin Yun
I told him that the loan officer last Friday before writing the report, today, Monday, lenders certainly will be after this week, the original, I thought it was a good fast, so I'm calling to tell you.

09.01.2012 13:42:17 bodyguards
And so I told him by telephone to give 0.5 points mean mean would pass. . . But the banks still have to fast until assured

The 09.01.2012 13:42:44 Qin Yun

The 09.01.2012 13:43:35
Qin Yun
Asked Jing Lin Xiao Yang's phone

09.01.2012 13:43:42 bodyguards
Xiao-yang, where you see the call time

The 09.01.2012 13:44:30 Qin Yun
If the banks do not give me credit, big problem.

09.01.2012 13:44:50 bodyguards
[Expression] not afraid. . I

09.01.2012 13:45:22 bodyguards
If you do not give credit, I wanted to borrow adhere to April

The 09.01.2012 13:46:04 Qin Yun


Because I don’t have the ownership tell to my apartment, it is not easy to get a loan?

09.01.2012 13:46:19 bodyguards

The 09.01.2012 13:46:30 Qin Yun
Let Jing Lin to Xiao Yang of the mobile phone to me

09.01.2012 13:46:48 bodyguards
But I am not here not any written power of attorney. . Still have to come back before the

09.01.2012 13:46:53 bodyguards

09.01.2012 13:48:23 bodyguards
Grams did not answer my phone went to activities is estimated

The 09.01.2012 13:48:34 Qin Yun

The 09.01.2012 13:49:04
Qin Yun
Connected the Xiaoyang phone with me

09.01.2012 13:49:15 bodyguards

09.01.2012 13:49:36 bodyguards
I asked to send you a small yang if I

09.01.2012 13:50:19 bodyguards

09.01.2012 13:50:27 bodyguards
Little Yang 13977378989

The 09.01.2012 13:52:13 Qin Yun
Now off work to play bad. Afraid of him at home

09.01.2012 13:52:32 bodyguards
Yes, I call you to see time playing

The 09.01.2012 13:53:10 Qin Yun
His telephone number with Li Mei's almost all I used

09.01.2012 13:53:27 bodyguards

09.01.2012 13:54:14 bodyguards
Now the loans get down. . If you want to give the the Xin cubs money, then call him to ask me for it wants

09.01.2012 13:54:41 bodyguards
Now at home with the money yet?

09.01.2012 13:56:12 bodyguards
Oh, the cubs on this point, as I can speak Club Road. . Know only know that others just are not see

09.01.2012 13:56:23 bodyguards
Oh, the cubs on this point, as I can speak Club Road. . Just people do not see themselves only know that others

The 09.01.2012 13:56:47 Qin Yun
He took two people to come and live, and the mother could not bear watching, and went back to the Tiexi next day Mom went back to my side

09.01.2012 13:57:18 bodyguards
As I had said before, the The Xin cubs truth is to understand but the light to understand no use. . I will not say more. .

09.01.2012 13:57:52 bodyguards
Let them over to the first. . Short failing to solve. . Nothing of

The 09.01.2012 14:00:36 Qin Yun
And Xiao-yang, I can speak, you need money urgently, loans years ago, so I hope to say this to you?








In the following chat Jing ping is talking to Yujuan Huang’s son Su Junrong. Yujuan Huang fled to the woman’s shelter with her son July or August 2012 and accused her Norwegian husband of abuse, Cf. immigration act 53b (utlendingsloven 53b.) The case was dismissed and she returned to China early in 2014. I have written in some detail about her case at the end of my report to the police dated 04.10.13 “Supplerende opplysning til politiforklaring 25.09.13 ved xxxx xxxxvedrørende midlertidige oppholdstillatelse for av Kina xxxx, JingPing borger jf §53b.” (Supplementary information to the police interview 09/25/13 at xxxx xxxx concerning temporary residence permit for a citizen of China xxxx Jingping cf. §53b.)




不是吧 那么严重? 买手机这个说真的没那么夸张吧?


