在 2013年10月24日









23/10/2013 理查德·诺顿的答复

我能接受她跟我结婚的初衷是在西方有更好的生活,工作,挣更多的钱。但我不相信这段婚姻是虚幻的,我被介绍给她的母亲,儿子,兄弟和姐妹。我 和她以及她的家庭住在一起8个月,住在她的宽敞的大公寓里面,是在一个花园社区里。那段时间我还被介绍给她的朋友,同事和亲戚。我参与他们的 活动(清明的扫墓),有50-60个亲戚参与的,大型的晚宴-共4桌,每桌10-12个人。我到过她的许多朋友,同事和亲戚的家里。每周 2-3次和她的8-10个熟人一起吃晚饭。多次参加过她银行组织的的社交活动,都是一整天在外面的,参与的人从10个到50个都有(玩牌,打 麻将,打太极,唱K,坐车到附近的小镇去玩等等)都是她在银行的同事。这8个月中我见到她社交圈子中的数百个人,如果她的目的只是为了一张在 西方的长期饭票和绿卡,她会这样做吗?在中国的社会,这样会被认可吗?我不相信在最初的时候她只是想跟我假结婚。








你上当受骗了,其实你妻子的弟弟,妹妹找很多借口说你不好,你自己难道还没看出你妻子弟弟,妹妹一家人的阴谋诡计吗?你妻子都可以偷野男人,你为什么不可 以找宁去泰国呢?我认为你宁可找宁做妻子,也不要找你妻子的妹妹结婚,你没与妹妹结婚是对的,否则,你更烦恼!请你不要与你妻子一家人纠缠不清!!



理查德诺顿你好,你妻子的弟弟,妹妹一家人都想骗你钱用,你怎么就不明白呢?她们看你在挪威不是很有钱,但是还可以利用你去挪威定居发财,所以,骗你,利 用你,想你改变你的态度,让她们去挪威定居,你妻子的妹妹是黄鼠狼给鸡拜年没安好心,你不要相信他们一家人的话,他们是害人精。远离他们吧










 October 24, 2013 05:13:07

Your wife to introduce you to her friends, it was she wanted to show off in front of friends she found a Norwegian foreign men, in the eyes of your wife Norwegian friends very rich man, meaning that she was very capable, she quickly went to Norway on to make a fortune, so her friends envy jealous hate, my analysis is not her friend a really good for her, do not you understand me? Do you think your wife have four tables every day to eat dinner with friends, play cards, is her intimate friends? I tell you, it was her performance of their hypocrisy, is a fake, like, your wife is doing to you, let you in this unknown foreigner Norway to see if she has a lot of friends, and she is good to have a skill, I tell you, you wife let you see all the surface of things, you know, is false, like, she makes you believe she really wanted to marry you, so you believe her, and now you really want to believe that she is with you married.

Your wife is not a good thing, you should understand that your wife and your real purpose of marriage , I do not like your wife this woman , only wants to deceive eleven Norwegian foreign men for money , in fact, she lied to give your money her brother debts , her vanity too , would like to work on your own money , she said lies, dishonesty what is good, you deserve it !


23/10/2013 Richard Norton's reply:

I accept the fact that much of her motive to marry me was a desire to have a better life in the west, work and earn money. However I do not believe that the marriage was entirely fake. I was introduced to her mother, son, brother and sister. I moved in with her family and have spent a total of about 8 months living with her family in her large apartment in a guarded neighbourhood. During that time I have been introduced to her friends, colleagues and relatives. I have been to arrangements with her relatives (Qingming Festival/ Tomb Sweeping Day) involving 50-60 of her relatives, a big dinner - 4 tables seating 10-12 persons each. I have been home to many of her friends, colleagues and relatives. 2 or 3 times a week we are dining with 8 to 10 of her acquaintances. I have been to several all-day long outings involving from 10 to over 50 persons (play cards, Mahjong, T'ai chi, karaoke, bus to nearby villages etc.) with her colleagues from the bank where she worked. During these 8 months I have met several hundred people in her social network. Would she do this if her motive was just to get a meal ticket and green card to the west? Would that be socially acceptable in China? I do not believe the marriage was a fake in the beginning.


