Here are some of the channels that the Canadian woman and her sister in law are responsible for, most of which are suspended:
bambiogen [closed]
Bengalabuse [banned]
byebluebirdbye [closed]
crazyoldvenniey [banned]
CRAZYvenniey [banned]
DarrylfromCanada [bro] [active]
DracoGerm [new] [closed]
DracoNotaGem [closed]
EclipsetheHarasser [closed]
EclipseWebBS [closed]
electricworries [SIL?] [closed]
fun4seeker [closed]
KoolKatzClub [active]
Leahg33 [friend] [active]
meggie1959 [closed]
Melanie3332313135249 [hack] [banned]
mulelover [first] [banned]
muleloversherri [closed]
NewJerseylowlife [closed]
nolifenorton [closed]
NorwegianripOff [SIL] [closed]
pennymusicMAma [rec] [active]
pretendunomeidiot [closed]
Richardgiveitup [closed]
RichardHectorNorton [banned]
RichardNortonn [banned]
richardnorton3 [banned]
RichardNortonRidanos [banned]
RichardtheABUSER [banned]
RidanosBengalAbuse [banned]
RidanosBengalsNorway [closed]
Ridanoscatabuse [banned]
RidanosLies [closed]
RNtheidiot [banned]
SherriandDansing [closed]
Sherrinewchannel [closed]
sherrischannel [banned]
sherrispage [closed]
smurfette2234 [friend] [active]
SnortinNortons [banned]
snowmandansing [closed]
Solveigthehoe [SΔ] [banned]
theliesaregone [banned]
TimesDone4RNorton [active]
TimLearyfan [banned]
tons4fun [closed]
try2bniceppl [friend] [banned]
viagrahelpme [banned]
uneed2getagrip [closed]
venniesacidlounge [banned]
venniethecougar [banned]
vennieyancy [banned]
zallycats [banned]
zallycatzbengals [SIL] [closed]