
Supplerende opplysning til politiforklaring 25.09.13 ved politibetjent NN

vedrørende midlertidige oppholdstillatelse for borger av Kina (min kone) jf §53b.

Jeg ble spurt om dokumentasjon på vår kontakt med Familievernkontoret i Follo.

Jeg viser til vedlagt brev «bekreftelse på møter ved familievernkontoret i follo» datert 26.09.13. I denne forbindelse vil jeg nevne at jeg tidligere har levert kopi av journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo, totalt 7 sider, samt mitt skriv «Noen kommentar til vedlagt Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo». Dokumentene er også sendt til UDI (Norwegian Directorate of Immigration). Opplysninger som direkte gjelder min kone er overstrøket av familievernkontoret. For ordens skyld vedlegges dokumentene på nytt.


Jeg ble bedt om redegjøre for forholdet også det økonomiske.

Jeg ble introdusert for min kone 10. oktober 2010 og var sammen med henne i en dag. Jeg reiste tilbake til Kina for å treffe henne 08.11.10 og var der til 18.12.10. Jeg hadde med meg 16400 kinesiske Yuan og 9.000 NOK. Kinesiske Yuan eller CNY er nesten det samme som NOK. Det meste av pengene brukte vi på reiser, hotell, restauranter o.l. Min kone hadde arbeidet i en bank i over 28 år og opplyste at hennes månedlige inntekt var 3800,- CNY. I tillegg tjente hun ca. 2000,- CNY gjennom privat musikkundervisning. En vanlig månedslønn i min kones by, Guilin, er mellom 1500 og 2000 CNY.

Jeg reiste til Kina igjen 26.01.11 med hjemreise 30.03.11. Jeg hadde 25.000 NOK med i kontanter som ble brukt på reiser til Shaoshan og Guangzhou, hotell, restauranter o.l. VISA-kortet ble brukt for å betale bl.a. flybillett til Guangzhou. Vi giftet oss 24.02.11.

Jeg reiste til Kina igjen 12.04.11 med hjemreise 06.07.11. VISA-kortet ble brukt for flybillett til Guangzhou og hotell i Beijing. Jeg hadde også denne gangen 25.000 NOK med i kontanter som ble brukt på reiser til Shanghai, Jiangtou, Yangshuo, hotell, restauranter o.l. Min kone fikk innvilget midlertidige oppholdstillatelse (familiegjenforening) 06.06.11. Jeg betalte 6.284 NOK med visa-kort for flybillett til Oslo for henne.

Da hun kom til Norge i juli 2011 ga jeg min kone kr. 4.000,- i lommepenger i begynnelsen av hver måned. Dette var godt i overkant av hva hun tjente i banken. Hun bekrefter dette i en håndskrevet farvellbrev jeg fant etter at hun hadde flyttet til Krisesenteret. Farvellbrevet samt min kommentar er tidligere gitt til UDI. I tillegg fikk hun beholde ca. kr. 38.000,- fra salg av Bengalkatter. Dette vises i to overførsler i september 2012 på henholdsvis kr. 16.000 og 17.000; se vedlagt bankutskrift datert 31.10.12. I tillegg fikk hun kr. 5.000 i kontanter.

Fra og med 01.11.12 begynte jeg å overføre pengene via bank for å kunne dokumentere dette i fremtiden om nødvendige. Noen hendelser i august/september viste at vår ekteskapet hadde alvorlige problemer. Det virket som om min kone ønsket å fabrikkere bevise jf §53b og flykte på krisesenter slik som hennes venninne Yujuan (redacted) hadde gjort. Mere om dette senere. Se vedlagt bankutskriftene datert 30.11.12, 31.12.12, 31.01.13 og 31.03.13. På bankutskriften for mars 2013 er det to overførsler på kr. 4.000,- fordi av et eller annet grunn ble pengene ikke overført i februar.

I møte med familievernkontoret 29.11.11 ble jeg enige å hjelpe min kone med en lønn på kr. 50.000. Hun fortalte at hun kanskje ville betale meg tilbake i mai. 01.12.11 tok jeg ut kr. 50.000, se vedlagt bankutskrift datert 31.12.11. Vi reiste til Kina med kr. 25.000 hver i juleferien 15.12.11 – 03.01.12. Av en eller annet grunn spurte hun aldri meg om å få de kr. 25.000 jeg hadde. I den håndskrevne farvelbrev bebreider hun meg fordi opphold og noe datautstyr til ca. kr. 1500 ble finansiert av «hennes» penger.

Mesteparten av juli og august, frem til skolestart, reiste vi med motorsykkel. Vi brukte ca. en uke i Telemark, Rauland, Hovden, Rygnestad, Dalen osv. Deretter var det en ca. 3 ukers tur med motorsykkel til Syd-Tyskland, Augsburg, Fussen, Zugspitze. Vi var også en tur i Østerike, Vi kjørte gjennom det Romantische Straße og Rheen-dalen. Etter et kort opphold hjemme i Ås reiste vi til Fossheim i Lom. Deretter til Sognefjorden.