Hello, Mr. Richard Norton, this information is not a Chinese 20-year-old high school to say the words to this Jingping young junior Jingping also in partial to her, she was not in China the right to speak in Jingping home, I mean right, she was a junior, junior elders will not adopt the opinions, she wrote the information you are looking for elders to write to her, and she wrote the information is in the fart in China Jingping is think of you is her brother the ATM, Jingping just do not want to live well with you, however, to the Norwegian police Jingping should not lie, slander and harm you, Jingping too kind, the key problem is that you did not give her brother a lot Jingping the money, she Jingping unbalanced mind, I be fair, Jingping heart is too good, no conscience, character have a big problem, only blame you blind, did not see Chujing Ping and her brother true face! After you find a woman must be small, carefully, in fact, the majority of Chinese women are very kind heart, but you are unlucky encounter Jingping and her brother money so two people so in love! They stay away from it!
--- Original Message ---

Jingping brother thought you were this brother is his ATM,
Your understanding with Jingping marriage is wrong
Jingping do not like you, she is like your money, your money like her brother, her sister also want your money, her son also want your money, her parents also want your money, Jingping a person only know the money, put your money ran out, they think about Norway other men's money, Jingping a too poor to want money, and stay away from Jingping a man, her brother is all talk shit, Jingping said you all bad is an excuse, she is a dog mouth spit ivory, they are fake right and proper to say, no one could see, Jingping is trying to cheat you money!

You are getting cheated , in fact, your wife's brother and sister say you find a lot of excuses not good, you do not see your wife, brother , sister, a person's machinations do ? Your wife can steal the wild man, why can not you rather go to Thailand to find it ? I think you'd rather find Ning wife , nor looking for your wife's sister married , you're not married and her sister is right , otherwise , you are more trouble ! Please do not with your wife a man tangled ! !
--- Original Message ---
Richard Norton Hello , your wife 's brother , sister, a person trying to cheat your money , how do you not understand? They see you in Norway is not very rich, but you can also use your fortune to settle in Norway , therefore, lie to you, use you, want you change your attitude, so they go to Norway to settle in your wife's sister is a family of fifteen wishers , you do not believe them one person, they are noxious . Stay away from them now
--- Original Message ---
Your wife 's sister also want your money, but she expressed in different ways , and my sister also thought the Norwegian settlement , you do not understand it ? You're alone , your wife a man more eye , you no match for them, and I advise you to stay away from them !
--- Original Message ---
Jingping 's brother is that you did not give him tens of millions of money , so you have great views , her brother was instigator, he called Jingping defamatory, framed you , tell lies , his brother when you face is a human being with you is a ghost , away from his family
--- Original Message ---



爱是一种很难衡量的东西,但我的确相信我妻子的妹妹比我妻子更爱我!当我妻子不在场的时候我和她妹妹经常手牵手,以及其他肢体接触。在公车和出租车上手牵手的感觉很好!我给她买东西。比如说我需要买一个剃须刀,于是我们坐出租车去了购物中心。在那里我还买了一个价值人民币五百元的剃须刀给她,我经常幻想用那个剃须刀帮她剃腿毛!我们之间还有一个从未透露的秘密。我很后悔没有和她结婚。她的道德标准没有静萍那么低,而且我相信她的兄弟没那么容易能说服她来诬告我。我其实更愿意和她去泰国游玩。她曾经告诉我其实她的兄弟在孩童时期就有很严重的问题。我其实本来很喜欢他的兄弟的。我不会说中文,他不会说英文,但是他总是对我很好而且很周到。但是现在他对我很生气。他是那种无证驾驶,出了车祸又置伤者于不顾而逃离现场的人,明知自己无法偿还却又问人家借了一大笔钱,等等。是这个弟弟坚持要我的妻子通过诬告我来取得在挪威继续居留的签证,从而可以挣钱帮他还债。我觉得他是个危险人物。这就是为什么我要去泰国而不去中国大陆的原因。(另外的原因是去中国大陆需要签证费2000, 邀请信,照片,递交申请前必须定好机票并完成所有的文件准备,而我去泰国,香港,台湾,马来西亚,新加坡等地甚至都不需要签证!)


Richard Norton's reply of 15.10.2013

Love is a difficult thing to measure but I do believe the younger sister actually loved me more than my wife! When my wife wasn’t there we often held hands and touched each other. We also held hands in a taxi and on the bus and it was wonderful! I bought her things. For example I needed to buy a shaving machine so we took a taxi to a shopping center. I also bought a shaving machine for her that cost over 500. I often fantasized about shaving her legs with it! The younger sister and I had secrets I will never divulge. I regret I did not marry her instead. Her moral standards are not as low as Jing pings and I don’t think it would be so easy for her brother to persuade her to make false accusations against me. I would’ve loved to take her to Thailand. She told me there have been serious problems with her brother since he was a child. I actually like the brother. I don’t speak Chinese and he didn’t speak English but he was always very nice and very considerate to me. Now he is very angry at me. He is a person that drives a car without a license, abandons injured people at the scene of a car accident, borrows large sums of money that he knows he cannot pay back etc. it is the younger brother that insists my wife remain in Norway and make false accusations against me so she can get a visa and earn money to pay his debts. I feel he is a bit dangerous. This is why I go to Thailand and not anywhere in mainland China. (Another reason is a visa for China cost me over 2000, I must have a letter of invitation, a photograph, I must buy the plane ticket before I apply for the visa and do all sorts of paperwork. I can go to Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong , Malaysia, Singapore or Macau without a visa!)


