Latest Canadian Shenanigans



May 12. 2009

The Canadian woman unexpectedly closed her DansingsBabies and LeaveUsAloneRichard channel on the 8th of may 2009.


DansingsBabies channel was created on 27th of March 2009. The purpose of this channel apparently is to brag about producing 2 litters, a total of 9 kittens and to inform about her plans to breed even more kittens with the three legged cat. It is unknown if it was her sister in law who provided the females.

The Canadian woman attempted to create the impression of an enormous demand for these kittens. They are almost bought and paid for before they are born! All the kittens went to their blissful buyers in their luxurious homes with lots of windows where the sun shines through 24/7. Quite a contrast to just last summer when she had to dump 4 male kittens on unsuspecting buyers. The Canadian woman and her sister in law were so desperate to get rid of these kittens she reneged on a guarantee for a measly $500. Email from her sister in law show that the sister in law clearly supported the Canadian woman reneging. The sister in law also participated in the public ridicule of the person that tried to get her money back. One of the buyers called the Humane Society:

in hopes that the other 6 cats living in her disgusting apartment may be saved.

TICA, The International Cat Association, has declined to answer my enquiries about if the Canadian woman has managed to register (N)Ridanos Dansing with TICA using a photoshopped copy of this pure bred Bengal cats pedigree. The Canadian woman has never been in possession of ANY original documents. (N)Ridanos Dansing's original pedigree and transfer documents are now in the possession of an American citizen.

TICA has also declined to answer my enquiries about if any of the stolen cats i.e.

(N) Ridanos Ernest, Registration number LO 150382, Microchip 578098100239205

(N) Ridanos Eric,  Registration number LO 150384, Microchip 578098100237673

(N) Ridanos Einstein Registration number LO 150385, Microchip 578098100240517 

have been successfully registered using photoshopped copy’s of Norwegian pedigrees.


The LeaveUsAloneRichard was created 14th April 2009 by the Canadian woman. The channel is used to make derogatory comments about me and anyone who criticizes the Canadian woman or her sister in law. It also provides a platform for insulting derogatory comments from a few disturbed individuals that are blocked from commenting on my channel.


A little over 24 hours following the closing of DansingsBabies and LeaveUsAloneRichard the Canadian woman came back as The SilverStreakBengal channel was created on the 10th of May 2009.

Using the SilverStreakBengal channel she wrote the following comment on my channel:

SilverStreakBengal (1 day ago)  (Pending approval)

You are a disgrace. You should hang your head in shame for your lack of compassion for those poor Bengals you abuse. You sicken all of us. ”

On my video titled “Smaalenene Cat Clubs 15th international cat show May 2009 - Domestic Cats 01” she wrote the following as a reply to a question about if I had entered any cats in the cat show:

SilverStreakBengal “I have seen your cats, you would NEVER win. All of them have vertical flow. Meaning spots on body running together vertically. That's a major fault. Your one stud has a bulls eye and most of your queens have spots instead of rosettes. I can't even believe you are breeding these pet quality Bengals. Your inexperience shows. Poor cats.”

(I removed the comment)


theSharonLyon channel created 18th November 2008. It is unclear exactly who is responsible for this channel. It appears to be a somewhat unflattering spoof on a disturbed individual who supports anyone that doesn’t like me. This individual allegedly received a free kitten from the Canadian woman. In any case this channel is used as a platform for the Canadian woman’s insulting and derogatory comments.





April 2009.

The Canadian woman attempts to infect my computer with a Trojan back door virus.

From: Erin McBride <>
To: <>
Subject: concerned about my Bengal?
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 23:16:37 -0400
Message-ID: <BLU132-W3195540CC2C787630A446E87780@phx.gbl>
X-Originating-IP: []
Content-Type: application/force-download
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bengal.rar"

Hello Mr. Norton, 
I just recently was setting up my website (I am a new breeder of the Bengals in Quebec, Canada) and I was also thinking of setting up a Yooutube account for videos and came across your channel? I believe it is called? I linked to one of your sites and i'm very concerned that one of my cats is "stolen"?
I did do purchase and contract with a lady in Ontario named Sherry.Are you requesting these cats back because my family is very attached to him. Please let me know if this is one of the cats in question, I am sending you a video of him. Let me know if it works okay since I am not very familiar with these things. Sorry if my English is not very well but I am French and not my first language. Very concerned.
Erin McBride

Attached to this e-mail was the file "bengal.rar". The file contained a BackDoor Trojan virus. If she were successful in infecting my computer this would give her access to my computer. Here are the results from Virustotal, a service that analyzes suspicious files for "bengal.rar".

I forwarded the mail including the attachment to the sister in law. The sister in law is relatively competent with computers. Certainly she will notice the virus and warn me?  (I didn’t have a bad conscious forwarding a file that would give the Canadian woman access to her sister in laws computer – she already has full access!)
Here is the reply I got from the sister in law:

“Okay, thanks for the info i guess..i'm glad the cat in question is ok?
Sounds like a nice lady?
Are you going to hurt her after all this time?
Up to you really,”

The sister in law plays along with this childish shenanigan. I also sent the following reply to this Erin McBride aka (the Canadian woman).

“I could not get the attachment to work. What is the name of your cat?

And, received the following reply, this time from a different email address:
Apr 19 07:50:46 2009
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 22:17:40 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Regarding the Bengal Boy
From: Erin McBride
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="bengalscreenped.rar"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bengalscreenped.rar"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-Attachment-Id: f_ftp3igux0

Bonjour Mr. Norton,
Thank you fast response. I am attempt new file transfer of screenshow and
information. I for some reason can not use my other email for this sending,
my computer is very slow. This shows all information of Eric and paperwork
that was given when I purchased this Bengal. Please let me know very soon if
this is one of the cats in question. I have tried contacting this lady but
her number is changed. If this does not work let me know and I will attempt
to send you piece by piece of pictures and information but it will take me
some time.
We are very happy with this Bengal and very upset if this is to be a
problem! I am waiting on this to finish and publish my website so time is
very important.