Min kone har en utdanning fra Kina innen musikk så jeg kjøpte et piano til henne.

Min kone hadde kontakt på internett med en kinesisk kvinne, Ning, som var gift med en dansk mann. I høstferien 2011 kjørte vi ned og hentet Ning og hun ble med til Syd-Tyskland. Deretter ble hun med hjem til oss i Norge hvor hun bodde hos oss i hele oktober. Jeg betalte for Nings hotellopphold, båtreiser, restauranter osv. Jeg anså det viktig at min kone hadde kontakt med mennesker som snakket hennes språk.

Vi reiste til Kina i påsken 2012, 28.03.12-13.04.12. Som vanlig hadde jeg med kr. 25.000 i kontanter.

I juni 2012 besøkte vi en annen kinesisk kvinne gift med en danske i Grenå. Vi besøkt også dem vinteren 2013.

I juli 2012 reiste vi ca. to uker til Sognefjorden, Atlanterhavsveien og ned til Stadtlandet, Gudvangen – Stalheim, Flåm mm.

I august 2012 reiste vi ca. en uke til Syd-Tyskland bl.a. Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Vi har vært i Berlin i vinterferien 2011 og høstferien 2012.

I januar 2013 var vi i Hamburg, Store Restrup Herregaard slotshotell i Danmark og besøke min kones kinesiske venninne i Grenå.

Vinterferien 2013 var vi en uke i Tenerife.

Februar 2013 var vi en weekend i Göteborg med NN-01 og hennes to barn.

30.03.13 – 01.04.13 tok vi Kil-fergen med NN-01 og hennes barn.



Min kone fikk innvilget arbeidspraksisplass i en privat barnehage 4 dager i uken med dagsats på kr. 313 og reisetillegg dagsats på kr. 134 fra 10.04.12 t.o.m. 09.07.12. Dvs. kr. 1788 per uke. Barnehagen ble lagt ned og sluttattest skrevet 25.06.12. Norskkurs på voksenopplæring i Ås var enten fra 8:30 til 11:45 eller fra 12:15 til 15:30. Jeg kjørte alltid henne til skolen og fra skolen til arbeidspraksis. Jeg hentet henne. Jeg kjørte henne totalt 60 km hver dag.

På denne barnehaven jobbet en annen kinesiske kvinne, Yujuan (redacted), som kom til Norge med sin sønn på familiegjenforening mars 2011. Vi hadde veldige mye kontakt med Yujuan og svært ofte ble hun med hjemme til oss etter arbeid.

Barnehagen startet opp igjen 2013. Arbeidspraksis ble innvilget 5 dager i uken og reisetillegg dagsats på 63 fra 27.02.13 t.o.m. 31.05.13. I begynnelsen var det slikt som før at jeg kjørte min kone til skole kl. 08:30, hentet henne etter klassen kl. 11:45 og kjørte henne til hennes arbeidspraksis i barnehagen. Plutselig skulle min kone arbeide hele dager i barnehagen i hele mars måned! Barnehageeier Marienne Epesæther fortalte meg at skolen godkjente dette. Jeg var ikke særlig begeistret for dette fordi jeg mente det er begrenset hvor mye norsk som kunne lære av ettåringer. Jeg syntes det var svært underlig at skolen ville gå med på så mye fravær. Jeg var i kontakt med skolen 12.03.13. Ingen hadde godkjent dette opplegget, og de lurte på hvorfor hun kom ikke på skolen! For at hun skulle unngå fravær ble hun skrevet ut av skolen og «Endreskjema» ble tilbakedatert 05.03.13. (Se vedlegg).

Mesteparten av de kr. 4000 jeg ga til min kone hver måned, og det hun tjente i barnehagen ble av henne sendt til Kina. Av og til brukte hun noen penger til personlige ting som mobil, sko, parfyme o.l. Absolutt alle andre utgifter betalte jeg for.


Jeg ble spurt om foranledningen for seperasjonen.

Den umiddelbare foranledning var at jeg fikk kjennskap til at min kone i samråd med sin bror og en ukjent person i Norge vurderte å fabrikkere beskyldninger om mishandling for å få opphold etter §53b i utlendingsloven. Jeg ble svært sjokkert over dette. Jeg vil absolutt ikke beskyldes for kvinnemishandling!


Som et siste forsøk på å løse problemene valgte jeg i mars 2013 å skrive til hennes søster og bror i Kina. Jeg visste ganske mye om hennes bror og hans finansielle «akrobatikk» og gambling gjeld fra flere kilder i Kina. Veldige mye av problemet var den enorme økonomiske belastning hennes sønn og særlig hennes bror påførte min kone. Min tanke var at hvis de forsto hvilken skade de påførte vårt ekteskap ville de slutte å kreve penger fra henne. For bedre å belyse saken vedlegger jeg en del av denne korrespondansen. Jeg sendte følgende e-post 19.03.13 kun til hennes søster:


I have several concerns about (your sister). She has diabetes type 2. She has gotten very fat. Many of her clothes are no longer possible for her to use. She eats all the time. She actually eats more than I do! She eats things that are not good for people with diabetes.