  On 13/10/2013 11:54, 春江梦雨花月夜 wrote:
> 你妻子的弟弟是国际人犯子,是人渣,是社会垃圾,统称骗子。你不要相信你妻子妹妹喜欢你,你不要去喜欢你妻子妹妹, 她们是一家人,你懂吗?你真傻,一家人不会帮你说话,你妻子妹妹就是一个间谍,你明白吗?你妻子的弟弟就想把两个妹妹嫁给外国男人,弟弟认为 外国有钱,可以让他的妹妹有很多的钱给他用,真是丢尽了他的脸
On 13/10/2013 11:54, spring Jiangmeng Yu Hua Yue wrote:
> Your wife 's brother is an international child prisoners are scum, is a social waste, collectively liar. You do not believe your wife sister like you, you do not go like your wife sister, who is a man , you understand me ? You silly, a person will not help you speak, your wife is a sister spy , you know ? Your wife 's brother just want to marry foreign men two sisters , my brother think foreign money , you can let his sister have a lot of money to give him , a disgrace to his face







宁在2011年十月份的时候到挪威拜访我妻子大约两周多一点。你是否在控诉我 趁我妻子不在的时候对她不忠并勾引宁?这是一个完全不真实而且是恶意的控诉。


在桂林的时候我和我的妻子一起在她的公寓里住了8个月。大多数时间我都呆在卧室里因为我的电脑在卧室里。除了我妻子之外,我接触最多的人就是你了!我真的喜欢你而且我确定你也喜欢我。很多次你和我单独坐在卧室里,你坐在我旁边用你姐姐的电脑,甚至是你姐姐并不在家的时候。有时候你还躺在她床上休息。有很多次我们两个单独坐公车或者出租车去购物或者在城市观光,当你姐姐在工作的时候。我们甚至手拉手。我们手拉手坐在出租车里! 你是一个非常有活力的女性,我和你姐姐之间的性生活并不是很美满。 她可以在性生活的时候接听电话。我必须承认我花了很大力气控制自己,不去碰触你!其实对于你对我产生的影响,我曾经花了很大力气去挣扎和克制。我也必须承认我经常幻想过我和你结了婚而不是你姐姐。你比你姐姐更有活力而且你的道德准则比她高的多。我不相信你居然也会明知真相而对我做出虚假的指控。我知道你实际上并不赞同你的兄弟的所作所为。

让我们来看一下一个假设性的而且完全不真实的指控。比如说,你和我在2011年欺骗了你姐姐而且我们在她去工作的时候有了性关系。毕竟,如果在2011年我可以毫无顾忌地欺骗你姐姐,和宁在一起,那我当然也可以毫无顾忌地和你在一起!我和宁单独在一起的时间只有每周三次,每次2个小时,当你姐姐去上挪威语课程的时候。相比之下,我有更多的时间、机会和动机去勾引你或被你勾引。假设我说我们坐出租车去你的公寓上床而不是 一起去购物或观光。我也可以假设说我付钱给你,为了和你上床,和你一起洗澡,等等。如果我指控你和我做出了这些事情,你会有什么感觉?你喜欢这些指控吗?如果我对你做出这种诬告,你会愿意原谅我,继续和我做朋友吗?你会愿意帮我继续留在中国吗?你会帮我找工作吗?你能理解我的感受吗?

此外,你是否明白,与其说我和宁一起欺骗你姐姐,在2011年我和宁就有关系,还不如说我和你有性关系更为合理一些,想一想吧!(因为你是我妻子的妹妹,我对你也有感情,而且我在桂林待了8个月,我有更多和你单独在一起的时间,如果你认为我可以在那么短时间里去勾引一个拜访我妻子的女人,我当然可以在8个 月里去勾引我妻子的妹妹。我在桂林的时候我们曾经单独呆在卧室里,在桂林市里逛,曾经手拉手,而且那个时候我喜欢你超过喜欢宁,你觉得我那个时候有勾引你吗?)




3.性虐待是指强奸。也可以扩大意义,指一个人违背他人的 意愿,与之发生性关系。












My wife’s sister posted the following on my QQ zone 7th of October 2013.


You wrote the following public comment on my QQ zone.


