I received a private message on YouTube from the Canadian woman that if I did not shut up about the sale of the kitten Eros and harassing her about the wherebouts of the other 3 kittens she would “make Solveig her next project”. Solveig was an autistic woman. She was born 18. February 1943 in Nazi occupied Norway. Her mother was Norwegian her father was a German soldier. She was part of the lebensborn program which you can read about on Wikipedia. At the end of the war these children and their mothers were not treated well. The mothers were subjected to abuse such a shaving their heads, internment and received official diagnosis such as “retarded”, “mentally underdeveloped” etc. these children were not wanted. Many, like Solveig, wound up in institutions for the retarded. At the institution Solveig was subjected to conditions so horrific that most people lack the necessary experience to comprehend. Conditions including physical abuse, malnutrition electroshock experiments, experiments with so called medicine in combination and in enormous dose.
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1971. Solveig spent a large portion of her life strapped to a bed to prevent her from hitting herself. | |||
I started working with Solveig in 1972. I worked professional with Solveig for many years. Solveig died 11 Desember 2007. You can learn more about my work with Solveig in the (more info) link on this video: “Solveig Margrethe Møskedal begravelse del -1-”(Solveig’s funeral part –1-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qp2PvSYktI |
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On my video Solveigs Begravelse del -3- (Solveig’s funeral part –3-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nll0f5NjZdI you will find the following comment by Solveigthehoe Aka the Canadian woman: “Lets dig her up so Richard can fuck her one last time.” Here are more comments the Canadian woman has made on diverse YouTube channels and videos. You will find many of these comments on my YouTube channel page from about 4 months ago. Solveigthehoe SnortinNortons SnortinNortons richardnorton3 Solveigthehoe SnortinNortons Solveigthehoe Solveigthehoe Solveigthehoe SnortinNortons (4 months ago) SEX AND DRUG AND YOU TUBE....what more could I guy need!!! Solveigthehoe (4 months ago) I know how you use to love to turn my ass out Richard. Solveigthehoe (4 months ago) Unblock User | Spam Marked as spam I
T W I N K I E Solveigthehoe (4 months ago) You know I like the rough stuff Richard, I am waiting....
Solveigthehoe (4 months ago) Unblock User | Spam Marked as spam S O L V E I G
Solveigthehoe (4 months ago) I hear you like whores Richard. Well I am and I know you are having wet dreams right now.
SnortinNortons (4 months ago) That Solveig was one hot piece when she was young. She loved the powder as much as me. It got to be too much money though so I made her quit when I knocked her up. Sherrinewchannel wrote: "You are involving yourself in something you know nothing about. Bad move, your ignorance will get you into trouble." RidanosLies (3 months ago) Spam Marked as spam You know you want it! Thats what is pathetic and disgusting! RidanosLies (3 months ago) Spam Marked as spam There is a fine line between obsession and stalking. If you want to suck Richard Nortons cock so bad then just come right out and tell him. Hinting for a plane ticket will get you no where!! Who knows you may even get a free kitten out of it, if your good.
sherrispage SnortinNortons SnortinNortons SnortinNortons (4 months ago) Jeez Solveig really was a whore!
These comments and info about Solveig are archived on the YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/apparentlyido More about Solveig's life and my work with her can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/TheApron Another of the Canadian woman’s strategy's is to create YouTube accounts in my name RichardHectorNorton, richardnorton3, or with names similar to mine RichardNortonn, RichardNortonRidanos, RidanosBengalsNorway. These accounts are used to send threatening or vile messages to persons on YouTube. Examples: RichardNorton3 <http://www.youtube.com/user/RichardNorton3> has posted a comment on your profile.
Denise I want to fuck your ass good...you know you want it.
RichardNorton3 <http://www.youtube.com/user/RichardNorton3> has posted a comment on your profile.
RichardNorton3 <http://www.youtube.com/user/RichardNorton3> has posted a comment on your profile.
ContrastY I want your ass. Come on you've been kissing mine for months now it's your turn. BEND OVER BITCH!!
RichardNorton3 <http://www.youtube.com/user/RichardNorton3> has made a comment on Who is Who in the Canadian Cat Theft? <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO967YEt-xk&feature=email> :
Sherri has lots of money in the bank, thanks to a certain gift. GLOATING is fun!!!!
RichardNorton3 <http://www.youtube.com/user/RichardNorton3> has posted a comment on your profile.
I gave Sherri kittens to come back to Norway. She moved on and so did I. I can't expect anything back for the gift I gave her. No sense blabbing about nonsense now. So lets do some FUCKING, come on ContrastY you know you want it.
PM from richardnorton3 about anal sex or “I want to shoot a big load between your tits.”
RidanosBengalAbuse (4 months ago) Beware of this breeder. His cattery is disgusting. Many complaints have been made.
Another strategy is to act like I made some reference to the sister in laws daughter when that is not true. I strongly believe that this is an adult problem and I have consistently refused reply to the 16 year old daughter. She is blocked from commenting on my videos or channel. Below is an attempt to involve and exploit a child. DarrylfromCanada (4 months ago) Richard are you nuts? What the hell are you posting about my daughter? You are reported and you are sick, worry about your own kid, remember David? No? Well we totally support Zoey and the fact that she has stuck up for our family, you could only wish for the same. As in our pm and the posts that you have deleted--we have a lawyer and we have a case, money well spent! zallycatzbengals (4 months ago) Umm he deserves anything he gets--he has badmouthed myself, my daughter and my family for no reason--we will not sit back and let this happen--unfortunately for RN we have more than 66c and can afford a lawyer for this junk--he has bad mouthed my myself, my daughter and Darryl enough--keep it up girls and boys because all the screens just add fuel to the fire--thanks!
Re: Re: obscene message from (the Canadian woman) Hi Richard,
////// under construction \\\\\\\ Also accounts have been made in the names of my friends for example vennieyancy, venniesacidlounge, venniethecougar, crazyoldvenniey, CRAZYvenniey, DracoGerm, DracoNotaGem, EclipsetheHarasser, EclipseWebBS, NewJerseylowlife.