Overweight is dangerous for people with diabetes.

Here is some information about diabetes.


Main article: Complications of diabetes mellitus

All forms of diabetes increase the risk of long-term complications. These typically develop after many years (10–20), but may be the first symptom in those who have otherwise not received a diagnosis before that time. The major long-term complications relate to damage toblood vessels. Diabetes doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease.[12] The main "macrovascular" diseases (related to atherosclerosis of larger arteries) are ischemic heart disease (angina andmyocardial infarction), stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

Diabetes also damages the capillaries (causes microangiopathy).[13] Diabetic retinopathy, which affects blood vessel formation in the retina of the eye, can lead to visual symptoms, reduced vision, and potentially blindness. Diabetic nephropathy, the impact of diabetes on the kidneys, can lead to scarring changes in the kidney tissue, loss of small or progressively larger amounts of protein in the urine, and eventually chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis. Diabetic neuropathy is the impact of diabetes on the nervous system, most commonly causing numbness, tingling and pain in the feet and also increasing the risk of skin damage due to altered sensation. Together with vascular disease in the legs, neuropathy contributes to the risk of diabetes-related foot problems (such as diabetic foot ulcers) that can be difficult to treat and occasionally require amputation.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus

I believe some of her symptoms are psychological. This can be related to problems in China. It is clear that she is not happy with her marriage to me. She has said to others that the marriage is failed. She will endure until she gets a long visa. I believe she will leave me when she gets a long visa and a job.

Her son is clearly an enormous burden for (your sister). She worries about him and sends him money. She only gets 4000 a month. She gave him money to buy a new telephone. I believe it was 3700. That is over 90% of her total monthly income! I would never accept a gift of 3700 from a person I knew only earned 4000 a month.

In my opinion it is damaging to just give people money without making some demands. Just giving people money without demands pacifies them and makes them lazy. I have read about the one child policy and the negative consequences. These children are usually spoiled like a little emperor.  As long as she gives him money and provides for him he will continue to do nothing. The Proverb - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” is relevant.

He should either get rid of the tattoo and join the army or get a job. (Your sister) is now working from 08:00 until 16:00 every day in the kindergarten. She works very hard to earn that money and is very tired when she comes home. (Merknad, det er ikke mulig å bli med I militær I Kina hvis du har tattoo.)

I make about 20.000 a month. I give her 4000. In addition I gave her all the money from selling cats – about 40.000. I also gave her 20.000 December 2011 to help with her bank loans. I pay for everything else. Electricity, food, internet, telephone, house insurance, car reparations (about 30.000 per year), fuel for the car (about 1300 just to fill the tank), restaurant (in Norway 400-700 for two people) , trips to china, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Sweden.

I have temporarily stopped breeding cats. (Your sister) hates the cats. I will not get rid of the cats! I like the cats. I can make money breeding cats in the future if I need.

Financial problems seem to be a great burden for (your sister). It is unwise to borrow money if you are not 100% sure you can pay back in time. If I understand correct (your sister) borrowed 250000 in 2010 to buy the apartment. This 250000 was to be paid back February 2012! This would not be possible in Norway with her income. It seems crazy and irresponsible to me. Better to sell the apartment and buy a smaller. Avoid the chronic anguish and all the frantic temporary emergency financial solutions.

She does not confide in me her financial problems.

I will absolutely never get involved in financial affairs I do not fully understand. I do not approve of risky things like gambling or the stock market.

I do not know the details but I have been told her brother is also a financial burden.

We are married and she refuses to sign an agreement separating our economy.  Accordingly the money she sends to china is actually “our money” not “her money”!

Some of the problem is me. She is not happy here in Norway with me. She rarely sings or plays the piano I bought for her any more.

In Norway we have a marriage counselling office with professionals for helping with such problems. They have a person that translates. I have taken her to the marriage counselling office 5 times. She does not like to go. Because of her unwillingness it has not been very helpful.

I believe some event has dramatically changed her feelings for me. Do you have any idea what event has turned her against me?

Do you predict any end to the financial problems?

Yours truly

Richard Norton


Jeg fikk svar både fra søsteren og broren. Ut ifra det svar jeg fikk og i følge kilder i Kina som har kontakt med min kones familie, så hadde ikke mitt brev den ønskede virkningen. Jeg skrev på nytt en e-post den 30.03.13. I denne mailen antydet jeg at hun kanskje burde reise til Kina for å ordne opp i hennes finansielle situasjon og få gjort noe med sønnens situasjon.


(Your sister) and I have serious communication problems. She has not learned the Norwegian language as fast as expected. Attempts to communicate with the google translator just make the problem worse.

In Norway we have a free family counseling service with a psychologist and a human translator.