Ning told my sister : Ning and you went to Bangkok dating. In 2011 , Ning stayed at your house , while my sister was not at home , you have  seduced Ning. In December 2012 , you have framed my sister and said: My sister needs Ning to help her to find a man in Denmark , really ridiculous, at this time Ning has been already  repatriated by Danish police , this is you and Ning  framed my sister .And now you two went to Bangkok dating . The truth proved that you, Richard ,  are having an affair . You betray  marriage. You framed my sister , you are bad people.


Richard Norton's reply:

Ning visited my wife and I here in Norway for a little over 2 weeks in October 2011. Are you accusing me of cheating on my wife by seducing Ning in 2011 and having an affair with her when my wife was not home? This is a totally untrue and malevolent accusation.

In a private chat you suggest that I consult with your sister to try to resolve the problem. You want me to help your sister remain in Norway. You want me to help her find a job and try to be friends with her.

I lived a total of about 8 months in your wife’s apartment in Guilin. Mostly I lived in her bedroom where my computer was. The person I had most contact with, aside from my wife, was you! I really like you and I am pretty sure you liked me. You were many times alone with me in your sisters’ bedroom sitting beside me using her computer even when your sister was not home. Sometimes you lay down on her bed to rest. You and I took a taxi or bus many times to go shopping and sightseeing alone while my wife was at work. We even held hands in the taxi. You are an extremely attractive woman. The sexual relationship between me and your sister was not very satisfactory. She could for example answer the mobile telephone when we were having sex. I must confess it took an enormous amount of self-control for me to keep my hands off you! I actually struggled quite a bit with suppressing my attraction to you. I will also confess that I often wished that I had married you instead! You are much more attractive to me and your ethical standards are much higher than your sisters. I do not believe you would ever knowingly make false accusations. I know that you don’t really approve of what your brother is doing.

Let us examine a hypothetical and totally untrue accusation. Let us say, for example, you and I cheated on your sister in 2011 and had a sexual relationship while my wife was at work. After all, if I have no scruples about cheating with Ning in 2011 I certainly wouldn’t have any scruples about having sex with you!  I was only alone in the house with Ning for about 2 hours a day 3 times a week when you sister went to Norwegian class. I had many times more opportunity and motive to seduce you or be seduced by you. Let us say that instead of taking a taxi to the shopping center or the park we took a taxi to your apartment and went to bed. Let us say that I paid you money for sex. We took showers together. Etc. How would you feel if I accused you of that? Would you like that? If I made such totally false accusations about you, would you be willing to forgive me and be friends with me? Would you like to help me remain in China? Would you help me find a job in China? Can you understand how I feel?

By the way! Do you understand how the false claim that I cheated with Ning in 2011 actually makes the claim that you and I had a sexual relationship in 2011 much more plausible? Think about it! Lol.

Now your sister is falsely accusing me of abuse in attempt to qualify for a visa in accordance with section 53 in the Norwegian Immigration Act,.

There are 3 kinds of abuse that can qualify for a visa.


1.     1. Physical abuse. Is violence and or restraint: for example, beating, kicking, slapping, cutting with a knife, burning with for example cigarettes, hitting with objects, drowning attempts, strangulation. Restraint can be locked doors, handcuffs, binding with rope.


2.     2. Psychological abuse is usually threats of physical violence. For example “if you leave the house I will beat you up, cut you with a knife, kill you etc.”, “if you don’t do what I say I will kill myself”.


3.     3. Sexual abuse is rape. It can also be exploiting a person to have sex with somebody else against their will.


According to my sources your sister’s accusation includes sexual abuse!

In August and September 2012 I discovered your sister was lying and deceiving me. The lies and deception are regarding serious matters and proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. In September on 1, possibly 2 occasions, she had a meeting with a man which your sister tried to keep secret from me through lies and deception. This is described in great detail in English at ”Is my wife planning to leave me when she gets a permanent residence permit?”.

I consulted a lawyer in the beginning of September and he advised me to immediately divorce her. I did not follow his advice. I tried to give your sister a chance. I went 6 times the family counselling office but your sister refused to cooperate. A Chinese friend tried with little success to help our relationship during the course of 4 months.

In the beginning of April 2013 I did not intend to divorce your sister. I only wanted your sister to return to China and fix her financial affairs. More than half my income after taxes was being sent to China. This is equal to about 5 or 6 times the average annual income in Guilin. Most of this was to pay for your brother’s foolishness. I did not marry her brother. I would have continued paying your sister 4000 a month. If your sister wanted to remain married to me we could easily get a new visa and she can return to Norway and continue the marriage. If your sister wanted to divorce she could do that and we could have remained as friends. I could help her to find a new man in Norway. Unfortunately your brother and one or 2 other persons here Norway convinced your sister to take the risk of applying for a visa by making false complaints that I had abused her.

I am just as furious about this as you would be if I had falsely accused you of having a sexual affair with me in 2011!



Richard Norton