03.08.2012 23:40:09 琴之韵



03.08.2012 23:40:53 琴之韵



03.08.2012 23:42:12 琴之韵


In the following chat Jing ping is talking to Yujuan Huang’s son Su Junrong. Yujuan Huang fled to the woman’s shelter with her son July or August 2012 and accused her Norwegian husband of abuse, Cf. immigration act 53b (utlendingsloven 53b.) The case was dismissed and she returned to China early in 2014. I have written in some detail about her case at the end of my report to the police dated 04.10.13 “Supplerende opplysning til politiforklaring 25.09.13 ved xxxx xxxx vedrørende midlertidige oppholdstillatelse for av Kina xxxx, Jing Ping borger jf §53b.” (Supplementary information to the police interview 09/25/13 at xxxx  xxxx concerning temporary residence permit for a citizen of China  xxxx Jing ping cf. §53b.)


Su Junrong 23:39:42

Is not it so serious? Buy a mobile phone this really is not so exaggerated, right?


The 03.08.2012 23:40:09 Qin Yun

With me, when my husband signed second-year temporary residence permits. Can also stay with him for some time, and then I think of when you would have your own house, I moved out to live with you 


The 03.08.2012 23:40:53 Qin Yun

To live for two years, I went home


The 03.08.2012 23:42:12 Qin Yun

Later, the old arguments (old arguments=my husband) and said to me, we should treat each other kindly, think about it is there we did not worth preserving








说实话,我在这里要努力学习语言,找到好工作,可以 帮助弟弟。不跟别人说。


陆春 13:04:53




Qin Yun 12:59:19

To be honest, I'm here to trying to learn the language, find a good job, can help my brother. Do not tell people that.


Lu Chun 13:04:53

I know you're tired.

Brother and sister have to rely on you








琴之韵 16:10:03


琴之韵 16:10:26


刘丽兰 16:10:37


琴之韵 16:10:50


琴之韵 16:11:04


刘丽兰 16:11:22


琴之韵 16:12:19



Qin Yun 16:10:03
Young again less than a Rhodes
Qin Yun 16:10:26

Not divorce, that would come here to
Li-Lan Liu 16:10:37
Qin Yun 16:10:50
if your life in China is not good, consider going abroad
Qin Yun 16:11:04
Take a chance

Li-Lan Liu 16:11:22
So to speak, God shut the door must open another window
Qin Yun 16:12:19
Yes, there is the idea of ​​the talent will he opened












Brother 21:19:34






琴之韵 21:20:21



Brother 21:20:22



Brother 21:20:54




Brother 21:19:34

It to finish slightly. . Tight stresses so you pretend to not see, which led to my waist good acid and embarrassed to talk about the wave


Qin Yun 21:19:34

So, I say anyway. I will live here


Qin Yun 21:20:21

Alright. Next Tuesday I send money. To give you the interest of Chu. Do not you back that I have to be proud


Brother 21:20:22

Oh, and of course slightly. . I previously said. . Can select another environment of life, this life seems good. .


Brother 21:20:54

Do not go back? ? Might do. . Drops next swing I can not do








琴之韵 20:57:28





琴之韵 20:59:25




Qin Yun 20:57:28

They want to come back to my plan, I feel very excited Daohai.


Chuan 20:57:55

I'm a little excited, and I just can not afford to think that you can come back after a long sign. . That is the best

Qin Yun 20:59:25

Anyway, I still have to live here

Chuan 21:03:36

Will be difficult to live temporarily in the sign would probably not get residence permit? Life will not protect? What will not be discriminated against? (Will only get temporary residence permit by going to the woman’s shelter?)







琴之韵 11:33:33


琴之韵 11:33:46






琴之韵 11:34:31









琴之韵 11:35:32



琴之韵 11:35:34




琴之韵 11:35:47



琴之韵 11:36:35


Qin Yun 11:33:33
Certainly have to get it clean shells.
Qin Yun 11:33:46
The banks Boyd

Sichuan 11:33:45
The end of the month I'm also on the part of bank cards
Sichuan 11:34:21
The April credit loans fully pay into
Qin Yun 11:34:31
Next month if I start working, good point

Sichuan 11:34:43
All want, really want to you to endure the things how I sit tight.
Sichuan 11:35:01
Just really embarrassed I admit
Sichuan 11:35:21
Well, not much to say Tutu'll be right back. .
Qin Yun 11:35:32
Now, I am determined to hard I have to stay, so there is hope
Qin Yun 11:35:34
Sichuan 11:35:40
What can give me a message. . I will always look for opportunities on view
Qin Yun 11:35:47
Qin Yun 11:36:35
Only leave have the opportunity to turn around











Richard Norton

  Return to about my wife.