Here is some English from their English web page:

“Family Counseling

Family Counseling is a free, low-threshold service available nationwide to couples, families and individuals. Anyone who wants to can contact a family counseling office. The offices offer therapy, advice and counseling when problems, conflicts and crises arise in the family. It is advisable to contact the family counseling office as early as possible before the problems become overwhelming. There are 64 family counseling offices located across Norway. Two-thirds of the offices are state-run and directly connected toBufetat, while the remainder are owned by church foundations and operate under an agreement with the central authorities. All the family counseling offices are subject to the Act relating to Family Counseling Offices.”

Here is 2 links to the Norwegian page: http://www.bufetat.no/familievernkontor/follo/    http://www.bufetat.no/familievernkontor/follo/parterapi-og-familieterapi/

It is in Norwegian so you must use the translator.

I have taken her to family counselling office several times. She was extremely reluctant. She claims there are no problems in our relationship. She has unfortunately squandered this possibility to get help.

She refuses to receive advice from professionals about our unsatisfactory sexual relationship. She says our unsatisfactory sexual relationship is entirely my fault. She is embarrassed to talk about this with a professional therapist or doctor. She has no problem discussing these problems behind my back with numerous Chinese people. It is not constructive to discuss and complain about these difficult problems with nonprofessional Chinese people who also know little about the west. It is not constructive if I am excluded from such discussions.

The marriage will not last unless radical changes are made soon! My communication with you is a last resort attempt to solve some problems. It is possible you can do some things to solve some of the problems.

If you are to help solve problems it is important you have some knowledge of both me and Norway.

I have spent 3 ½ months teaching a Chinese woman to drive a car. In return this woman would help me and (my wife) with our relationship. This woman NN-01 probably knows me better than my wife! NN-01 has a very good understanding of the problems. I believe she talked to Chuan on qq some days ago. (Merknad: Chuan er min kones bror. QQ er en kinesiske chat program)

I strongly advise you to establish a contact and cooperation with her! She can be of great help in understanding exactly what the problems are.

Her e mail is (redacted). We are going on a boat cruse with NN-01 to Germany.  NN-01 will maybe not be available until 02.04.13.


The more you know about me the better you will be able to solve problems.

I have 1 year machinist and 1 year welding education from USA. I paid for this education myself.

I left USA ca. 1970 to avoid being forced to join the military and eventually wound up in Norway 1972. USA was in a stupid and unjust war with Viet Nam. Men were forced to join the military. (Including men with tattoo.) Those who refused to join the military were imprisoned.

In Norway I worked at a large institution for mentally handicapped.

While working I attended a private school to improve my grades.

While working I attended a course in Nursing. 1983

While working at the institution I completed 4 year collage welfare nursing. (Vernepleier)

I have lived 12 years together with a mentally handicapped person named Solveig.

I started a company related to computers and educational software related to teaching mentally handicapped and teaching language to refugees.

In my career I cooperate with professionals as doctors, psychologists, nurses, educators, lawyers and child welfare authorities.

I paid for all my education entirely by myself! I did not ever borrow money! If I cannot afford something I go without or find an affordable alternative solution!

As a result of a surgery problem I am now retired. I receive approximately 20,000 kroner every month (after tax). Norwegian Kroner is almost the same as CNY. 20.000 kr = 21182 CNY.

Sometimes the Google translator does not do numbers correctly. It is a 2 with 4 zeros. 20000.

Average monthly salary in Norway pr. 2011 was 38,100 NOK (before tax.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Norway

Here is a list of the salary for different professions. I am a Vernepleiere: 280.000 kroner. http://www.dinside.no/514880/artikkel

20.000 must seem enormous to a Chinese person. Average annual income in Guilin is 19,435 CNY. http://www.chinahighlights.com/guilin/guilin-facts.htm

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012-07/06/content_15555503.htm http://www.worldsalaries.org/china.shtml

My monthly income exceeds the average annual, income in Guilin! I get 3 times what a Chinese airline pilot gets! (The data is from 2005.)

I am outrageously rich in China but certainly not in Norway!

It cost me 1200 to fill the fuel tank in my car! To repair my motorbike cost exactly 19581.72 Norwegian Kroner!

February 2013 I had to pay 18000 to fix my car.

In Guilin I went to the dentist and I believe it cost 250. To have the same done in Norway would be around 5000!

Here is a restaurant we sometimes go to. http://www.fridays.no//your-tgi-friday.html?s=163

You can download the menu and see the prices. A glass of beer cost 91! We never order wine or beer so a dinner for 2 usually cost 600 – 750.

To rent an apartment equivalent to (your sisters) apartment in Guilin would be around 20000 per month.

Lucky for me I own my house! I drive an old car and my BMV motorbike is from 1988! http://v.qq.com/boke/page/o/0/e/o01127zinoe.html

I did not borrow money to buy my car or Motorbike.

I give (your sister) 4000 every month. I gave her all the money for selling cats in 2012 approximately 40000. I gave her 20000 when we were in China 2011-2012. All this money including what she earns in the kindergarten she sends to china. Total for 2012 approximately 130,000! This is more than the average yearly income in Guilin for more than 6 persons! Even that amount of money does not alleviate the problem!

