
After I published the video of another woman and me on a motor bike and in a caffe, Sherri doesn’t seen to have anything nice to say about me. I'm sure my demanding that she honor the written guarantee and pay Martha back the $500 and my criticism of her calling her a "crazy bitch" have rubbed salt in her wounds. Now I’m a just a stinking skumbag cat abusing, child abusing, drug abusing, scammer suffering from OCD that needs to get a life.

Let’s look at some of her flattering comments after she return from Norway and before the publishing of the video of me and a woman in a caffe.

Excerpts from the Skype chat log.

I started copying flattering text from the Skype chat log. I quickly ran into a problem. This document is 43 pages long and over 16000 words. This document is full of flattering remarks like "...just obseesed with you and your kitties.", "thanks sweetie, talk to you later xoxo", "hope you have a great day xoxox", "Hey sexy man!!!" and how she can’t wait to see my latest video. I have highlighted some of the flattering remarks. You will just need to toil through this document and see for yourself.
Sherri now claims I paid for micro chipping, vaccine, veterinary certificates and an airline ticket to ship these kittens to Canada for free as a gift to her! I have highlighted many entries in the chat log that clearly indicate that these kittens were to be sold and the profit shared! Sherri's sister in law, Rebecca Heslop who is a breeder and member of The Canadian Cat Association, The International Cat Association, The International Bengal Cat Society, The Bengal Cat Connection and member of the KoolKatsClub is now claiming she had nothing to do with these kittens. Entries in the chat log clearly indicating she was in possession of two of the stolen kittens, paid for advertisements to sell them and would receive a share of the profit if they were sold by a third person (Barbara Smillie) are highlighted.

Comments on videos durring and after Sherri's return from Norway and before the publishing of the video of me and a woman in a caffe.

Sherri made comments on videos using the alias “mulelover”

Video title “Agatha's Kittens Dansing and Desdemona” 24 February 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he04ZLSXGP4

Oh mulelover! I'm so jealous! You got to meet Richard and all the kitties!

mulelover “I am very lucky! The kitties are amazing, every day I have a new favorite!”'

I'd like to pay Mr. Norton a visit someday.

mulelover “You should do it! Norway is beautiful and Richard is very sweet.”

Video title ”Qazpian plays hard to get with Sherri” 25 February 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivILVogVwXM

mulelover “Richard was building a special cat condo with 4 appartments all day today. The doors are going to be computer controled and all sorts of other features only our genius Richard could think of. I am still here in Norway distracting him! I am taking as many cats that will fit in my suitcase! Kidding, maybe 3 kittens now.”

Video title “At the Vet!”

Mulelover “My brother bought both Fandango and Desdemona for his daughter. I am considering getting a few more kittens from Richard to sell for him.”

Video title “David & I Road on 63 between Geiranger and Lom.” 11 March 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA6hp6pQ4XE

Mulelover “Wow so lovely, can you take me there next time I come?

Video title “Thats A Wire! 12 March 2008” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7w85uWN4EI

Mulelover “WOW, they have grown so much since I left! You can tell they are all boys. They are all so handsome. I want them all. Busty looks so beautiful. Didn't see Doriz, was she outside? I love the additude ajuster spray! Works well.”

Mulelover “maynya--Richard isn't mad, he uses a loud voice and the watergun to stop them from chewing on wires. He is making sure that no harm will come to them by training them this way.”

Video title “David and I in Rostock Germany 2007 15 March 2008” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF9RbhFk5xw

Mulelover “David is lucky to have seen so many beautiful and amazing places. So many awesome builds with cool details. You could spend hours just walking around looking at stuff in awe. The restaurant where you ate at the end looked really nice, food looked yummy. You go on the best vacations and find so many interesting things to see. Thanks for sharing it all.”

Video title “Bessy's Kittens Ginger & Gustav Tuna On The Rock 16 March 2008” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByrmtqeG2jA

mulelover “Ginger talking with a mouthfull is so funny and cute. They're lovin' their tuna treat. Q is looking handsome as always. Bessy's eyes were glowing green. She is such a lovely girl. Gustav is a shy little guy, love his markings. Miss them all, wish Norway wasn't so far away.

Video title “Brigit gives birth to 4 kittens 19.03.08 21 March 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20QiUduiwmw

mulelover “My vote is for the name Hannah if there is a girl. Hector for a boy :)
Wish she could have had them when I was there. She was so huge then, bet she looked funny waddling around the house.” (Note: after I published the video of another woman and asked about my share, Sherri  claimes all my cats are kept in small cages.)

mulelover “So true terrijane, I know I look forward to the news from the Norton house.”

Video title “Ernest, Eros, Eric & Einstein eating hot chicken. 23 March 2008” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23P-0GozbD0

mulelover “Very handsome boys, kisses to them and you.

Brigit's kittens 13.04.2008” 13 April 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry7_Q7iY4yY

mulelover “I love the sissy boy one, with his chubby belly. CUTE!!! That marble one sure is loud, must be a girlie!

mulelover “Just got home and had to have another look at the babies! They are all so sweet, kisses to them all.

Joker & The Wheel” 15 April 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAud6cJPM5s

JJ is looking handsome, nice to see him again.

Video title “MC ride to Roald Amundsen's house.” 19 April 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ3RL6PhSw8

mulelover “Those round abouts still freak me out! Looks like a long trip, hope it wasn't too cold. Looks like a nice place io live right on the water. Too bad he wasn't home.”

mortzara Roald amundsen disappeared in 1928 in a rescue mission looking for italian airship explorer Nobile and his lost crew. Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach both the North- and South pole. No wonder he was not at home ;-)
RichardNorton And all this time I thought he was avoiding me!

mulelover “Richard you a such a trickster! I thought you were talking about your friend that smokes alot!!!”

Video title “Bessy and I having a private conversation.” Thu 24 Apr 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs9krRdD4l0

mulelover “It is nice to see you in a video, been a while. Love that chatty Bessy, even if she is a messy basket case!

mulelover “du er en meget pen mann (Norwegian = You are a very good looking man.)
god se-- was what I was trying to say not"pen"!! darn translator

Video title “Agatha's Kittens born 07.05.2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnJkW-9Q5Ms

mulelover “That must have been so terrible waking up to that. Maybe one of the other girls should take over for Squeeze. She looked like she was doing such a good job. It is really sad, he looked so much like Dansing.
Rebecca's female Bengal killed both litters she had and she just stopped breeding her. SAD and awful. Sending hugs to you.