Attached to this e-mail was the file "bengalscreenped.rar" infected with a similar BackDoor Trojan virus. Here are the results from Virustotal, a service that analyzes suspicious files for "bengalscreenped.rar".

Again I forwarded it back to where it belongs. No, the sister in law made no mention of the elephant in the room – the attached BackDoor Trojan virus.
I receive one more e-mail from this “Erin McBride”:

“Hello, so I am not to be concerned then as I have no response from you or the other people I have emailed. I am very busy with work and travel these weeks so this is very good, we are happy to have no trouble from this and that our Bengal is with his registration fine. I will return home tomorrow with good news for my family!
I am sorry for the bother as you must be anxious for your cats.

The remark about “trouble” and “registration” would presumably be referring to TICA - The International Cat Association.




April 2009

The Canadian woman use of tiaredancer to make insulting and vile comments on my YouTube videos.


I rarely get insulting or inappropriate comments on my videos that are not directly related to the Canadian woman. I make mostly videos about cats and such doesn’t really attract too many “haters”. I don’t think the term hater is very good. “Insulting anonymous cowards” is a better description. These people never dare to insult using their own name. Sometimes I just delete and block them. Sometimes I will take the time to mess with them. This is particularly true if I have some other unpleasant task I should be doing like cleaning out the ash in the wood stove, changing the tires on my car, etcetera. I will convince myself that the ashes can wait, it’s much more important to deal with this idiot. So I send out a bulletin: “Idiot management team report for duty!”

Quite suddenly and unexpectedly I started getting an unusual amount of insulting and stupid comments on my video titled “Cat wheel II by Richard Norton”

These idiotic comments are concentrated between 05 and 08 April.

05.04.2009 05:22 tiaredancer has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
I personally find this video disgusting. How inhumane to put a sign around a Bengal's neck "I work for food". There is nothing enteraining in this! I have cat wheels for my Bengals and they run on it for the joy of it.

06.04.2009 03:18 tiaredancer has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
You lack compassion if you think putting a clunking sign on a Bengal's neck "working for food" is compassionate. OMG! If you even bring up that you don't use electric prods to make the cats walk then I assume you have tried the prods in the past. Anyone who thinks your video is cute is sadly misled. Get the signs off your cats, feed them REAL food, and let them run on a wheel that is balanced instead of dilapitated. Better yet, why don't you get a life!!!

06.04.2009 03:29 tiaredancer has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
Oh, and a friend has said:

"It is so ridicules working for food what if the sign gets caught on something when he is at work. No wonder he has no wife!!!!!!!"

06.04.2009 05:13 luke34472 has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
I happen to know that Tiare has been laid and is a foremost specialist in cats! You all are commenting on someone that actually does know what they are talking about! If you had any idea what it took to keep these cats healthy and happy, you would know that running on a wheel do get a kibble at a time, is a shameful thing! Tiaredancer knows what it takes to care for these animals, maybe you should look at the bigger picture and not what might entertain the pea brains that think this is funny!

06.04.2009 21:03 tiaredancer has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
Are you the Richard Norton who cramed FOUR Bengal Cats into a cage too small for even a Ferrett??? A care with a minimum of litter - flilty dirty - and barely any food? The cage is so tiny the cats are all piled one of top of another. DISGUSTING!!!! It make me want to throw up. Is this YOU who did this to these poor cats??? One is a Snow.

Note: The above comment was accidently deleted by me. The same comment with identical wording is posted the following day by luke34472.   

07.04.2009 02:38 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has sent you a message:
Fuck ur cat i would stick my 12in cock down ur cats throat until that bitch chokes. + i hope ur cat chokes on some kibbles and bits bitch fuck that pussy. NIGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

07.04.2009 02:38 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has made a comment on Joker and Camillas kittens 160109:
Fuck ur cat i would stick my 12in cock down ur cats throat until that bitch chokes. + i hope ur cat chokes on some kibbles and bits bitch fuck that pussy. NIGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

07.04.2009 02:43 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has made a comment (pending) on your profile:

07.04.2009 06:34 luke34472 has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:
Are you the Richard Norton who crammed FOUR Bengal Cats into a cage too small for even a Ferret??? A cage with a minimum of litter - filthy dirty - and barely any food? The cage is so tiny the cats are all piled one of top of another. DISGUSTING!!!! It make me want to throw up. Is this YOU who did this to these poor cats??? One is a Snow.

07.04.2009 21:34 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has made a comment on Cat wheel II by Richard Norton:

07.04.2009 22:28 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has sent you a message:


07.04.2009 22:28 ILUVBEATINGMYMEAT has made a comment (pending) on your profile:

08.04.2009 03:13 asilladeth has made a comment on How to train a cat to operate a light switch.:
you stink

18.04.2009 01:44 awesomedude333 has made a comment on Goodbye Goldie:
im glad the kitty is dead. now she can burn in hell. when i die i will join goldie. and torture her forever. hell is the best place for the fucking cat. they are all fucks.
rest in hell goldie. see you one day

The idiotic remark above is possibly not related to the other comments.

If we search "Tiaredancer" we find some interesting things.


Is this the same person who designs the Kool Kats Club web site and is apparently a respected breeder of Bengal cats? She even imports Bengal cats from Norway!

Is this the same person or is the Canadian woman trying to make it look that way?

Guess what I found when I googled luke34472!