In addition I pay for everything. Trips to China, Spain, Germany, Denmark etc. Food, restaurant, electricity, internet, telephone. I do what I can to promote (your sisters) interests. I bought her a piano, a sewing machine; I built her a greenhouse for growing vegetables. http://v.qq.com/boke/page/z/0/s/z0112j41xss.html

She does not fully confide in me about her financial burdens in china. I understand that the financial burdens are enormous. It seems to be a permanent crisis. A bottomless pit. A financial black hole.

It is affecting our relationship in a very negative way. (Your sister) is making very bad decisions.

3 Recent bad decisions.

1.     She gets free Norwegian language courses until May 2013. She can apply to the government for additional free Norwegian language courses.  If she (I) had to pay it costs 800 kroner for 45 minutes!! http://norwegiancourse.no/privatundervisning/priser-for-privatundervisning/?lang=nb    http://www.kursguiden.no/kurs/Norskkurs/

(Your sister) got an internship in a kindergarten. She earns around 300 kroner per day. This internship was during the time she was not in Norwegian class. The owner of the kindergarten wanted her to work all day from the end of February and all of March. This is because the government pays (your sisters) salary! The owner of the kindergarten does not pay her salary, workers insurance, employer fees, pension fund. I was told this absence was approved by the school. I got suspicious and went to the school. The school knew absolutely nothing about this! I fixed the problem by formally removing her from the school. Had I not fixed this it is unlikely she would get additional free language courses with over a month’s truancy.

2. There was a young boy about 12 years old (your sister) gave some piano lessons to. She gets paid 300 for 1 hour! We thought he had stopped coming. Actually we were not home when he came because I was teaching NN-01 to drive. We went to his home to return 300. His mother said they wanted to continue with piano lessons. We discussed when he could come and receive piano lessons.  (Your sister) said she worked every day in the kindergarten until 4 o’clock. This is very unwise of her! She learns more Norwegian teaching a 12 year old than she gets working with 1 year old babies in the kindergarten! She gets paid 300 for 1 hour instead of 300 for 1 day. She should have prioritized the piano lessons!

My professional opinion is that she will eventually have problems working in a kindergarten. She is already very tired when she comes home. She is not getting younger. Kindergarten is low pay and low status in Norway. I suggested she advertise piano lessons in the Chinese community here in Norway. She refused because I ask her to go to the family counselling office! I suggested we could eventually register a company for piano lessons. This could insure her economic future. She got angry! (Of course if she has no intention of a permanent relationship with me it is unwise to start a company.)

3. There was a very cheap trip to Mallorca in Spain. A 4 star hotel including the flight. I suggested we take this trip. The trip was Saturday to Monday. (Your sister) would need to get free 1 day from the kindergarten. She was furious when I suggested this. She would rather earn 300 in the kindergarten then spend 3 days with her husband in a 4 star hotel! This is totally unacceptable! I am now 63. I am retired. I will not have a wife that cannot take a 3 day trip because she must work like a slave to send money to China!


If this marriage is to continue the financial burden in China must be considerably reduced! I refuse to have the quality of my life degraded because my wife must work like a slave. It is also destroying her health. I do not approve of borrowing money – particularly when it cannot be paid back on time! I do not approve of any kind of gambling. I do not approve of (my wife) playing the stock market to try to “win money back”! Such is plain stupid and financially grossly irresponsible! Gambling and stock market are high-risk activity for rich people who can afford to lose money! She refuses to sign a marriage agreement regarding separate finances. Consequently according to Norwegian marriage law it is legally OUR money she is using! I do not like OUR money used to pay gambling debts! I do not approve of our money used to financial acrobatics. I do not approve of OUR money being used to buy a mobile telephone to a person 20 years old who refused to work, go to school or join the military.

Such permanent financial crisis with constant temporary solutions is an enormous psychological burden to (my wife). It is also a burden on our marriage.

This ongoing financial predicament is not the whole problem. There have occurred numerous events that have done great harm to the trust between (my wife) and me.

I think she should sell her apartment and get a cheaper one that she can easily afford. She obviously cannot afford the apartment she now has. She also needs to do something about her son’s situation. Perhaps she should return to China to do these things properly.

Richard Norton


Broren skrev til meg på kinesisk at kr. 4000 er «et latterlig lite beløp». Han mente at jeg burde «være flau over å nevne det». Videre mente han at «kr. 4000 i måneden bare dekket hennes mest grunnleggende behov.» Her er et utdrag av en e-post sendt 09.04.13 hvor jeg går litt hardere til verks.


(Your sister) has refused to sign a marriage agreement regarding “division of property” (Ektepakt). Accordingly by Norwegian marriage law it is our money she is sending to China!

In 2012 (your sister) has sent approximately 130.000 of our money to China. This is equivalent to the yearly income of 6 or 7 people in Guilin! This has not alleviated the financial situation. People are still borrowing money they can’t pay back.

I do NOT approve of our money used for these irresponsible financial acrobatics. I will also mention that (Your sister) does not confide in me about her financial affairs. This is not in accordance with Norwegian marriage law:

§ 39. Opplysningsplikt om økonomiske forhold.

       Ektefeller har plikt til å gi hverandre de opplysningene som er nødvendige for å vurdere deres økonomiske stilling. For dette formålet kan en ektefelle kreve at den andre ektefellen og ligningsmyndighetene gir opplysninger om eller kopi av den felles eller den andre ektefellens selvangivelse og ligning. En ektefelle kan også kreve opplysninger av selskaper, foretak eller andre institusjoner som driver finansieringsvirksomhet eller forsikringsvirksomhet, og av andre som har midler til forvaltning.

I recommend that (Your sister) return to China to settle her financial affairs and the situation regarding her son. She is suffering here in Norway. She is not happy with me.

What is most important?

Your sister’s happiness, psychological and physical health or your financial problems?

I will pay for her round trip flight. It is difficult to give advice about financial affairs in China particularly when things are kept secret. I believe she should consider selling her apartment and buying a cheaper one that she can afford. Her son is an enormous psychological burden for (Your sister). She should return to China and help him find a job or get him in some sort of school.

While in China (Your sister) needs to carefully consider if she really wants to continue to be married with me.  If the marriage is to continue we can apply for a new visa. (The door is closed – but not locked.)

(Your sister) has studied Norwegian for nearly 2 years. She is an attractive woman.  If the marriage is not to continue she has the possibility divorcing me and finding a new man in Norway. She is familiar with Norwegian culture and writes and speaks enough Norwegian to go on a Norwegian dating site.

She should be able to find a kinder and more generous man than I.

Richard Norton


Jeg fikk kjennskap om at min kone hadde vært i kontakt med krise- og insestsenteret i Follo. 15.04.13 sendte jeg følgende brev til hennes bror:


I will NOT apply for a renewed family reunification visa.

I will pay for your sisters return flight to China.

I will continue paying her 4000 for a time.

I will compensate her for loss of income from her present job.

I will pay for the return of her property to china.

If she moves away from this address to the Office for the Protection of Women and Children or anywhere else, I will immediately inform the police and Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

I will stop giving her 4000 and she will need to pay her own return to China and the cost of living here in Norway.

I will immediately file for a divorce. I will do everything in my power to prevent her from getting such a visa approved! I will send documentation about her exploitation of me. This documentation will be on permanent record with the police and Norwegian Directorate of Immigration. Such documentation and conflicts registered with the police and Norwegian Directorate of Immigration is not a good thing.

Your sister has devoted much time and effort learning Norwegian. She should accept my offer and return to China. She is an attractive woman with many good qualities and can easily find a new man from Norway. I will help her if she wants. She should try to keep me as a friend not an enemy.



Like etter fikk jeg ytterligere opplysninger fra kilder i Kina. Jeg sendte følgende til (redacted):


My sources in China warn me that Jing is contriving with her brother about false sexual abuse allegations. I would like you to write a note about the letter she burnt in your woodstove. Such a note may be valuable if the police are involved. Can you remember if there was any mention of sexual abuse?  She is now writing a new such letter and getting advice from her brother.



16.04.13 gikk jeg til politiet og hadde samtale om saken. Politiet skrev et notat. Deretter gikk jeg til advokat for å få råd om separasjon og skilsmisse.


17.04.13 Jeg skrev følgende til min kones bror:

Your sister just lost a lot of money! Somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000! I had previously said I would continue giving her 4000 a month. My intention was to continue giving her 4000 until August. April to august is 5 months = 20,000. I had also previously said I would compensate for the money she gets from the kindergarten. I am no longer willing to do this! That money is now reserved for lawyers and courts.

Your sister is fabricating a secret complaint about me and the living conditions here. Included, in this secret complaint, are what appear to be false allegations regarding sexual abuse! She is writing the complaint on a paper. My lawyer and I believe this is a complaint to the police. Her brother seems to be cooperating and encouraging this incredibly foolish stupid behaviour.

I certainly have, without success, pressured my wife to seek professional help with our sexual problems. I have NEVER EVER abused her sexually! Possibly she is sexually abused by someone else?

I want you to pay special attention to the following paragraph. Get it translated properly by a person with a good understanding of English.

According to my sources my wife actually wants to leave Norway and get a divorce! She is depressed and unhappy here. She is not satisfied with our marriage. She is not satisfied with the living conditions. It is her younger brother who insisted that she remain in Norway so that she can pay his debts! She occasionally takes initiative to sex but I get the impression she finds sex with me repulsive. Is her brother asking his sister to remain in an unsatisfactory relationship which includes sex with someone she finds repulsive to pay his debts?! That is sexual abuse! Sexual abuse by proxy. What a vile, nasty, and unforgivable thing to do.

Sexual abuse is a serious crime in Norway. False complaints are also a serious crime. Yesterday morning I went to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration UDI. I told them that I would not renew my wife’s visa. I told them about the problems we have been having since August 2012*. About my wife’s reluctance to meetings with the family counselling office. I told them that after my wife learned I would not renew her visa there are indications she is planning to complain about sexual abuse. The UDI noted our names and ID numbers. I was told to talk to the police. I had a long talk with the police. The police wrote a short report about this.

* Several events occurred during August and September that seriously damaged my trust in my wife. One event regards a letter written by my wife in Chinese containing a statement which could be interpreted such that she was planning to divorce as soon as she got a permanent residence permit. In order to get an accurate interpretation of the letter, part of it was posted in Hongkong under the heading “Is my wife planning to leave me when she gets a permanent residence permit?”: http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/marriage-relationships/threads/148458.asp

This is away from the Chinese community in Norway. It was posted using the pseudo name “Badnews” to protect my wife.

Do you think this is in your sister’s favour? Your sister has been in Norway for almost 2 years. Your sister attends Norwegian language class 4 days a week. Your sister has struggled very hard to learn Norwegian. Your sister has invested 2 years struggling. Your sister is competent enough in Norwegian to find a new man in Norway if she wants.

The police report and my conversations with UDI are probably now on permanent record. This alone is not enough to have any negative impact on a future visa application. Many people have some trouble in a divorce situation. But your sister, her brother and whoever is advising my wife here in Norway are playing with fire! Her brother and whoever is advising my wife here in Norway have now caused her to lose between 20,000 and 30,000! I clearly stated in a meeting with the family counselling office 21.11.12, with a Chinese interpreter that any false claims to the police or any other authorities will result in an immediate counter complaint. This sort of trouble is on permanent record with the police and UDI is definitely not helpful to your sister!

Someone in Norway is giving my wife very bad advice. This person is either stupid or ill-informed. I would strongly advise this person to contact me before you cause more trouble for my wife.

My wife’s brother wants her to remain in Norway so she can send him money to pay his debts. I understand that my wife’s brother borrowed 30,000 from a woman Joey祖儿 in January. The money was not paid back so now WE must pay! Did you notice I wrote “WE must pay”. I did not write “my wife must pay”. WE, WE, WE. It is not HER money it is OUR money! We are married and the money is by Norwegian law OUR money! Why! Because my wife followed the advice of some idiots that advised her not to sign the agreement about the division of property.  Just in 2012 my wife has sent 130,000 of our money to China! I give her 4,000 a month = 48,000. 40,000 for selling cats. Gave my wife 20,000 to pay debts. Around 20,000 from NAV. And someone has the audacity to say I am stingy!!

My income is about 20,000 a month or 240.000 per year. More than half my income sent to China! In addition I pay all costs of living here in Norway! Me stingy! I will show you stingy!

If my wife insists on staying in Norway I will discuss with my lawyer legal means of preventing more of OUR money getting exported to China.

I want my wife to return to China as soon as possible. I do not want someone running loose in Norway contriving behind my back and writing secret complaints. My wife is now a “loose cannon” here in Norway. Think of a large sailing ship with many heavy cannons in a storm. A loose cannon is something that can make you nervous. My wife is now desperate and I can understand that. My wife and particularly those who are advising her need to understand that my wife has no advantage in having me as an enemy.

Richard Norton


Min kone og jeg snakket sammen med NN-01 som fungert som tolk. Jeg fortalte at jeg kjente til henne og broens planer om å fabrikkere påstander om mishandling, at jeg hadde snakket med politiet og UDI om dette og at jeg ville skilles. Jeg fortalte at jeg kjente til at det også var en person i Norge som ga henne råd. Jeg ba henne om å fortelle denne personen at vedkommende måtte ta kontakt med meg. Min kone benektet at hun hadde planer om å gå til krisesenteret.

Den 18.04.13 oppdaget (min kone) at ei kinesisk venninne skulle reise hjem til Kina den 04.05.15. Min kone ba meg kjøpe flybillett også til henne på denne datoen. Da kjøpte jeg en tur-retur billett til kr. 7446,00. Søknad om separasjon ble undertegnet på advokatkontoret 19.04.13.


22.04.13 sendte jeg følgende brev til min kones bror og søster:


As you know your sister is leaving Norway 04.05.2013 and returning to China.

This is less than 2 weeks from now. I have paid for her flight.

It is my hope that these last 2 weeks pass without problems, conflicts, secret contriving, secret accusations or slander.

If all goes well I will continue sending her money after she returns to China. How much and for how long is partially dependent on how these weeks pass.

2 weeks can be a very long time. 2 weeks can be a short time.

Someone has been giving your sister very bad advice. This bad advice has increased the conflict level.

Your sister may need to cooperate with me regarding the divorce, Norwegian tax, The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) etc. She has absolutely nothing to gain financially or otherwise by an increased conflict level. 


Richard Norton


Den 25.04.13 har (min kone) flyttet til Krise- og incestsenteret I Follo. Dessverre har noen gitt min kone råd om å flykte til krisesenteret hvor hun skulle rette falske beskyldninger mot meg om mishandling og søke etter midlertidig oppholdstillatelse etter §53b.


Jeg har tidligere nevnt Yujuan (redacted) som vi hadde veldige mye kontakt med. Hun var gift med (redacted xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Hennes personnummer er (redacted). Hun og sønnen kom på familiegjenforening i mars 2011.

Yujuan klaget over mannen sin sommer 2012. I denne forbindelse hadde hun et nært forhold til Martha Tsai Chan som er lærer for den obligatoriske samfunnskunnskap for kinesiske innvandrere. Jeg diskuterte saken ofte med Yujuan og Martha Tsai Chan.

Yujuan klaget over følgende:

1.     Mannen tok ut penger fra en bankkonto han hadde opprettet for henne.

2.     Han klaget over matlukt.

3.     I følge henne ønsket han ikke at hun skulle ha kontakt med andre.

4.     Han ville ikke hente henne etter massasjearbeid i Oslo sentrum.

5.     Han var imot at hun gikk med på en 6 måneders arbeidskontrakt. Kontrakten gjaldt massasje. Hvis jeg ikke husker feil så var arbeidstiden frem til kl. 21:00 på kvelden i Oslo. Hun var forpliktet til å møte på arbeid, og hun fikk kun betalt hvis hun hadde kunder. Hun fikk ingen av de rettigheter som er vanlig i norsk arbeidsliv.

(redacted)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx krangel mellom sønnen og stefaren xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Stefaren mente at ettersom sønnen hadde begynt å tjene penger burde han hjelpe moren sin økonomisk og bidra med å betale for internett o.l.

Jeg spurte Yujuan om han hadde noen gang vært voldelig, truende eller tvang henne til sex. Dette benektet hun. Jeg mente at ikke noe av dette kvalifiserte til oppholdstillatelse etter §53b. Jeg foreslo at hun forsøkte å få hjelp fra familievernkontoret. Jeg kunne også prøve å snakke med mannen hennes om hun ønsket.

Martha Tsai Chan rådet henne til å flytte til krisesenteret. Jeg diskuterte saken flere ganger med Martha. Jeg mente at ettersom de var gift har han anledning til å ta ut penger fra hennes konto, med mindre de har laget en ektepakt angående særeie. Jeg sa også at jeg ikke ville tolerere at min kone inngikk noen ulovlig slavekontrakt. Jeg nevnte også at det skjedde nesten daglig overfalsvoldtekter i denne delen av Oslo. Jeg ville heller ikke likt å komme hjem fra jobben i 16-17-tiden for å slappe av og så måtte kjøre til Oslo å hente min kone kl. 21:00. Jeg mente det burde vært mulig å snakke fornuft med ham. Martha sa «He is a bad man!». Etter hvert var hverken Martha eller Yujuan interessert i å diskutere saken med meg.

Med bistand fra Martha, flyttet Yujuan med sønnen, til krisesenteret i juli eller august 2012. Jeg har nylig vært i kontakt med hennes mann. Han forteller at han fikk et brev fra politiet som informerte om at hennes anmeldelse mot ham var henlagt. Han fortalte videre at hun kom hjem til han tidlige i mars 2013 (like før hennes visum gikk ut) og forsøkte å gjenoppta ekteskapet igjen, noe han ikke ville være med på. Hun påsto hun hadde fått et dårlig råd. (Det er Martha som ga henne råd.) Han ville ikke henne noe vondt, men var ikke interessert i å fortsette videre i et slags skinnekteskap.

Når de hendelser med min kone og Martha som er beskrevet i mitt skriv til Utlendingsdirektoratet «Ang. Min kone (redacted) F. nr. (redacted), DUFNR (redacted)» datert 06.05.13 oppsto, forsto jeg tegningen pga. det som skjedde med Yujuan. Jeg skulle være nestemann! Derfor begynte jeg å overføre penger til min kone via banken. Jeg fortalt min kone i møtet med familievernkontoret at jeg hadde mistanke om at hun ville prøve å gjøre det samme som Yujuan.

Avslutningsvis ønsker jeg å nevne at legeundersøkelse i juni 2012 avdekket at min kone har (redacted). Se vedlagt legeattest. Min kone hadde vært kjent med (redacted) men aldri informert meg om dette!



Richard Norton



Journalnotat, sak nr. 251691: (Norton, Richard (Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo, totalt 7 sider)

Noen kommentar til vedlagt Journalnotater fra Familievernkontoret i Follo

Bankutskrifter fra 31.10.12, 30.11.12, 31.12.12, 31.01.13, 31.03.13 og 31.12.11

Endreskjema, Ås kommunale voksenopplæringssenter fra 12.30.13 tilbakedatert til 05.03.13.

Legeattest vedrørende (redacted) datert 08.06.12

Mitt skriv til Utlendingsdirektoratet «Ang. Min kone (redacted)F. nr. (redacted), DUFNR (redacted)» datert 06.05.13